... and all the fuel consumed to get the stuff into the stratosphere/space? Oh, I see, Elon is going to invent electric rockets that don’t consume, but produce, energy.

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elon is the biggest shill of all. How can anyone think that he is good for us when he is cloaking the word in 5G and working to make transhumans... All this crap with twitter is ridiculous too, I made an account a few months ago and have already been permanently banned even though I barely used it. dont trust anyone who is (in)famous

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That there are, at this moment, taxpayer-funded Experts actually spending public money tinkering with this idea is frightening. Perhaps the $$$ could be better spent devising a plan to reduce the population of Experts by 99%.

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I wonder how much sun could be blocked by launching all the experts and oligarchs into the upper atmosphere?

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Let's find out!

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I wonder if all the "carbon" emitted by the airplanes/rockets/etc. would cancel out all the expected benefits of throwing all this dirt off-planet.

Actually, this latest piece of utter nonsense has nothing to do with "Klimate Change". The great grifters are simply getting ahead of the fact that large portions of our population are about to get slapped in the face by Mr. Cold Weather in the middle of winter bringing about a harsh and brutal realization of the fact that the giant windmills are nothing but cash-flow generators for the favored few and really don't have anything to do with saving the planet. The response from Government will be presented as "the windmills are not enough and we need to do more!!!"

This latest scheme is patently absurd, but they know that to those whose attention spans are limited to a few seconds at a tiktok time and who have been taught that the sum of 2 + 2 is racially dependent will say "cool" and holler up the basement stairs to have their mommies turn up the thermostat and send down another box of pop-tarts.

Our political oligarchs are merely presenting yet another bag of hammered dogshit couched in the usual dire terms, but if given enough money, is an eminently solvable emergency. Pretty soon, we will see the usual bills sail thru Congress with titles like Saving our Critical Really Energetic Walrus's Environmental Mustaches (SCREWEM) that will authorize many billions for "research" on how to solve this latest "Emergency". This is simply the laying of the groundwork necessary for stripping more money from us taxpayers to give to the likes of Nancy "Good Hair" Pelosi, Billy the G, Killary Klinton, and the Solyndra people. All in the name of increasing the volume/pressure of the Fire Hose Uv Klimate Emergency Money (FHUKEM) and to provide further justification for locking us in our homes so we can Equitably Experience Authentic Lives via PravdaBook.

You watch how soon and how fast the rivers of government grant $$$ will start to flow to University Research Departments and the myriad of "Start-ups" that will magically appear (staffed by friends of Barak, Billy the G, and Killary) with proposed solutions that all their "Models" prove will work but just need a few Billions to flesh out.

It is wearying.

When it comes to Government, always ask, Qui Bono. You can be sure it will be neither you nor I.

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As a former National Review writer (who shall remain nameless, since he is now dead to me...) once posited: “airborne-laser volcano-lancing”! Get them suckers to erupt when we want ‘em to and violá, plenty of volcanic ash, dust, SO2, etc.! Disregard uncontrollability, the Experts will figure something out; nuke-lar winter, pyroclastic flow (of particular concern for local residents...); among other unintended consequences.

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Or we could just move underground.

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I always laughed at the idea of blocking the suns rays with particulates because I figured the cost would be insane if it were even technologically possible. And now I know.

I think it might be more cost effective to lock up these crazy f#cks so we don't have to deal with them ever again.

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I never thought clowns were funny.

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1990s: The psychotic billionaire wanting to blot out the sun is the bad guy

2020s: The psychotic billionaires wanting to blot out the sun have people begging them for their 10th flu gene-therapy shot this year

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It would be simpler to just blast the Earth out of its orbit. Just blast us a few million miles further from the sun. As long as you make sure to put the nukes in 'flyover' country this is basically a free solution.

Hell, just cause nuclear winter. Nuke Russia once every ten of fifteen years and voila no global warming. You could even alternate with nuking other countries who are not compliant with the international rules based order, after all they broke the rules they deserve it.

While some people like sunlight, I think it is clear that more diverse people especially the PB&J(Pedophile Beastiphile & Justifiers) community prefers darkness.

Do you ever suppose that they are deliberately trolling us? I mean all of their ideas either come from Mr Burns or Sauron, there has to be a little self awareness yeah?

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FU... You had me thinking about the reason I worry about purposefully injecting pollution into the sky. How to manage the chaos that is weather. How to keep the pollution in the right place. How much extra we have to put up there to try and keep the balance and then wondering when the money flow from this is going to make even more necessary.

Then you throw JEDI is my face..

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The good news is that by doing nothing they can block up 20 (or any number you choose) percent of the sun's energy (heat) from getting to earth.

There was a commercial for some shampoo that always made me yell at the tv (years ago when I sometimes actually would watch the idiot box). The claim was that for some characteristic, that anyone sensible would not care about, their product was up to twice as good as their competitors.

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King Canute: We need leaders with the self-awareness of King Canute. The story of the king commanding the tides to turn was not an illustration of his arrogance. He did this to demonstrate to his toady sycophants that not even he, the powerful and magnificent king they adored, could have an effect on natural processes. King Canute's tide and Michael Mann's climate are two peas in a pod.

Unintended consequences: Is it not simply certain that these fools will cause something really, really bad to happen with their virtue signalling?

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Blocking the sun is ridiculous, . People are more sick because they dont have sun exposure. Plants don´t grow. Everything dies. Gaia regulates itself, but it regulates itself without any particular species as dominant

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Coal-fired power plants, like the one I work at, were mandated to build scrubbers to remove SO2 from their emissions under the direction of experts who claimed it was causing acid rain ( remember that doom?) And now the experts say they want to pump all that SO2 back into the atmosphere to block out the sun. Here’s an idea. Why not just start reopening the recently closed coal plants, sans scrubbers?

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Graphene Rain, Scientist Sounds Alarm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zm261O9BRB0

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