Jun 17Liked by William M Briggs

Love the Monty problem William. I've explained it so many times and it spurs a lot of debate. Many cannot see how this works. Mostly liberals as I recall.

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And I love that high school yearbook photo of Briggs (front row left), next to Maggie Thatcher! You can tell she's worried about the Germans invading. World War Two!

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Jun 18Liked by William M Briggs

Alright my answer is locked in. Let's see if I remembered how to do this.

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I've been thinking a lot about the earlier homework problem: Pr(P) does not exist; it has to be Pr(P|Q).

(1) First I thought about the proposition: "the sun always rises" - but this is not always true e.g. in winter N of the Arctic Circle or S of the Antarctic Circle.

(2) Then I thought about the proposition: "everyone has a birthday" ... Surely there is no Q here?

(3) However, the implicit Q may be the assumption that everyone has been a living thing, and every living thing has a birthday, so Pr(P=everything has a birthday|Q=everything has been a living thing).

Am I on the right track? I do hope this isn't too trivial an example, and apologies for being so slow on the uptake - must be my aging brain.

I'm really enjoying your class!

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(1) Pr(Sun always rises | information about latitutde etc.)

(2) Pr(Everyone has birthday | info about human procreation)

(3) Yep.

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