Leaving aside all forms of accelerationism, and the folly of thinking we could somehow outwit and reengineer Divine will, there is a technical nuance here that needs to be addressed:
To claim that someone has cured all diseases -- including the disease of aging --- isn't the same at all as claiming he has cured Death. There are a multitude of ways for the physical body to die that have nothing to do with slow-moving functional disorders and entropy. If we had to assign top classes, they would be "accident" and "murder." In both cases, we're talking about catastrophic physical damage to the organism that cannot be undone. Nobody is "curing" a drone strike that reduces a man to a smoldering stain.
With that in mind, imagine a race of these so-called immortals, who can potentially "live forever"... but only if they are very, very, very *careful*. When imagining their world, think of the current crop of Safety-First cultists on overdrive, pushed beyond the limits of sanity by their fear of death. In the irony of all ironies, their prospect for "eternal life" in meat form would ensure that they live nothing recognizable as such. They would hide under their beds for all eternity, jealously guarding their smooth, unwrinkled skin from all possible forms of physical damage, scared of their own shadows.
The safety systems they would promote and build would dwarf all other forms of totalitarianism in scope and depth. They wouldn't dare explore the depths of the sea, let alone the outer reaches of space. They might not dare explore the depths of their own closets, for fear that some monster might be lurking there to eat them. They would happily outlaw any activity that included the slightest threat of permanent injury or death.
In other words, they wouldn't be alive. At best, we could call them the Living Dead. Cowardly vampires and zombies who are technically animate, but have been rendered psychically and socially incapable of any meaningful interaction with reality. Extrapolate a few centuries outward, and you'll see them all racing to the suicide-booths for instant incineration.
Zuckerberg is engaged in this behavior right now with his $270 million dollar bunker on an isolated part of a Hawaiian island. These poor Mensa idiots trapped in a small, loop of logic (life is a problem to be solved not a mystery to be lived ) have gone mad without even realizing it. As Chesterton said, we worship the only God that has found a way out of the grave. The "solution" to their "fear" of physical death has been gently proposing His love to them personally for their entire lives but they want to be Gods and therein lies their problem, and unfortunately, ours too, because Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Schwab, Jinping, all want to be Gods and with a global public-private partnership at their service and $10 trillion to spend you can damage a lot of useless eaters. Only someone who thinks their God could even begin to think of their fellow man in such terms.
“…with his $270 million dollar bunker on an isolated part of a Hawaiian island.” - this is nothing to envious of, but rather accepted as a symptom of THE DISEASE your comment is encapsulating further down. There is no escape from JUDGEMENT DAY by those who have (been) chosen (for) JUDGEMENT OVER SALVATION!
They don’t require immortality to behave that way, it’s how they will be if they achieve their dream of world dominion. Could a medieval king wander about without a huge retinue of guards? And that was before long range weapons. The “elite” believe they will be able to do as they wish while the rest of the serfs will sullenly work? Good luck with that.
Also, let’s do a thought experiment, you are a former Navy SEAL hired to protect an “elite” and their family after the SHTF. The protectee brings you (and your family) in to their compound and promises to feed, clothe and house you in exchange for your protection. What’s to stop you (and other mercenaries) from just taking over? Absolutely nothing, so why wouldn’t you? The protectee is helpless in that scenario.
Yes, it's a difference of degree, not kind. And now that Jake Rothchild has shuffled off this mortal coil, to discover his "reward" beyond the Veil, I sense there will be even more panic on that side of things. It's the mother of all mistake, including those you describe in your thought experiment. What cripples evil people ultimately is they can't see how little control they actually have over an outcome, how much of it is the product of illusion/delusion. They abuse trust throughout their rise to power, than expect somehow trust is what will save their bacon when the Earth's a-quakin'. Nope. When that happens you'll just be another guy, another pile of meat.
Alvin Toffler was paid an enormous sum of money to lecture a group of people about the future. When he arrived, expecting 200-300 people and a large hall, he was taken to a room with less than a dozen men and their only question was how to forestall exactly the question you posed.
In the coming expected catastrophe, how could you create a set-up that did not require a bunch of guards or failing that how could you ensure that the guards did not just kill you and take everything for themselves.
Having banked the cash before arriving, he admitted that he did not have a clue.
"Having banked the cash before arriving, he admitted that he did not have a clue."
A very funny way of putting it!
And I think in pursuing the answer, we can see why such a great emphasis on AI development has risen up. The etymology (really, the direct translation) of "robot" is "slave." They want to develop the perfect slaves, who they can trust for protection because they *literally* have no will of their own.
Of course, they're still blinded by their hubris. Who will repair and maintain these slaves? And why mightn't a person, so empowered, reprogram it to kill its former masters, and to serve his own will instead? Evil enterprises inevitably self-destruct largely because their agents, by their very nature, cannot trust each other.
I've thought for some time that the approaching mortality of our gerontocrats explains the desperate rush of the last few years. Everything that we see from the Regime signals the actions of a cornered beast, cornered not by us but by the ancient law of nature and nature's God. They are not violent and oppressive because they are strong and confident, but because they are weak and desperate.
I've reached the same conclusion. The panic is almost palpable, like you can see the clock behind their crazed eyes, ticking down to zero. What we're seeing is the death throes of the first generation fully raised without God. And not merely without the concept of God Almighty, but any god, apart from the one in the mirror. They have recreated Hell on Earth: demon princes vying against each other for the throne, and the false cup of immortality in the flesh. And now, near the end, they are rightly terrified.
The future of Leftism is very dark. They have bred no sons only orcs. The very things that they use to turn the young into good slave soldiers ensures that they will never be much else. The crucial point is to keep our children away from them.
That day in Eden, the fruit produced the human ego, (aka Pride). It has been the motive force of human destruction and demise ever since. I cannot even have pity anymore. These people have fed their egos every day of their lives. They deserve damnation while being forced to swallow ever more of it every minute of their hellish eternity.
"... like you can see the clock behind their crazed eyes, ticking down to zero." - and what does it provoke within you?
I barely pay attention to public proclamations of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN as I am fed by their enterprises relevant material that keeps me sane. But now and then a snippet of the frailty of its HOUSE OF LIES comes along as a reminder that cornered rats will bite in their state of madness.
" They are not violent and oppressive because they are strong and confident, but because they are weak and desperate." ... GOD ALMIGHTY gives everyone what he/she has asked for. It's RECIPROCITY in its purest form with the exception that you are forgiven for transgressions IF you admit and confess - because you regret/repent - with ripple effect wearing off over time.
"They/we" very much know it but the more "they/we" are surrounded by soothsayers and sycophants feeding each other's EGO the less "they/we" are able to notice THE TRUTH and act upon it.
When Boston Scientific puts out a new video of their bipedal or “dog” robots running, jumping, doing forward rolls, etc. someone inevitably comments “I, for one, welcome my new robot overlords!” Now, some of those comments are surely sarcasm, but I would bet some are serious, as ridiculous as it is for the obvious and apparent limitations they currently have (a few shotgun rounds would ruin their robot day…), as well as for the future reasons you articulate.
You can solve this problem if you have real leadership qualities and understand how politics work.
Deposing a king is a complicated matter, and full of dangers for the wannabe regicide.
Some of the armed people may not share the same vision as you and prefer to be ruled by an existing and known quantity than run the risk of being ruled by the new rebel leader. Some of the armed people may even truly be grateful for the millionaire that put him and his family on the shelter. Other may believe that the current rulers have some management quality that is crucial for everyone's survival.
Or maybe, most people would want to get rid of their billionaire ruler, but are afraid of exposing themselves, and instead make sure to always reinforce their loyalty publicly, and thus, every potential rebel think he is on a minority, because he is afraid to share what he really thinks about the power that be.
Also, most people don't like to rock the boat. As long as things keep working on their shelter community while the rest of the world is on chaos, they will probably prefer to things to keep being run the way they are already being run.
"The protectee brings you (and your family) in to their compound and promises to feed, clothe and house you in exchange for your protection. What’s to stop you (and other mercenaries) from just taking over? Absolutely nothing, so why wouldn’t you? The protectee is helpless in that scenario."
Above quote encapsulates the very essence of EVIL - not accepting GOD ALMIGHTY! EVIL only exist out of DISOBEDIENCE towards GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT AND GRACE. Which is why the divided "kingdom" of THE DEVIL will not last - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN had a "great run" - exactly as prophesied, fulfilling its PURPOSE set by GOD ALMIGHTY forging HIS CHILDREN OF THE EVERLASTING KINGDOM!
Your description resembles the "picture" in my mind that resembles HELL ... with a slightly different ending, as "eternal life" is the ultimate goal of those refusing SALVATION IN THE SPIRIT they would even be afraid of "suicide-booths" ...
Can you see the maze that the mind refusing GOD ALMIGHTY has locking itself up, with help of other unfaithful minds encouraging each other to follow EVE and THE SERPENT OF FEAR telling each other the same OLD LIE from THE GARDEN OF EDEN.
THERE IS NO DEATH/DESEASE ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY in HIS WISDOM, MIGHT, GRACE AND PURPOSE encapsulated in LIFE - at least for those minds that don't make up "death" in their mind - LUCIFER! All else being different phases of ETERNAL LIFE ITSELF - GOD ALMIGHTY!
All the misery the men and women bring into this world because they are afraid of death. But Christ tells us to be not afraid, and that there is no death. They just can't believe him.
Trusting in your effort to live a holy life is a worthless lie, of no effect. No one can do that and live. "Trying" or relying on "making an effort" is literally the essence of lawless behavior. Effort and good intentions are not efficacious for salvation and they are not law keeping. We are law-breakers by nature; we need a new nature.
Trust and to follow what the scriptures clearly teach: Believe in the One who kept the law, was crucified for you,nailed your sin to the cross, was buried, and then was resurrected to Life. Repent—go and sin no more. Be baptized—be sacramentally identified into Jesus's death and resurrection. "For it's by grace you have been saved, through faith. And that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, that no one would boast."
–the following verse puts our effort into proper context: "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before that we would walk in them."
So, after all God created, and called good...you disagree?? Sin brought the curse, but Jesus is redeeming all who believe the good news. There is much to take joy and pleasure in here—the heaven's declare the glory of God—especially for believers. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! We have hope! In this world he says we will have troubles, but to "be of good courage and cheer, for He has overcome the world." For the unsaved, this is as close to heaven as they'll ever know. For the saint, it's as close to hell. So..."My soul, why are you downcast....?"
Given the quality of current science and scientists, I’m not particularly concerned with their ability to eliminate disease and death. Look at what happened with the MRNA vaccines. The unintended consequences surprised almost everyone, suggesting scientists don’t have the first clue as to how manipulated genes will react with human DNA. Apparently, their guess is a good as mine. And don’t get me started about modeling genetic tweaks, we all know how that goes…
"The unintended consequences surprised almost everyone, suggesting scientists don’t have the first clue as to how manipulated genes will react with human DNA. Apparently, their guess is a good as mine."
THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - all minds being convinced that they have understood LIFE/GOD ALMIGHTY (an expression they would never use) - has been playing this game since THE SERPENT, EVE AND ADAM in THE GARDEN OF EDEN. Putting on a "white robe" to signal their innocence and throwing around "big words" in order to hide THE LIE - that they have actually no idea what is going on. With the advent of manufacturing consent - always under the pretext "to do good" and "save lifes" - and mass media "accelerating" the madness and as a result turning the majority into zombies to be harvested for their PRIDE driven "purposes" - never forgetting to point out that "they" do it for "the good of humanity"!
All this has been done before. They are not discovering but rediscovering knowledge that led to Centaurs, Cyclops and, oh yes. Adam.
The virgin birth was ridiculed or held as myth, for 2,000 years, now it takes place 1 million times per year. (not all of them human births of course)
The Anunnaki lifespan was 70 years, Niburu years of course, or around 250,000 Earth years, yet still their mixed children sought immortality. Their literature suggests that a clone of a body part of a deceased Annunaki was in fact the person and memory/character would continue.
They knew they had no selection mechanism for the mrna and that it would hit whatever cells it touched. This is literally the exact rationale for the shoulder shot.
Because they know you can afford to lose a little shoulder meat.
They also foresaw the scope of damages that can happen if it goes beyond the shoulder. Since the entire technology is predicated on triggering an autoimmune response.
Autoimmune destruction of shoulder tissues; not a big deal. But heart tissues? Liver tissues? Tissues that have **years** of lifespan? Big deal.
They were aware from the start. This knowledge is baked into the science and is the primary reason mrna wasn't mainstream earlier.
Just remember the mrna is an artificial virus. Or more like a viroid. It makes you produce spike turning healthy cells into viral cells (any healthy cell producing foreign viral spike is considered like cancer and removed which is why so many antivirals and immune boosters are also being looked into for cancer treatment and why cancers are growing rapidly in vaxxed).
All of this was known which is why they wanted immunity.
If there was a way to specifically target the cells of interest alone; epithelial cells. And they did not use spike but some other less toxic viral protein.
Then mrna likely would have had almost no side effects barring specific issues with batches and production quality that would have compromised this. (And we know this issue was prevalent even considering the already dangerous choices made)
Keep in mind the clear data. Every death shows wide spread inflammation caused by mrna spike & factory cells across the whole system. Especially the heart.
Autopsies often reveal large and extensive amyloid clotting.
The major source of immediate clotting and direct injection issues came from bloodstream injections.
Amyloid plaques develop because of spike. So many people had problems because factory cells were made in their heart.
Plaques are broken down by the immune system but when the immune system is progressively overloaded it shuts down. Hence issues happening anytime from a month to 6 months after dose.
Clots cause everything seen. Including neurological issues. Spike cannot cross blood brain barrier.
The amyloid plaque issue is likely the only thing not foreseen by these companies since it requires long term analysis of this specific protein in blood. Other proteins would not have caused this problem. No way to have known this ahead of time.
We know this because there are many choices of proteins in the actual covid virus.
They chose literally the most dangerous protein to reproduce. Because it's often the easiest for the body to identify. They did not know the protein was dangerous till the first human tests proved it. But they went ahead anyways.
No consideration for risks. They wanted maximum effectiveness and with no liability and first to market making massive profits they said "screw it".
Insane behavior and we are all paying for it.
The only reason some vaxxed are getting away with their life intact is they are extremely lucky it didn't enter their bloodstream or their body cleared it before it could infect heart tissue or the batch was defective.
Or that they are currently wounded but unaware because some issues, like heart issues or cancers, only show up when there is a shock to the system. Could be years later they feel it.
I'll bet a 10 fold rise in cancers & heart disease in the coming decade. At minimum.
The pharmaceuticals industry has its roots in occultism. It is purely demonic. As a follower of Jesus, it stuns me how many so-called Christians either don't know or flat out don't believe God's word.
And beginning immediately after they eliminated us ... they would turn on one another ... until the last "man" is left standing. In the most horrifying hell -- being the only person left alive in all the world.
While I think efforts to conquer disease will eventually be a benefit through reducing suffering and, as a side-effect, lengthen the average lifespan, I likewise entertain grave doubts that the eventual death of the body will ever be avoided entirely. At least I am realistic enough not to hitch my wagon to that particular pony: In some relatively short period of time, the entire question, for me at least, is going to be rendered moot.
So the question is: what to do in the meantime. Certainly scarfing bowls full of “supplements” every morning in the desperate hope of eking out an extra day or two, blind and deaf on my death bed, of oxygen consumption doesn’t seem worth the risk of liver damage that might be the result of such foolishness. No, there must be a more substantive pursuit.
I have, in my old age and possibly imagined wisdom, become convinced that there really is a technique for transferring the seat of identity to a new and more permanent locus — one that survives dissolution of the material form. Jesus said as much (and provided much instruction in the technique), and I believe it.
People might logically and beneficially invest more time and effort in their immortal soul than in their remarkably transitory physical body.
24Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 26For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 27For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.
28Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. Matt 16, 24-28
This transhumanism project is, I believe, an attempt to conquer death. But not for the loathsome masses. The world is overpopulated, according to every billionaire and millions of so-called elites. Why would they extend this benefit to the unwashed? In fact, I believe we are on the cusp of a great planned culling.
The mRNA vaccines alter human beings, God's greatest creation. God will come to do some good, old fashioned, Old Testament smiting of those responsible.
"The mRNA vaccines alter human beings, God's greatest creation. God will come to do some good, old fashioned, Old Testament smiting of those responsible."
They who were "chosen" by their disobedience - continuing the war against GOD ALMIGHTY - are bringing the smiting upon themselves - like a child knowing the consequences of misbehaviour is bringing those consequences upon itself by its disobedience not the one carrying out those consequences.
" Have pity on them, they didn't deserve to die, nor to suffer in torment," ... it's not up to ANY OF GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATIONS to judge ... exactly as THE LORD JESUS CHRIST advised ....
1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matt 7, 1-2
16And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
Matt 19, 16-17
THE WORLD has never been different - so it seems, from all I have seen and heard and GOD ALMIGHTY has shown me in my heart - not since THE SERPENT beguiled EVE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN and convinced/coerced ADAM into her DECEPTION that LIFE is THE FLESH - MATERIALISM! Not realising that BEFORE there was ANY FLESH there was ALREADY THE HOLY SPIRIT speaking LIFE/ THE FLESH into EXISTENCE!
And as THE LORD JESUS CHRIST stated that HE doesn't judge ANYONE - which is why HE died temporarily for EVERYONE, but only who turns to HIM will have ETERNAL LIFE - but that those who refuse THE LORD JESUS CHRIST as their SAVIOUR have judged themselves into THE ABYSS!
My comment didn't dispute the existence and application of pity, which is very much the essence of "not judging".
Simply speaking my response was merely trying to point out that ALL WISDOM, MIGHT, GRACE, PURPOSE, RIGHTEOUSNESS IS IN, OF AND WITH GOD ALMIGHTY and ANYONE who disputes this very fact is putting himself above GOD ALMIGHTY AND HIS ONE AND ONLY SON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST ... who professed that even HE AND THE ANGELS did NOT know the hour or the day!
Science knows about .1% of what it needs to know to eliminate disease. Let alone death. These transhumanists can barely write a program that works. Science is moving backward rapidly.
The day and the hour for the end of man's reign on earth is set and can't be delayed or accelerated. Man has proven that he cannot govern himself so a global theocracy will bring in a new age. All the isms of the left will be extinct.
I would say that there is an embedded immorality in advancing a second coming, from the point of view if the Christian. It's not so much in purpose - striving for physical perfection - striving and paying the personal price is the Christian map. I see all governance as striving for some kind of ideal. The immorality seems to be the apriori notion that our nature is perfectable. I can't see a Christian geneticist reconciling this. Can you be a Christian and shovel the coal train to perfected self- exaltation? I cant see it.
That Science may slow or even halt aging is a form of Promisedlandism. It is a goal that never needs to be met, it is a hope that keeps one taking the vaxx, giving alliance with the Trans, in sort, believing in the unlimited potential of human creativity. The Divine Limit aside, there is not a single genetic trick that needs to be accomplished to achieve immortality, such as turning off aging. The eutrophication of cells could (and likely would) lead to all manner of deformities, cancers, and other unwelcome growth. The bodily system could still be clogged, cutting off the necessary elements from getting to the cells and organs. Assuming each cell is not an eternal monad, they would die off just the same as ever without the proper nutrients,
The material limit cannot be overcome. This is true whether we are looking at a blocked artery or the crushing weight of a bolder. Extended life, if not perpetual life may be possible, but immortality is materially impossible because it is outside of our metaphysical authority. By the traditional Catholic theology, at least by some of the Fathers, Our first parents would have lived perpetually by divine grace. The Fall removed this grace, and left us to the natural process of entropy.
This is an excellent point. There's a saying that a committee will never solve the problem it was intended to solve and will even make it worse. Otherwise they'd be out of a job. That's why cancer institutes will never solve cancer, poverty centers will never solve poverty, the ADL will never solve anti-semetism, etc. There are even lawsuits where they will PREVENT you from solving the problem yourself because it would put them out of work. Have you ever heard of a prominent group like that saying "Welp, thank for the billions of dollars over 30 years. We did it, we solved the problem! We're dissolving the corporation now. Let's all go find new jobs".
That's right, an "Institute for Eternal Life Research" would be the absolute best human guarantor for humans dying and they would even kill you to prevent from founding eternal life because all the billions of dollars they receive from Soros, Rothchilds et all would evaporate.
Real life comedy aside, I do not think anyone opposing God will have the wisdom to accomplish much. Never forget Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis. In 1865 he said that delivering babies while your hands are covered with gore from autopsies would kill the babies via disease. He then forced his hospital to wash their hands and early childhood deaths disappeared. The rest of the medical authorities had him committed to an insane asylum and had the guards beat him to death. The hospital then went back to dissecting corpses and then delivering babies and childhood death returned to old highs. The academic and medical men who had Semmelweis killed lived out their lives with academic honors and prosperity and never suffered a whit on earth.
If the mental midgets who run society with Satan's blessing couldn't figure out that washing your hands was prudent, how could they possibly get anywhere near eternal life?
Fear of death is in fact the root cause of the evil we see. Our forebears never thought to extend their lives, but accepted God’s gifts as given, and in time graciously, reflecting the love they had felt from God, made way for us. And how deeply selfish and sad for us then that we do not perceive this love, and instead seek to deprive future generations of their time in the sun, how truly sad.
This has been brewing for a while. Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw published "Life Extension: a Practical Scientific Approach" back in the 80s. Their point is that we don't need to discover immortality in our normal human lifetime to achieve physical immortality. We just need to keep extending life faster than we grow old.
This mindset is everywhere. Notice the tobacco lawsuit: all that talk about cigarettes killing people. Cigarettes don't kill; they shorten [physical] life. Traffic jams and long lines at the DMV also shorten life -- unless you consider sitting in snarled traffic or the DMV to be living.
How does smoking compare with our complicated income tax when it comes to taking away years of living?
Eternal life in the flesh, in this fallen world, would be meaningless life, because devoid of love. Loveless life is meaningless. For when do we feel the greatest love and longing? When we think of those we have loved and lost, who have preceded us into the grave — and with whom we will be reunited. No such reflection is possible for the soulless, whose clinging to life is futility.
Leaving aside all forms of accelerationism, and the folly of thinking we could somehow outwit and reengineer Divine will, there is a technical nuance here that needs to be addressed:
To claim that someone has cured all diseases -- including the disease of aging --- isn't the same at all as claiming he has cured Death. There are a multitude of ways for the physical body to die that have nothing to do with slow-moving functional disorders and entropy. If we had to assign top classes, they would be "accident" and "murder." In both cases, we're talking about catastrophic physical damage to the organism that cannot be undone. Nobody is "curing" a drone strike that reduces a man to a smoldering stain.
With that in mind, imagine a race of these so-called immortals, who can potentially "live forever"... but only if they are very, very, very *careful*. When imagining their world, think of the current crop of Safety-First cultists on overdrive, pushed beyond the limits of sanity by their fear of death. In the irony of all ironies, their prospect for "eternal life" in meat form would ensure that they live nothing recognizable as such. They would hide under their beds for all eternity, jealously guarding their smooth, unwrinkled skin from all possible forms of physical damage, scared of their own shadows.
The safety systems they would promote and build would dwarf all other forms of totalitarianism in scope and depth. They wouldn't dare explore the depths of the sea, let alone the outer reaches of space. They might not dare explore the depths of their own closets, for fear that some monster might be lurking there to eat them. They would happily outlaw any activity that included the slightest threat of permanent injury or death.
In other words, they wouldn't be alive. At best, we could call them the Living Dead. Cowardly vampires and zombies who are technically animate, but have been rendered psychically and socially incapable of any meaningful interaction with reality. Extrapolate a few centuries outward, and you'll see them all racing to the suicide-booths for instant incineration.
Zuckerberg is engaged in this behavior right now with his $270 million dollar bunker on an isolated part of a Hawaiian island. These poor Mensa idiots trapped in a small, loop of logic (life is a problem to be solved not a mystery to be lived ) have gone mad without even realizing it. As Chesterton said, we worship the only God that has found a way out of the grave. The "solution" to their "fear" of physical death has been gently proposing His love to them personally for their entire lives but they want to be Gods and therein lies their problem, and unfortunately, ours too, because Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Schwab, Jinping, all want to be Gods and with a global public-private partnership at their service and $10 trillion to spend you can damage a lot of useless eaters. Only someone who thinks their God could even begin to think of their fellow man in such terms.
“…with his $270 million dollar bunker on an isolated part of a Hawaiian island.” - this is nothing to envious of, but rather accepted as a symptom of THE DISEASE your comment is encapsulating further down. There is no escape from JUDGEMENT DAY by those who have (been) chosen (for) JUDGEMENT OVER SALVATION!
They don’t require immortality to behave that way, it’s how they will be if they achieve their dream of world dominion. Could a medieval king wander about without a huge retinue of guards? And that was before long range weapons. The “elite” believe they will be able to do as they wish while the rest of the serfs will sullenly work? Good luck with that.
Also, let’s do a thought experiment, you are a former Navy SEAL hired to protect an “elite” and their family after the SHTF. The protectee brings you (and your family) in to their compound and promises to feed, clothe and house you in exchange for your protection. What’s to stop you (and other mercenaries) from just taking over? Absolutely nothing, so why wouldn’t you? The protectee is helpless in that scenario.
Yes, it's a difference of degree, not kind. And now that Jake Rothchild has shuffled off this mortal coil, to discover his "reward" beyond the Veil, I sense there will be even more panic on that side of things. It's the mother of all mistake, including those you describe in your thought experiment. What cripples evil people ultimately is they can't see how little control they actually have over an outcome, how much of it is the product of illusion/delusion. They abuse trust throughout their rise to power, than expect somehow trust is what will save their bacon when the Earth's a-quakin'. Nope. When that happens you'll just be another guy, another pile of meat.
Alvin Toffler was paid an enormous sum of money to lecture a group of people about the future. When he arrived, expecting 200-300 people and a large hall, he was taken to a room with less than a dozen men and their only question was how to forestall exactly the question you posed.
In the coming expected catastrophe, how could you create a set-up that did not require a bunch of guards or failing that how could you ensure that the guards did not just kill you and take everything for themselves.
Having banked the cash before arriving, he admitted that he did not have a clue.
"Having banked the cash before arriving, he admitted that he did not have a clue."
A very funny way of putting it!
And I think in pursuing the answer, we can see why such a great emphasis on AI development has risen up. The etymology (really, the direct translation) of "robot" is "slave." They want to develop the perfect slaves, who they can trust for protection because they *literally* have no will of their own.
Of course, they're still blinded by their hubris. Who will repair and maintain these slaves? And why mightn't a person, so empowered, reprogram it to kill its former masters, and to serve his own will instead? Evil enterprises inevitably self-destruct largely because their agents, by their very nature, cannot trust each other.
I've thought for some time that the approaching mortality of our gerontocrats explains the desperate rush of the last few years. Everything that we see from the Regime signals the actions of a cornered beast, cornered not by us but by the ancient law of nature and nature's God. They are not violent and oppressive because they are strong and confident, but because they are weak and desperate.
I've reached the same conclusion. The panic is almost palpable, like you can see the clock behind their crazed eyes, ticking down to zero. What we're seeing is the death throes of the first generation fully raised without God. And not merely without the concept of God Almighty, but any god, apart from the one in the mirror. They have recreated Hell on Earth: demon princes vying against each other for the throne, and the false cup of immortality in the flesh. And now, near the end, they are rightly terrified.
The future of Leftism is very dark. They have bred no sons only orcs. The very things that they use to turn the young into good slave soldiers ensures that they will never be much else. The crucial point is to keep our children away from them.
That day in Eden, the fruit produced the human ego, (aka Pride). It has been the motive force of human destruction and demise ever since. I cannot even have pity anymore. These people have fed their egos every day of their lives. They deserve damnation while being forced to swallow ever more of it every minute of their hellish eternity.
"... like you can see the clock behind their crazed eyes, ticking down to zero." - and what does it provoke within you?
I barely pay attention to public proclamations of THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN as I am fed by their enterprises relevant material that keeps me sane. But now and then a snippet of the frailty of its HOUSE OF LIES comes along as a reminder that cornered rats will bite in their state of madness.
" They are not violent and oppressive because they are strong and confident, but because they are weak and desperate." ... GOD ALMIGHTY gives everyone what he/she has asked for. It's RECIPROCITY in its purest form with the exception that you are forgiven for transgressions IF you admit and confess - because you regret/repent - with ripple effect wearing off over time.
"They/we" very much know it but the more "they/we" are surrounded by soothsayers and sycophants feeding each other's EGO the less "they/we" are able to notice THE TRUTH and act upon it.
The machine that builds the machine. No human necessary.
There is no such thing ALL comes from GOD ALMIGHTY and NOTHING is without HIS WISDOM MIGHT GRACE AND PURPOSE!
"I'll take "taking Things out of Context" for $500 Alex."
When Boston Scientific puts out a new video of their bipedal or “dog” robots running, jumping, doing forward rolls, etc. someone inevitably comments “I, for one, welcome my new robot overlords!” Now, some of those comments are surely sarcasm, but I would bet some are serious, as ridiculous as it is for the obvious and apparent limitations they currently have (a few shotgun rounds would ruin their robot day…), as well as for the future reasons you articulate.
You can solve this problem if you have real leadership qualities and understand how politics work.
Deposing a king is a complicated matter, and full of dangers for the wannabe regicide.
Some of the armed people may not share the same vision as you and prefer to be ruled by an existing and known quantity than run the risk of being ruled by the new rebel leader. Some of the armed people may even truly be grateful for the millionaire that put him and his family on the shelter. Other may believe that the current rulers have some management quality that is crucial for everyone's survival.
Or maybe, most people would want to get rid of their billionaire ruler, but are afraid of exposing themselves, and instead make sure to always reinforce their loyalty publicly, and thus, every potential rebel think he is on a minority, because he is afraid to share what he really thinks about the power that be.
Also, most people don't like to rock the boat. As long as things keep working on their shelter community while the rest of the world is on chaos, they will probably prefer to things to keep being run the way they are already being run.
Weaponized humanized robotic humans and dogs. Drone surveillance and cameras. Weapon drones. Full coverage, no mercy.
Didn’t Alvin Toffler have a son named Levon? Hold on a moment…being told that was Alvin Tostig. My bad.
He did send him to the finest schools in town.
"The protectee brings you (and your family) in to their compound and promises to feed, clothe and house you in exchange for your protection. What’s to stop you (and other mercenaries) from just taking over? Absolutely nothing, so why wouldn’t you? The protectee is helpless in that scenario."
Above quote encapsulates the very essence of EVIL - not accepting GOD ALMIGHTY! EVIL only exist out of DISOBEDIENCE towards GOD ALMIGHTY'S WISDOM MIGHT AND GRACE. Which is why the divided "kingdom" of THE DEVIL will not last - THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN had a "great run" - exactly as prophesied, fulfilling its PURPOSE set by GOD ALMIGHTY forging HIS CHILDREN OF THE EVERLASTING KINGDOM!
EVERYONE sowing wind will reap STORM!
Your description resembles the "picture" in my mind that resembles HELL ... with a slightly different ending, as "eternal life" is the ultimate goal of those refusing SALVATION IN THE SPIRIT they would even be afraid of "suicide-booths" ...
Can you see the maze that the mind refusing GOD ALMIGHTY has locking itself up, with help of other unfaithful minds encouraging each other to follow EVE and THE SERPENT OF FEAR telling each other the same OLD LIE from THE GARDEN OF EDEN.
THERE IS NO DEATH/DESEASE ONLY GOD ALMIGHTY in HIS WISDOM, MIGHT, GRACE AND PURPOSE encapsulated in LIFE - at least for those minds that don't make up "death" in their mind - LUCIFER! All else being different phases of ETERNAL LIFE ITSELF - GOD ALMIGHTY!
All the misery the men and women bring into this world because they are afraid of death. But Christ tells us to be not afraid, and that there is no death. They just can't believe him.
Well said.
Trusting in your effort to live a holy life is a worthless lie, of no effect. No one can do that and live. "Trying" or relying on "making an effort" is literally the essence of lawless behavior. Effort and good intentions are not efficacious for salvation and they are not law keeping. We are law-breakers by nature; we need a new nature.
Trust and to follow what the scriptures clearly teach: Believe in the One who kept the law, was crucified for you,nailed your sin to the cross, was buried, and then was resurrected to Life. Repent—go and sin no more. Be baptized—be sacramentally identified into Jesus's death and resurrection. "For it's by grace you have been saved, through faith. And that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, that no one would boast."
–the following verse puts our effort into proper context: "For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared before that we would walk in them."
Show me the atheists when they are 75+ yo.
shitty life is very subjective. shouldn't apply to everyone. otherwise they are all unlucky.
So, after all God created, and called good...you disagree?? Sin brought the curse, but Jesus is redeeming all who believe the good news. There is much to take joy and pleasure in here—the heaven's declare the glory of God—especially for believers. This is the day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it! We have hope! In this world he says we will have troubles, but to "be of good courage and cheer, for He has overcome the world." For the unsaved, this is as close to heaven as they'll ever know. For the saint, it's as close to hell. So..."My soul, why are you downcast....?"
Given the quality of current science and scientists, I’m not particularly concerned with their ability to eliminate disease and death. Look at what happened with the MRNA vaccines. The unintended consequences surprised almost everyone, suggesting scientists don’t have the first clue as to how manipulated genes will react with human DNA. Apparently, their guess is a good as mine. And don’t get me started about modeling genetic tweaks, we all know how that goes…
"The unintended consequences surprised almost everyone, suggesting scientists don’t have the first clue as to how manipulated genes will react with human DNA. Apparently, their guess is a good as mine."
THE SYNAGOGUE OF SATAN - all minds being convinced that they have understood LIFE/GOD ALMIGHTY (an expression they would never use) - has been playing this game since THE SERPENT, EVE AND ADAM in THE GARDEN OF EDEN. Putting on a "white robe" to signal their innocence and throwing around "big words" in order to hide THE LIE - that they have actually no idea what is going on. With the advent of manufacturing consent - always under the pretext "to do good" and "save lifes" - and mass media "accelerating" the madness and as a result turning the majority into zombies to be harvested for their PRIDE driven "purposes" - never forgetting to point out that "they" do it for "the good of humanity"!
You are assuming that their intentions were good.
All this has been done before. They are not discovering but rediscovering knowledge that led to Centaurs, Cyclops and, oh yes. Adam.
The virgin birth was ridiculed or held as myth, for 2,000 years, now it takes place 1 million times per year. (not all of them human births of course)
The Anunnaki lifespan was 70 years, Niburu years of course, or around 250,000 Earth years, yet still their mixed children sought immortality. Their literature suggests that a clone of a body part of a deceased Annunaki was in fact the person and memory/character would continue.
They knew they had no selection mechanism for the mrna and that it would hit whatever cells it touched. This is literally the exact rationale for the shoulder shot.
Because they know you can afford to lose a little shoulder meat.
They also foresaw the scope of damages that can happen if it goes beyond the shoulder. Since the entire technology is predicated on triggering an autoimmune response.
Autoimmune destruction of shoulder tissues; not a big deal. But heart tissues? Liver tissues? Tissues that have **years** of lifespan? Big deal.
They were aware from the start. This knowledge is baked into the science and is the primary reason mrna wasn't mainstream earlier.
Just remember the mrna is an artificial virus. Or more like a viroid. It makes you produce spike turning healthy cells into viral cells (any healthy cell producing foreign viral spike is considered like cancer and removed which is why so many antivirals and immune boosters are also being looked into for cancer treatment and why cancers are growing rapidly in vaxxed).
All of this was known which is why they wanted immunity.
If there was a way to specifically target the cells of interest alone; epithelial cells. And they did not use spike but some other less toxic viral protein.
Then mrna likely would have had almost no side effects barring specific issues with batches and production quality that would have compromised this. (And we know this issue was prevalent even considering the already dangerous choices made)
Keep in mind the clear data. Every death shows wide spread inflammation caused by mrna spike & factory cells across the whole system. Especially the heart.
Autopsies often reveal large and extensive amyloid clotting.
The major source of immediate clotting and direct injection issues came from bloodstream injections.
Amyloid plaques develop because of spike. So many people had problems because factory cells were made in their heart.
Plaques are broken down by the immune system but when the immune system is progressively overloaded it shuts down. Hence issues happening anytime from a month to 6 months after dose.
Clots cause everything seen. Including neurological issues. Spike cannot cross blood brain barrier.
The amyloid plaque issue is likely the only thing not foreseen by these companies since it requires long term analysis of this specific protein in blood. Other proteins would not have caused this problem. No way to have known this ahead of time.
We know this because there are many choices of proteins in the actual covid virus.
They chose literally the most dangerous protein to reproduce. Because it's often the easiest for the body to identify. They did not know the protein was dangerous till the first human tests proved it. But they went ahead anyways.
No consideration for risks. They wanted maximum effectiveness and with no liability and first to market making massive profits they said "screw it".
Insane behavior and we are all paying for it.
The only reason some vaxxed are getting away with their life intact is they are extremely lucky it didn't enter their bloodstream or their body cleared it before it could infect heart tissue or the batch was defective.
Or that they are currently wounded but unaware because some issues, like heart issues or cancers, only show up when there is a shock to the system. Could be years later they feel it.
I'll bet a 10 fold rise in cancers & heart disease in the coming decade. At minimum.
The pharmaceuticals industry has its roots in occultism. It is purely demonic. As a follower of Jesus, it stuns me how many so-called Christians either don't know or flat out don't believe God's word.
It seems to me the death “they” want to cheat is not mine, but their own. We lowly people would all be eliminated by then…if it were even possible.
And beginning immediately after they eliminated us ... they would turn on one another ... until the last "man" is left standing. In the most horrifying hell -- being the only person left alive in all the world.
I agree, Louise! That fact is quite apparent.
While I think efforts to conquer disease will eventually be a benefit through reducing suffering and, as a side-effect, lengthen the average lifespan, I likewise entertain grave doubts that the eventual death of the body will ever be avoided entirely. At least I am realistic enough not to hitch my wagon to that particular pony: In some relatively short period of time, the entire question, for me at least, is going to be rendered moot.
So the question is: what to do in the meantime. Certainly scarfing bowls full of “supplements” every morning in the desperate hope of eking out an extra day or two, blind and deaf on my death bed, of oxygen consumption doesn’t seem worth the risk of liver damage that might be the result of such foolishness. No, there must be a more substantive pursuit.
I have, in my old age and possibly imagined wisdom, become convinced that there really is a technique for transferring the seat of identity to a new and more permanent locus — one that survives dissolution of the material form. Jesus said as much (and provided much instruction in the technique), and I believe it.
People might logically and beneficially invest more time and effort in their immortal soul than in their remarkably transitory physical body.
Just to provide some credence to your words ...
24Then said Jesus unto his disciples, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me. 25For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it. 26For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? 27For the Son of man shall come in the glory of his Father with his angels; and then he shall reward every man according to his works.
28Verily I say unto you, There be some standing here, which shall not taste of death, till they see the Son of man coming in his kingdom. Matt 16, 24-28
This transhumanism project is, I believe, an attempt to conquer death. But not for the loathsome masses. The world is overpopulated, according to every billionaire and millions of so-called elites. Why would they extend this benefit to the unwashed? In fact, I believe we are on the cusp of a great planned culling.
The mRNA vaccines alter human beings, God's greatest creation. God will come to do some good, old fashioned, Old Testament smiting of those responsible.
Me thinks He is going to be very, very busy once he arrives :)
"The mRNA vaccines alter human beings, God's greatest creation. God will come to do some good, old fashioned, Old Testament smiting of those responsible."
They who were "chosen" by their disobedience - continuing the war against GOD ALMIGHTY - are bringing the smiting upon themselves - like a child knowing the consequences of misbehaviour is bringing those consequences upon itself by its disobedience not the one carrying out those consequences.
" Have pity on them, they didn't deserve to die, nor to suffer in torment," ... it's not up to ANY OF GOD ALMIGHTY'S CREATIONS to judge ... exactly as THE LORD JESUS CHRIST advised ....
1Judge not, that ye be not judged. 2For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. Matt 7, 1-2
16And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? 17And he said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God: but if thou wilt enter into life, keep the commandments.
Matt 19, 16-17
THE WORLD has never been different - so it seems, from all I have seen and heard and GOD ALMIGHTY has shown me in my heart - not since THE SERPENT beguiled EVE in THE GARDEN OF EDEN and convinced/coerced ADAM into her DECEPTION that LIFE is THE FLESH - MATERIALISM! Not realising that BEFORE there was ANY FLESH there was ALREADY THE HOLY SPIRIT speaking LIFE/ THE FLESH into EXISTENCE!
And as THE LORD JESUS CHRIST stated that HE doesn't judge ANYONE - which is why HE died temporarily for EVERYONE, but only who turns to HIM will have ETERNAL LIFE - but that those who refuse THE LORD JESUS CHRIST as their SAVIOUR have judged themselves into THE ABYSS!
(paraphrasing to the best of my ability)
My comment didn't dispute the existence and application of pity, which is very much the essence of "not judging".
Simply speaking my response was merely trying to point out that ALL WISDOM, MIGHT, GRACE, PURPOSE, RIGHTEOUSNESS IS IN, OF AND WITH GOD ALMIGHTY and ANYONE who disputes this very fact is putting himself above GOD ALMIGHTY AND HIS ONE AND ONLY SON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST ... who professed that even HE AND THE ANGELS did NOT know the hour or the day!
Science knows about .1% of what it needs to know to eliminate disease. Let alone death. These transhumanists can barely write a program that works. Science is moving backward rapidly.
Well, being genetically immortal doesn't help much if we still have wars and murder. Is anyone working on eliminating those?
The day and the hour for the end of man's reign on earth is set and can't be delayed or accelerated. Man has proven that he cannot govern himself so a global theocracy will bring in a new age. All the isms of the left will be extinct.
I don't think your date is far off the mark based on my own reading of the times and the signs.
I would say that there is an embedded immorality in advancing a second coming, from the point of view if the Christian. It's not so much in purpose - striving for physical perfection - striving and paying the personal price is the Christian map. I see all governance as striving for some kind of ideal. The immorality seems to be the apriori notion that our nature is perfectable. I can't see a Christian geneticist reconciling this. Can you be a Christian and shovel the coal train to perfected self- exaltation? I cant see it.
That Science may slow or even halt aging is a form of Promisedlandism. It is a goal that never needs to be met, it is a hope that keeps one taking the vaxx, giving alliance with the Trans, in sort, believing in the unlimited potential of human creativity. The Divine Limit aside, there is not a single genetic trick that needs to be accomplished to achieve immortality, such as turning off aging. The eutrophication of cells could (and likely would) lead to all manner of deformities, cancers, and other unwelcome growth. The bodily system could still be clogged, cutting off the necessary elements from getting to the cells and organs. Assuming each cell is not an eternal monad, they would die off just the same as ever without the proper nutrients,
The material limit cannot be overcome. This is true whether we are looking at a blocked artery or the crushing weight of a bolder. Extended life, if not perpetual life may be possible, but immortality is materially impossible because it is outside of our metaphysical authority. By the traditional Catholic theology, at least by some of the Fathers, Our first parents would have lived perpetually by divine grace. The Fall removed this grace, and left us to the natural process of entropy.
This is an excellent point. There's a saying that a committee will never solve the problem it was intended to solve and will even make it worse. Otherwise they'd be out of a job. That's why cancer institutes will never solve cancer, poverty centers will never solve poverty, the ADL will never solve anti-semetism, etc. There are even lawsuits where they will PREVENT you from solving the problem yourself because it would put them out of work. Have you ever heard of a prominent group like that saying "Welp, thank for the billions of dollars over 30 years. We did it, we solved the problem! We're dissolving the corporation now. Let's all go find new jobs".
That's right, an "Institute for Eternal Life Research" would be the absolute best human guarantor for humans dying and they would even kill you to prevent from founding eternal life because all the billions of dollars they receive from Soros, Rothchilds et all would evaporate.
Real life comedy aside, I do not think anyone opposing God will have the wisdom to accomplish much. Never forget Dr. Ignaz Semmelweis. In 1865 he said that delivering babies while your hands are covered with gore from autopsies would kill the babies via disease. He then forced his hospital to wash their hands and early childhood deaths disappeared. The rest of the medical authorities had him committed to an insane asylum and had the guards beat him to death. The hospital then went back to dissecting corpses and then delivering babies and childhood death returned to old highs. The academic and medical men who had Semmelweis killed lived out their lives with academic honors and prosperity and never suffered a whit on earth.
If the mental midgets who run society with Satan's blessing couldn't figure out that washing your hands was prudent, how could they possibly get anywhere near eternal life?
Hahaha. Yes, is easy enough to fundraise for R & D at Hubris Corp.
Fear of death is in fact the root cause of the evil we see. Our forebears never thought to extend their lives, but accepted God’s gifts as given, and in time graciously, reflecting the love they had felt from God, made way for us. And how deeply selfish and sad for us then that we do not perceive this love, and instead seek to deprive future generations of their time in the sun, how truly sad.
This has been brewing for a while. Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw published "Life Extension: a Practical Scientific Approach" back in the 80s. Their point is that we don't need to discover immortality in our normal human lifetime to achieve physical immortality. We just need to keep extending life faster than we grow old.
This mindset is everywhere. Notice the tobacco lawsuit: all that talk about cigarettes killing people. Cigarettes don't kill; they shorten [physical] life. Traffic jams and long lines at the DMV also shorten life -- unless you consider sitting in snarled traffic or the DMV to be living.
How does smoking compare with our complicated income tax when it comes to taking away years of living?
Matthew 24, Matthew 24:36-38
We know that: "the last battle will be over the family."
And that there will be a great apostasy; a contraceptive-abortive-sodomizing church sure does seem like one.
Eternal life in the flesh, in this fallen world, would be meaningless life, because devoid of love. Loveless life is meaningless. For when do we feel the greatest love and longing? When we think of those we have loved and lost, who have preceded us into the grave — and with whom we will be reunited. No such reflection is possible for the soulless, whose clinging to life is futility.