Due to underwhelming demand, and something not entirely dissimilar to the silence of a distant clamour, I announce the periodic return of the Ask A Scientific Ethicist column.
BTW: Did you know that at the behest of Dr. Fauci and in consultation with the FBI, DOJ, the Biden and Clinton Family Foundations for Foreign Fundraising, and the January 6 Committee, the CDC, NIH, HHS and the American Medical Association have, for the first time since the Fall of Rome, updated the Formula Comitis Archiatrorum to incorporate Fauci's Rules of Medical Ethics (aka The Hypocritic Oath) ?
The new rules in the code are:
1. Make No Decision (without plausible deniability, media protection and the power to silence critics.)
2. Do No Harm (for which you cannot dissemble, deny, lie or blame Trump and the hate for which he stands: the "semi-Fascists," "Ultra MAGA, "white supremacists," "racists," "systemic racism," "Russian collusion and disinformation," or enemies of "The Science.")
Wait... figures deduced from mice come with uncertainty? How about more mice, say ten instead of eight?
Laughing in LA
Chuckling in Charleston
Knee slapping in Knoxville
Hee hawing in Houston
Cackling in Clarksburg
Guffawing in Galveston (Oh Galveston)
Chortling in Chattanooga
Howling in Harrisburg
Dear Scientific Ethicist,
Your readers need to get a life and a job.
BTW: Did you know that at the behest of Dr. Fauci and in consultation with the FBI, DOJ, the Biden and Clinton Family Foundations for Foreign Fundraising, and the January 6 Committee, the CDC, NIH, HHS and the American Medical Association have, for the first time since the Fall of Rome, updated the Formula Comitis Archiatrorum to incorporate Fauci's Rules of Medical Ethics (aka The Hypocritic Oath) ?
The new rules in the code are:
1. Make No Decision (without plausible deniability, media protection and the power to silence critics.)
2. Do No Harm (for which you cannot dissemble, deny, lie or blame Trump and the hate for which he stands: the "semi-Fascists," "Ultra MAGA, "white supremacists," "racists," "systemic racism," "Russian collusion and disinformation," or enemies of "The Science.")