Young man Bergoglio was a crypto-communist. Old man Bergoglio is still a crypto-diabolical agent. His ecumenical obsession to embrace the Left and its fleeting zeitgeist is in opposition to the eternal Holy Spirit. It serves the Devil's secular-atheist purpose. Once Bergoglio got rid of Pope Benedict and became Fake Pope, it was inevitable that the Vatican's myriad agencies, ministries and encyclicals (see e.g., that of 2015 on climate change) would be re-formed to the institutional shape of the Fake Pope's crypto-secular atheism and the pop culture content of his Leftist humanist ideo-theology. For decades, the West's secular atheist pop culture (which Francis' Vatican openly applauds and covertly assists) has been all abuzz with the gospel of scientism and what Briggs calls the practice of "scidolatry." (Neat new word for me. Thanks.) That same dominant secular atheist culture is now enthralled with pagan orthopraxy: preaching the scientism gospel of climate control and practicing its rituals of massive human sacrifice via abortion and green energy starvation; and with pagan orthodoxy: the worship via press, media and science journals of the climate god and its idol, carbon.

Briggs has correctly dubbed the bureaucratic rulers of the West's dominant secular atheist culture as The Expertocracy, and he has astutely defined their rituals as scientism and scidolatry. For The Expertocracy, the looming threat of nuclear War is a dangerous, perhaps terminal, diversion from their agenda, which is to maintain their political control via the rituals of secular atheism: preaching the gospel of scientism and practicing scidolatry. Thus, lest America's proxy War Against Russia gets out of their control and destroys their power, The Expertocracy has a desperate need to contain the US proxy War Against Russia within its current confines of the Ukraine theater.

Here's where the Fake Pope can be of value to his rulers.

The Expertocracy's dire need is Fake Pope Francis' golden opportunity. Francis can fake a belief in the traditonal orthodoxy of Catholicism and preach love and peace (thus pleasing his flock), while actually practicing the idolatory of secular paganism by offering up The Science (via the Pontifical Academy of Sciences) as the fake answer to the real threat of war that the scidolatrist Expertocracy created.

It's a he wins, they win, we lose!

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Well, those currently steering the Vatican's ship of state are certainly making me rethink my attitude towards Jack Chick tracts. The old guy may have been right, after all.

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For God so loved the world that he begot the United Nations so that climate disinformation might not persish, but have everlasting life.

(LifeSiteNews) – During an anti-“disinformation” meeting by the World Economic Forum (WEF), the U.N. Under-Secretary-General for Global Communications said that “we own the science” in reference to their information on climate change.


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Biden has just added another woman to the ruling Expertocracy by appointing the White House chief of staff’s female wife as ambassador for plants and animals due to ‘'climate crisis.’'


This important ecclesiastical post in the pagan worship of the climate god might well have been assigned as an added duty for our current Ambassador to the Secular Progressive Vatican, but the ambassador is a "he," apparently a genuine cis-gendered male man who daringly still uses the pronouns he, his and him, so such a doubling of his duties appointment would not have constituted the all-important blow for diversity, which is Job One for Brain Dead Biden.

Or is Blow Job One what Lee Iaccoca used to say in that Chrysler commercial?

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