Riggs says, "Fewer virgin sacrifices will now be required."

It is true that the Aztecs and Incas, until Red China, the two civilizations with the highest incidence of virgin sacrifice, did not use electric cars.

But it's not true that there is an inverse relationship between the use of electric vehicles and virgin sacrifice. The opposite is true: the more electric cars the more baby killing, virgins all. USA jurisdictions, like California and DC, where electric cars are most used, are also those where abortion is most ubiquitous. Red China is the world's leader in the manufacture and sales of electric cars and electric car batteries (and, btw, solar panels.) It also leads the world in the homicide of prenatal infants and is the only country where child sacrifice on the alter of population control is government policy.

I suspect (Riggs can do the numbers) that the more power in the hands of Climate Hoaxers, DemocRats and other authoritarians, the more dead babies.

I think the use of electric cars should be like abortion: safe, legal and rare.

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The invoice lists 2 units of coolant, which I take to be something given to the customer together with the invoice.

Our (German) car companies (Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Volkswagen - ha ha) all have plans to cut off the lower, affordable end of their product portfolios (think VW Golf and smaller). The road to serfdom is to be travelled on foot.

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All part of the Green Leap Forward, comrade!

Noble Hero of The Science Newscum saved everybody yesterday!


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Washington state beat CA to the punch by passing a law that only electric cars can be sold starting 2030

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OK, the question is, do these leaders really believe there is a climate crisis, or is this simply a trojan horse used to usher in a totalitarianism? I circled "trojan horse' on my test.

The worldwide revolution is underway.

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There I go again, calling you "Riggs."

Sorry Briggs.

Must be Oldtimers.

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Many call me much worse names.

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