When I think of guys like Douthat and Dreher, the words Milk and Toast come to mind.

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Dreher's glasses trigger me every time.

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Next time he should go with an adult when he selects frames.

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Yes, they’re total cuckservatives. Hence, for example, they burn with unquenchable lust to be eternally and publicly gang-raped by Paco, Jamal, Abdul, Wong, and Shekelstein as the ultimate form of virtue signaling. Pitiful. Just pitiful.

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Speaking of reality, see this video—and much more—on my Youtube channel:

Modern Madness Explained


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Thanks.That you in the video?

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My pleasure. It’s the great Fr. William Jenkins, SSPV (formerly of the SSPX, who famously became one of “The Nine” in 1983 who left the SSPX).

I strongly recommend regularly watching their (Fr. J and the host) weekly What Catholics Believe show. They got too real for Youtube in speaking against the death-vaxxes and the Covidiocracy and thus got a strike, so new episodes can be seen on the WcbOhio channel on Rumble (and heard on their podcast). But many previous shows are still on their YT channel, such as these:

The Moronic Madness of Modernism

The Crucifixion of the Catholic Church

Modernism’s Legacy of Perversion

St. Pius X, Lefebvre and Modernism

And many more….

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