Last month I was planning flight Edmonton to Poland and when you get to booking the flight - at least the euro leg of the flight showed the carbon "cost" alongside the dollar cost. There was no consequence related to it but shows as "info". Get ready.

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So glad I don't fly.

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Please note: in order to have those spiffy "green" electric cars, the process must be done, that is the process of digging huge holes in the ground to extract "rare-earth" minerals, + huge amounts of energy to refine these elements, and then manufacture the batteries + electronics that run the whole thing and then said batteries have a finite useful life, so after that, the batteries must either be dumped in a land fill, or recycled by an expensive & energy intensive process. And all this for a vehicle that goes 300 miles before charging & then takes 12 hours to charge up between uses. We need a VERY serious reality check here!

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I read an article earlier suggesting the next government-induced financial crash will be due to EV finance. Eager to please their masters, the banks have loaned billions so people can buy new EVs but based on the assumption that, like ICE vehicles, EVs will have a re-sale value. Except they do not. There is no used EV market and your $100k EV is nearly worthless in under 5 years. This black hole is just starting to open up, as the first generation of EVs reach that point. This is reflected in the falling stock prices of financial firms heavily exposed to vehicle finance. This will be ‘fixed’ by government bailout, using printed money to ‘fix’ the problem they caused, which we will all pay for with inflation.

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Not to mention the child labor digging this shit up.

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Not to mention all the elements going into EV batteries and permanent magnets are identified by our government as in “critical” short supply. The already expensive EV’s cost is never going down.

On a side note, I have to chuckle, the theft of accessible charger cables in blue cities is on the rise for the copper.... which doesn’t yield much of a windfall for the thief, but costs the charger owner handsomely to repair the damaged charger... the thief having used a bolt cutter to extricate the cable from the charger.


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Dec 17, 2023
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lol. Not for someone like me. I am guessing recycle centers buy it. When I was a kid, I collected aluminum cans to recycle for money. After a few heaping garbage bags full, I had my mother drive me down to get them weighed, and the center would hand me over a couple of bucks. I was happy.

I was alerted to this form of theft from the fact I own a home in Seattle, and subscribe to the Nextdoor app, and people were actually posting videos of these thieves. One thing about Seattle, small crime is an institution owing to the fact there no punishment. Anything not nailed of any value will walk away. You have to collect your Amazon deliveries ASAP because the porch pirates, as they refer to them will arrive shortly after to collect the delivery for you. It’s total lawlessness up there because they don’t prosecute small crime. These aren’t necessarily the homeless committing these acts either. Many look middle class.

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Hello William. Nice piece. It reminded me of this: Back in 1990, when I and a group of colleagues delved into the inaugural IPCC assessment on climate, the atmosphere was charged with anticipation. However, what we found was less a scientific revelation and more a source of frustration for my mathematics mentor. I vividly remember the thud of the document hitting my desk, accompanied by his emphatic declaration that it was nothing short of a piece of SH!T. It was an insult to mathematical modelers and scientists everywhere. He insisted we read the document and highlight errors. Charged with a sense of duty, we embarked on the task of scrutinizing the report directed to expose its mathematical and scientific flaws. We didn’t know that this endeavor would prove to be more than just an intellectual exercise; it was a journey into the depths of sloppiness and oversight. The first offenses I uncovered were an equation that dared to divide by zero. It was a glaring oversight that immediately cast doubt on the entire document. The variables in the denominator, tethered to their ranges, ventured into the zero territory. And then there was the impudent borrowing from electrical engineering – the theft of Bode Amplification. This method was employed as a tool to "amplify" a particular effect. The details escape me now, but what lingered was the distinct impression that this method had been cherry-picked, a means to an end that conveniently delivered the desired results. In the end, my mentor's scathing assessment of the report as a POS seemed not only justified but perhaps not harsh enough. The document, touted as a cornerstone of climate assessment, crumbled under the weight of its own flaws.

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Everything about "climate change" seems psyoppy now I have to admit, however, when I was first alerted to the seeming danger in 2009 and knew zero of psyops it all made sense - if CO2 has a significant impact on warming at a trace level then if we pump gigatonnes into the atmosphere it will probably cause problems. Assuming that CO2 does have a significant impact on warming at a trace level it does seem to make sense but perhaps it doesn't have such a significant impact? or even if it "makes sense" the increase in CO2 isn't necessarily cause for great alarm. I will have to go back and research. Now that I know how fraudulent medical science I guess there could be a whole lot of fraud going on with climate science that I somehow missed. I mean I know about the climategate emails but they seemed a beatup ... maybe that was just my bias.

The thing is I'd like to know what impact geo/climate engineering is having. The climate scientists seem to ignore that. It's interesting that climate engineering is a recognised activity but when you use the word chemtrail you get labelled a conspiracy theorist. I wonder where the term chemtrail came from? You don't think they might have pushed it out to the disbelieving types for them to use instead of climate engineering in order to discredit them, do you?

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"climate change" takes a very serious problem—the destruction of natural habitats by humanity—and reduces it to a single variable, carbon, which practically begs states to impose draconian measures to decrease the quality of life in the west (obviously without addressing the real issue of Asia and the Global South). It's an obvious con on par with equating something as complex as the health of a nation and reducing it to "COVID cases" or "available ventilators."

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Let them then start w the chemical companies and the aviation industries to start. It's the military/industrial complex doing most of the damage not ordinary citizens.

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Assuming carbon does have some impact there may be similarities but they're not quite the same thing because covid is a complete fraud from start to finish. There is no distinct illness, covid.

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I used to be a big believer in the greenhouse gas model of warming, then as I learned over the years how corrupt the industry of science was I questioned climate science more and it started to unravel a bit.

I still think the earth is getting warmer and that it's because of human activity, but I don't think greenhouse gases are the primary culprit. It's a deflection though for capitalist industry and endless growth.

What I think is actually causing the bulk of the warming is actual heat. Like heat accumulation from the sun hitting the ground directly and absorbing into concrete that radiates out heat for hours after the sun goes down. Additionally the loss of tree canopies, desertification of soil, the straightening and damming of waterways, the way energy is produced and used in engines, the expanse of cities and suburbs, computers, and other heat generating tech all creates thermal waste close to the surface that feeds into jet streams and water.


If you point to that kind of stuff causing heating it means really changing how we live and relate to each other and the environment, but focusing on carbon allows for the game to continue with capitalist solutions that also happen to make the tptb more powerful. This is how the establishment conveniently frames every "solution" similar to the solutions for covid, which arguably was never an elevated threat from the start.

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"I still think the earth is getting warmer and that it's because of human activity"

You are incorrect.

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Cool, care to expand on that?

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Few men have done more to debunk "global warming" than Tony Heller. He has created a large collection of videos using historical and recent statistics and news articles to show that the temperature is not going up. They're feeding you jiggered statistics, and Tony shows us exactly how. He is on both You Tube and Bitchute. As in most other scams of this scale, the motive is power and money.

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Yes, he's great - I particularly love the newspaper stories he digs out.

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Thanks for the video recommendation, I watched a couple of Heller's videos, some respectable observations highlighting some bullshit stats from establishment science, though it was mixed in with some not so great points rife with arguments of convenience. In fact there's some really shit logic in some areas.

But I've seen how jiggering can go both ways and I've witnessed lots of shit arguments on both the debunking side and certainly on the established "science" side. And sometimes people are right for the wrong reasons.

Heller though is guilty of some assumptions, like that science many decades ago was honest and accurate, when they had less tools and resources. He also at many points uses pop science articles from the past that have little backing to them as full refutations. I'd also argue scientism has always had an agenda and has never been exactly honest.

And to pose a quick rebuttal, in regional situations the temperature appears to be absolutely going up when they cut down trees a pave areas you can take a direct temperature reading and undeniably temps go up comparatively. And that's a real problem in itself when it comes to soil and keeping the food chain intact, and wherever cities, suburbs, and industrial agriculture arise ecology gets obliterated and makes impacts far outside official boundaries and excess heat created by humans is definitely a factor in that.

For the moment I still see heating occurring globally manifesting in glacial melt that seems hard to refute (I read what heller wrote about it, but he's making some illegitimate comparisons using similar convenient logic tactics he points out in climate science in some cases), but I'm not married to the idea, and I'm fairly open to being wrong if there's ample evidence. Further, my contention that it's heat accumulation isn't based a model as much as it's direct empirical evidence observable by anyone.

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At one time pretty much all scientific research was done on a small scale, usually personally financed & directed by curious individuals. It wasn't until large institutions with huge budgets started doing science funded by interests looking for a specific outcome that science was corrupted. A modern example of this was when Henrik Svensmark realized that all of the dust particles in the world, both man-made and natural, were not enough to account for the fact that one particle was needed as a condensation nuclei in every drop of rain and every cloud droplet. So he began looking elsewhere with an apparatus he built in his basement out of his own pocket. What he found was variations in solar activity matched variations in cosmic rays that entered our atmosphere - more solar activity meant fewer rays entered because they were blocked, or blown away, by the solar wind. Less solar activity meant more rays got in, and as they enter they scatter into many particles that become the necessary condensation nuclei. So less solar activity meant more particles, more clouds, and lower temperatures; more solar activity resulted in fewer clouds and warmer temperatures. Since we have good sunspot activity records going back 400 years, it was easy enough to look at that and compare to known weather patterns over that time. Svensmark worked for years to get larger institutions to look at his data or duplicate his experiments, but for fear of losing funding and global warming orthodoxy, they all ignored him. Finally, after much pressure from the theory's supporters, CERN agreed to run a larger experiment with the Large Hadron Collider. I remember when the experiment was concluded, everyone knew immediately that Svensmark's work had been confirmed before the final report by a rather odd path: CERN forbade anyone who had worked on the project to talk about it, which was an unprecedented move, telling us they had found what they didn't want to find. So we already have an excellent explanation for long-term fluctuations in climate, but few know about it yet because it's "an inconvenient truth" to borrow Al Gore's phrase. The book on this is titled _The Chilling Stars - A Cosmic View of Climate Change_ by Henrik Svensmark and Nigel Calder.

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You watch a couple of videos and dismiss Heller? That's not really fair is it.

I spent many years of my professional life writing algorithms to detect defects in items on a production line - finding anomalies in time series.

There are many framing errors and rookie mistakes that you only learn when what you write has to actually work - which you find out because a customer complains the machine that costs hundreds of thousands of pounds isn't doing what it promised. When you only have to convince people it will work, then it's ok to engage in what you are doing -"hand-waving". In a complex system, you can convince yourself of anything by waving your hands around - there are always some variables which lean in your favour. All you need to do is value these above others. In any non-trivial system, hand-waving is entirely and completely worthless.

What matters is starting from record-level data and working your way up, step by step, checking your ladder is still solid each stage. Talking about glaciers, for example, we have already taken a leap and are using (the complex activity of) glaciers as a proxy for something that doesn't need a proxy, that we have record-level data for.

Here is an image - the plot of temperature data of the closest station to me that has thermometer records going back to the 19th century. Min and max temperatures from a single station, from 1815 to now. I took the raw data and plotted it in Excel in 5 mins. The link is at the top, you can do it yourself if you like.


It is clear from this that there is no reason, at all, to suspect there is anything to even investigate - to spend time on this "problem" over other, shall we say, more pressing problems. I know it's only one location and yada yada yada. The point is, when I find someone who starts from record level data like this and, in this data, finds some reason to suspect something anomalous is happening - finds a reason why we should even care at all when weighing this up against the thousand other places we could spend our time - and then proceeds step by step from there, I'll listen.

I've been following this for 15 years and I've never seen it. Everything contains models of models of models and is guaranteed - guaranteed - to produce nonsense.

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Here in Europe, it is common for the MSM to headline things like "hottest year ever", quoting Copernicus (not him, but the European "Eyes on Earth" project which collects data from a bunch of satellites). It was established in 1998 and has been operational since 2014, which gives you a good idea of how long 'ever' has been. I echo Tom's comment about Tony Heller. Heller's site is very useful: https://realclimatescience.com/#gsc.tab=0

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It made sense until I realized that the hersteria was based upon models. Then I thought about the models used in daily weather forecasts, and how they are so often wrong. And I thought that if they can’t accurately predict the weather 8 hours from now, how can they possibly accurately predict what will happen in 50 or 100 years? Then I read articles that compared observed temperatures over the past 20 or so years compared with the climate models’ predictions and guess what - the models were way off in the warmer direction. And then I read about climate researchers who were unwilling to share their raw data, and asked myself why not? I could go on, but you catch my drift.

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Look around you, it's quite obvious.

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When you believe something things seem different. Those who believe in covid see covid all around them whereas as I didn't believe in it from Day One I've never "seen" it - people say they've been sick in ways they never have before but, of course, the jab presents a new variable and people have always gotten sick in ways they never have before pre-covid. We also cannot underestimate the role of the mind in making us "sick".

Although last summer seemed pretty mild, summers prior seemed hotter but as I don't really have a good memory for the weather summers seeming hotter to me means absolutely nothing really.

I take your point. The "point in the future" where it's all going to collapse reminds me of the AIDS scam - you only have HIV now but you're a ticking time bomb. What a scam is HIV-AIDS. It simply beggars belief ... but then so many medical frauds - smallpox, polio, rabies, etc.

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I just have a different thought process than most ppl. People who stubbornly cling to a false belief system is called cognitive dissonance. Our thought process is only one of the mind/body connection that effects all sorts of chemical/biological changes in the body and it's various systems.

You're lucky. The fact that you don't remember weather patterns means you're not really affected by it and you're probably very healthy. My allergies and arthritis give me full warning when it's going to rain. I don't understand the argument against rabies? I've seen sick animals in the wild. If it's not rabies what is it?

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Sorry about your allergies and arthritis.

Australia is designated free of rabies while other countries aren't, however, our animals still get sick! These are two good places to start on the rabies never proven rabbit-hole.



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We knew this was coming. The WEF have been talking about it for some time. However my understanding is climate change narratives are failing as the reality sinks in. Buying an electric car, banning meat and now no vacations. Virtue signaling only works if it is cheap. Retweeting is perfect for signaling, your children suffering from malnutrition is less so.

Word on the street is the next panic will be water supplies. Already talk among the social climbers, sorry, Great Visionaries, that this precious resource cannot be left to the plebs or, even worse, the capitalists.

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"Warning: You are approaching critical levels in your carbon credit account. You must purchase additional credits to be allowed to breathe after midnight tonight. Would you like us to autodeduct the amount necessary now to breathe tomorrow?

If you would like to avoid these warnings please consider our Transhumanist and Virtual Reality Avatar discount plans that reduce your carbon emissions to fit the needs of those with budgetary constraints."

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I am assuming that official travel or travel by approved organizations will not count against your allowance? Remember when you had to work to see the scam?

Less travel for all of us is probably a good idea, for a variety of reasons. But it is none of the gubmint's business. It is always the 'carve outs' for themselves and their allies that piss me off the most though.

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Travel is good for the soul. Travel is good for human connectivity. Travel builds common bonds with people you meet that brings humanity together, breaks down barriers that fear of the unknown enables. Travel makes us less controllable by the fictions and lies of established power constructs that benefit by keeping people ignorant of the "other." We, The People, are less likely to war against those we've met in faraway lands who've opened their homes to us, broken bread with, exchanged smiles and greetings with.

Travel allows for rapid exchange of the evolving microbiology in the world that actually builds our immunity to it. Unlike what happened when Meso Americans and Pacific Islanders first met Europeans sharing microbiology they hadn't been exposed to yet that became lethal to them. The gradual inoculation of slightly different evolving microbiology we meet in a high-travel world is far less deadly than widely differently evolved microbiology when first meeting others without immunity in a low-travel world. Travel is actually beneficial to the human microbiome becoming more capable of protecting us from truly novel pathogens.

Travel connects us energetically, increasing our vibration and frequency, similar to a beehive, that protects us from health threats, both mental and physical. Low vibration and energy weakens the immune system of a society.

We need travel! We are meant to travel. The access and affordability of travel has improved the human condition immensely since the invention of efficient long-range transport. So much so that one might suspect that those controllers who've created the power constructs are threatened by it and want us to become more isolated, more easily controlled, weaker and in need of their "protection."

Obviously, I challenge your premise that less travel for all of us being a good idea. For a variety of reasons. Which I hope you'll consider.

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Well, there is necessary travel for the greater good... consider the 24 people comprising a "Health Justice Recovery Alliance" that recently flew from Portland to Portugal (and back) to consider how the Portuguese have fared with their decriminalization of the possession and use of hard drugs. A Zoom meeting would not do.

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I hope that was sarcasm?

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As I was telling my wife not to long ago, I can accurately date events in my life by remembering what moral panic was going on during the event in question. "O ya, that was during all the Me Too shit . . . I remember reading about Mattress Girl around then. . . . Yeah we took that vacation when all the Trump riots were going on" etc.

How telling that the only way TPTB can hobble together the illusion of consensus is to drum up panic. Just a blessing of liberty I guess.

As to your last point I have pledged to not care about the upcoming election. It would be better for my psyche to watch pornography all day than to feel invested in my 1/160 millionth share in our quadrennial popularity contest.

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Just purchased the book Propaganda: The Formation of Men's Attitudes by Jacques Ellul. Highly recommended but beware, it is not a fun read. However, the writing is superb. One example:

"For action makes propaganda’s effect irreversible. He who acts in obedience to propaganda can never go back. He is now obliged to believe in that propaganda because of his past action."

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This really is the key, I only noticed this during 2020. Piers Morgan was lambasted the other day for being stupid and dumb etc. for still pushing vaccines while he was ill (and the sensor on some piece of worthless plastic was saying he was "postitive" for something). But he's not dumb. He was pushing the vaccine out loud but even that you can go back on by just sliding out of view. But when you shame others for their opposing opinion - dehumanising them - then that's it. You are in until the bitter end.

I only saw how genius their long term plan was during COVID - I always wondered why the NPCs where I used to work were so dismissive of "anti-vaxxers". At that point I was suspicious for sure but had done no research so was still agnostic. I found their feelings of superiority over these dumb "anti-vaxxers" noteworthy though, they were a go-to punchline, like a flat earther.

Now it all makes sense. Get The Guardian to make fun of anti-vaxxers for 20 years, demolish anyone who comes out against them, and give the midwit NPCs a way to feel superior and like they're going along with "the science". Get them using the word "denier". Then, when a pandemic comes along and they start throwing around injections like confetti and offering you a portion of fries in return for one etc. these people who shamed everyone for years are necessarily on board, have already anted up. Climate exactly the same.

"I know that most men, including those at ease with problems of the greatest complexity, can seldom accept even the simplest and most obvious truth if it be such as would oblige them to admit the falsity of conclusions which they have delighted in explaining to colleagues, which they have proudly taught to others, and which they have woven, thread by thread, into the fabric of their lives."

Leo Tolstoy

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Being aware of the ins and outs of the Climate Hysteria scam was exactly what inoculated me against Covid Hysteria from the start.

All the same dogmas, tactics, shaming, media propaganda, censorship of dissent, promises of global catastrophe via an invisible agent lurking around every corner that can only be Fixed by giving mind, money and control over to the Saviour class.

Hopefully (hopefully) the Covid Hysteria has alerted enough people to theses scams that they can't take hold quite as easily again.

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One can hope...

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Wishful thinking.

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Tolstoy also explains why we will be living with LBGTQ madness forever -- the legions of people who have delighted in explaining it to colleagues, and have proudly taught it to others.

In every public school across this great land of ours, "Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it."

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I confess to being all-in with the global warming narrative for 30 years. Then I began to take note of the censorship efforts against alternative theories. That isn't the way science is supposed to work, and it sent me off on my own exploration. At that point the warmistas had lost me. As for the vax/covid narrative, just last night I read one of the best full histories of that story I've seen, covering 58 years of the development of that bioweapon: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/heres-how-we-know-covid-19-crimes-have-been-decades-in-the-making/

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Great book.

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If you want a really terrifying book in its prescience and applicability to recent and all manufactured hysterias, read 'Rape of the Mind' by Meerlo from the 1950s.

There's no escape, we're doomed to our biology.

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Just bought it off Amazon for 0.49p, bit of light reading in bed.

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"Do not watch any “news”, nor listen, nor read it. Ignore it all."

Not so many years back, maybe a decade, there was research showing that the LESS someone paid attention to MSM "news", the sounder their judgement. [I don't recall who did it - some university - or the exact formulation of the result and that clearly matters.]

I do not know how i decide anymore how much credence to give to any particular bit of information - some sort of internal ouija board perhaps - a scoring system based on who and have they lied to me before, cui bono, number of authoritative yet anonymous sources!, what's the general vibe etc.... It helps that there are a number of sources I automatically assign to the liar pool. it can be an effort

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Gonna guess this ... dude? Fellah? Honorary member of the male sex? ... graduated "architectural studies" or somesuch and is not actually an architect. Architects don't need to write vapid articles about how airplanes cause hot summers in Spain for 2c per word. Because they can get real jobs. Doing... architecture.

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Climate hersterics completely ignore the effect of underwater volcanoes, most notably the massive Tonga eruption in 2022, which put incredible amounts of water vapor into the atmosphere, which will affect the climate for years to come:

Study examines how massive 2022 eruption changed stratosphere chemistry and dynamics


We don't need to ignore the "news", just practice discernment and ignore the propagandists.

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Pithy and appreciated.

I had almost the exact same experience driving between towns in W. Texas, where the only things readily available were drilling rigs, wind turbines and NPR.

I especially like the tone of the presenters that is simultaneously superior to and condescending of the listener. It works well into the psyche of the herds of willing whipping persons with or without front holes/bonus holes and any other amalgam of skin and SSRIs, that happens to tune in.

The unfortunate part about tuning out is, the propaganda is imbedded everywhere the sheeple look, listen and go. For their part, their woke cataracts - that start forming in the womb - from what we are told, prevent them from seeing the propaganda, as propaganda. Some, will tune out, but the exponential waves of bleaters will push further inland.

We owe our parents and grand parents many heart felt apologies. I write this often in comments and my posts - "We never learn to listen to the warnings of the past, until it is too late."

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I can tune out, but I cannot separate myself from the societal consequences of everybody else being tuned in and taking their orders from the teevee.

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That is, the insidious and now unavoidable problem of the species, Homo-sheepleous.

And they breed like frickin' ideological rabbits.

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Unfortunately they have a couple of good music programs I used to like.

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I get it.

I used to like Velveeta, till I read the label.

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LOL! When I'm bad I don't read labels! I used to love it too 😟

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If I remember correctly, there have been several virus variants that have been tested over the years, but they only gained traction when they introduced the Covid case with assistance from the Chinese government. This was the only one that had a lasting impact, and just enough for government to seize more power through fear. My father used to tell me that they created fear around global cooling and other ridiculous things. They persistently continue their attempts until they find something that is effective, and then they strongly commit to it.

It is not essential to have scientific expertise in order to recognize that these individuals are deceiving you. The famous personalities who urge you to alter your actions due to their harmful consequences do not themselves refrain from using private jets and humvees to attend numerous speaking events. And that skeptics are not respectfully debated in public but are slandered because this isn't a discussion anymore. It is a power grab and they need you to be frightened and not thinking to grab more power.

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Excellent essay. May the God these "approximately men" do not believe in spare us from their nonsense.

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Our local npr station is a reliable leftist outpost in the north woods. They are determined that the adirondacks become diverse and have imported foundation money to help make it so. Some group called Report for America is seeding partisan termites in newsrooms around the country. Lovely.


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