My take is that they can't let another election happen. I mean maybe Biden or Newsom vs. Pence or Christie but not a REAL election, that has to be prevented at all costs. America can't survive another election where someone that people actually want is on the ballot.

My guess is that if covidystopia comes back it will be deliberately to provoke a response. Don't get me wrong, we can and should respond. But it seems clear that that will be the goal. They are after all running out of viable distractions. Persecuting Immanuel Orangestein is deeply in the realm of diminishing returns.

On the other hand, at least with Slouching Towards 2030 people I care about are only suffering evil not committing evil. I worry that in a lot of Second Coming of Trump scenarios we move from victims to abusers. Bit of a ramble but it seems comprehensible for 'I haven't had my coffee yet.'

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> My guess is that if covidystopia comes back it will be deliberately to provoke a response.

More likely goal is to have an excuse for even more vote by mail fraud.

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Aug 23, 2023Edited
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This is my take too. I'll admit that it might be my hopes speaking but considering how hard the powers that be in distancing themselves from the coof panic, I do think it's just a bunch of guys who never got the memo - like that Japanese guy who continued to fight decades after the end of WW2.

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I'm not so sure. The DOJ is still desperately seeking White Supremacist/Christian Nationalist terrorists. They manufacture one case and spread it around to all of their offices to produce a plandemic of domestic terrorism. They need justification for persecution and the astroturfed kind seems kinda thin even to the regime presstitutes.

At least from that perspective it is not a negative. Crushing resistance is a justification for increasing police power and bureaucracy. They need us to organize and DO something so that they can respond to it.

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Aug 23, 2023Edited
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If they thought that there was a large underground of radical white supremacist domestic terrorists then they wouldn't create fake terrorist attacks. They well know that the demand for domestic terrorists far outstrips the supply.

Hence they find mentally ill young men in chatrooms and provide them with plans and materiel to carry out abductions so that they can catch and prosecute them. You do not send in confidential informants to orchestrate a plot by stupidity. Just doesn't happen. To see the graffito swastika and hallucinate a domestic terrorist narrative is one thing but to paint the swastika yourself and then sell such a narrative for organizational benefit is entirely different.

There is not a concerted push because there is no 'they'. There are multiple small interest groups pursuing their own interests which because of organizational incest and ideological similarity contribute to a perfidious whole. '20 through say fall of '21 was a tremendous exception. The entire beast moved in a coordinated way. And shot itself in the foot in the most tremendous way. Covidystopia was a tremendous failure and I suspect a very costly one for those who hoped to profit from it. You don't openly steal an election and move the entire media ecosystem in lockstep because you are in a position of strength and things are going well. The puppets aren't supposed to feel the hand up their ass. They are supposed to imagine that they move of their own volition.

On a superficial level, the stupidity that you talk about has become visible to the stupid themselves. Bringing 'the adults back in charge' has led to stunning footbullets that were not anticipated. The Left is now running into the reality that those who have suckled at the teat of Leftism are useless to the purposes of the Left as well as most any other purposes. But there is nothing that can be done about it. The Left moves irresistibly towards greater subjugation and greater uselessness of all of its subjects.

I do agree that this college and office are not some advance wave of a coordinated movement. And I stand by my IF 'My guess is that if covidystopia comes back it will be deliberately to provoke a response.' We won't see anything like that again any time soon. We may well see attempts to resurrect it in either isolated or coordinated ways.

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Alternatively, it's trial balloons sampling public mood. Further actions (or not acting) from on high ain't yet carved in stone; they depend on ground response ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Aug 23, 2023
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You can't read the sick minds living wholesale in their delusional parallel 'reality'. Logic? What does this odd word even mean? 😏

ETA Proceed with caution: start fairly small and scale as appropriate 🤔

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“Science Shields”

One thousand thanks for the wonderful label for those ridiculous slabs of plexiglass.

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Look, Ratso!

These lowlifes are thugs, criminals, and morally-defective, emotionally-corrupted Maroons. They will CONTINUE TO DO WHATEVER THEY CAN DO TO HARM GOOD PEOPLE. Just refuse their orders, and soon they will go down the toilet bowl of world history. Their stench will not persist. A squirt of that all new (as seen on late night TV) Fabreze Stink Stencher, and we will forget they ever plaqued us.

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Ratso knew a thing or two.

Upright good guy!

Much, much more to Ratso than Joe.

Joe has more stink, for example. And Ratso's a lots nicer guy.

Ate ice cream only after he got on a warm bus to where the weather suits his clothes.

Such planning would never occur to Old Dead Joe.

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Hey, they paid a lot of money for those worthless plastic shields. They have to get their money’s worth!

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Besides not panicking, I would suggest that we follow the guidance of the Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, and add carrying a towel to our arsenal of weapons against The Covid.

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With you 100%.

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Huxley wrote this:

"The surest way to work up a crusade in favour of some good cause is to promise people they will have a chance of maltreating someone. To be able to destroy with good conscience, to be able to behave badly and call your bad behaviour 'righteous indignation' — this is the height of psychological luxury, the most delicious of moral treats."

"If you don't wear your mask, you will kill Granny."


"Power without abuse loses its’ charm."

Paul Valery (french Poet)

“Fortunate is a nation which in the moments of trials and tribulations doesn’t stand round waiting for someone else to tell her what to do, but instead with simplicity and ease picks up a nearest wooden club and starts nailing her abusers, until in her soul the sense of injustice and fury is replaced by contempt and pity.”

Lev Tolstoy

They do it because they can.

Police and bureaucrats choose their jobs because they enjoy bullying others. That's it! That is the only reason.


"And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more - we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward."-- Aleksandr I. Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Remember the last time a policeman or civil servant actually wanted to help ?

No me neither.

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Couldn’t agree more!

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💬 Will the students meekly obey, and join the Cult of Safety First?

Depends on the extent to which ours is a mimetic society. My unfortunate guess is thoroughly 😟 Check out a helpful feature-list from Luca Dellanna --> luca-dellanna.com/mimetic-societies (h/t Chris Bray)

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Let the panic hammer the universities, I say. They deserve no better.

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No credibility. No integrity. At least Science Shields are what they seem; shields from science. And like most shields, they don’t work.

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Who’d dare assert hon’ble Sgt Briggs ain’t no oracular? 😊 ↓↓ timestamped January 27, 2020, ffs! (wmbriggs.com/post/29071)

💬 This would tend to inflate the mortality rate, perhaps by a lot.

💬 About videos of people dropping dead in the streets of China I am skeptical

💬 After all, every would-be media-hyped plague of the last half century has turned out to be a dud, globally speaking, which is evidence in favor of calmness.

💬 we’d see the connectivity and mobility hard stopped. No flights to or from China and the like.

💬 We are one big unhappy family now.

And two last money excerpts:

💬 But *because* we don’t know what we don’t know does *not* make what we don’t know bad. It could also be good, or benign.

💬 Infections, like ebola, are more or less rare, but they happen *because of causes* not because they are “fat-tailed”, i.e. rare according to some evidence. When they are happening they are no longer rare, they are happening. The causes do not possess “fat tails” or probability of any kind.

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Aug 23, 2023
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Alas, they are not the only ones.

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