"Different religions have all sorts of ideas and beliefs about the nature of God. But none of those dogmas or doctrines will ever do anything to change the simplest and most intimately human experience of encountering face to face - inside a doorway, a kitchen, out in the garden - the crushing reality that you realize can kill you in an instant. And, once you have glimpsed this, it will never leave you the same again.

I am referring to the reality of God as omniscient, omnipresent and omnipotent: as knowing everything because of being everywhere and the power behind the whole of existence.

Tradionally there have always been the people who are strong enough to endure such an experience and - most often as prophets - play the role of intermediaries between the human and the divine. But this raises a very obvious question.

That's the question of what happens when those people fade out of the picture because we no longer care as a culture for any contact with the overwheming reality of the sacred and because, instead, we suppose we can maintain the laughable illusion of ourselves being the ones in control.

The answer is that when we no longer respect or aknowledge the living dualities of divine consciousness and presence and power, they find themselves forced to adapt to our parody of a reality.

And they do so by adjusting their shape and form to become the nightmare of a big-brother surveillance state which is blatantly omniscient and omnipresent and omnipotent - and will be living up to its divine attributes with even greater faithfulness and accuracy during the years to come, all because we thought we could abandon the sacred.

Naturally this is no laughing matter. As they say, it's not some ordinary walk in the park. It's a matter of neglecting and misusing divine energy, the most powerful energy there is; and that never ends well.

Divine laws get twisted into human laws which end up becoming absurdly inhuman. Divine attributes are distorted into mechanisms of human control that become even more inhuman. And it's no coincidence that the most fanatical extemes of legalism, with someone new rushing to sue someone else every second, as well as the most fantastic ingenuity in pushing towards a technological ideal of total global surveillance both have their home in modern America.

On the contrary, these straightforward facts spell out the secret of America in its simplest possible form.

As a nation it always thought it could claim for itself the mantle, the mystique, of exceptionalism; of being totally unique and different from any other nation on earth. But the United States of America is not exceptional at all, except in one sense - that it's the perfectly inevitable and unavoidable culmination of the course western culture has been on for thousands of years.

Its dreams, its ideals, even its proudest ambitions, are not its own. America's famous manifest destiny is nothing but the end result of the West throwing out what could have been its true destiny.

And as for the steady, unconscious decent into technological hell: this is exactly what happens when a society forgets that even its science has a sacred source deep inside the underworld.

- Catafalque by Peter Kingsley

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All true. But then the surveillance paradigm has a very short shelf life, for two main reasons. First, it is extraordinarily energy-intensive with very limited and trivial end results - like temporarily keeping their Ponzi-scheme economy from collapsing. Second, it creates a new batch of people who are so far removed from their own capacity for self-sufficiency that they can't contribute anything of value to society, while those who stay the course will eventually prevail. Natural Law can be mitigated but not abolished. Just my two cents.

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You overlooked the fourth axiom: centralization.

This is the controversial axiom among Enlightenment thinkers (such as Jefferson) and modern liberals (antitrust and the pre Nixon farm programs), which means we can play divide and win.

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That’s an important point but maybe centralization is a sub-heading under Utilitarianism? Just a thought.

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As the country swings away from the crazy woke Left, there are saving graces that will hopefully (I think) stop the pendulum from swinging too far another way:

1. Conservatives are all about "conservation". As William F. Buckey put it: ""A conservative is a fellow standing athwart history yelling "stop.".

2. This counter revolution originates from the Heartland. People in the center of the country are close to the land and are usually more mentally stable as a whole -than people on the coasts.

3. MAGA means America was great and will be great -with a return to the Constitution, that document has always guarded us.

4. Trump is in charge now of the Party and the Presidency. He is old and interested in... His Legacy. He (ironically since he was called Hitler) should keep any revolutionary whippersnappers from getting out of hand. He wants his Legacy to be a return of a constitutional America. We're lucky we to have an old man with an eye on His Legacy.

5. There will be a return to Religiosity, a return of the mainline Churches, and a return of the Latin Mass for those who are Catholic. The philosophy of the Woke was Unsatisfyingly Material, we should be on the cusp of a rebellion against that too.

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I do hope so.

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Thank you for this! You stated succinctly what has been nagging at me for a long time; I have near misses, but you hit the bullseye.

The “enlightenment tenets” do seem to be the root of the pervasive axiom that all worth, every virtue and every value, includes a dollar sign.

But it’s hard not to notice the distant rumblings of a spiritual awakening. As with previous such, it will have mixed results since there is a bell-shaped curve both of spiritual receptivity and of intellectual capacity. Materialism, utilitarianism, will still be wholly embraced by some, but abandoned in varying degrees by many. The moral center of mass of what replaces it will be interesting to see. I expect it will, for many, be expressed as a renewed patriotism, which I suppose is better than the all-consuming selfishness that now seems so prevalent.

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This massive push to weirdoworld was instrumental in pushing America to vote for their jewish leader, Donald Trump. They used it like a cattle whip to corral most of us into a "solution" to this woke gone wild.

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Antisemitism is the flag pole of the Devil, (persons successfully tempted as such.)

-he's very successful at hiding, convincing us that he does not exist, but he can't hide when antisemitism arises... the illogic of how a people have been so hated and still remain on earth by the grace of God stands out. "There he is!"

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They are the synagogue of Satan. They are the very image of evil incarnate.

We know, Man. The cat is now out of the bag because the synagogue never knows when to stop their evil machinations. It has happened over and over again throughout the centuries.

So spare us the bullshit.

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"Recall it is likely even Talleyrand converted to his faith at the end." Likely, perhaps. But, "Il est plus probable qu'il l'ait eu dans le cul par le diable lui-même!". That would have been Fouché's opinion.

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Interesting, but faulty.

"Woke's" foundation is "Egalitarianism"???!! Can you be serious?

Woke's actual foundation is pure hatred of Normals. And rejection/denigration of all facets of Normal America. With that hatred of Normal, non-Normal people, attributes, and habits are raised to special status.

This is NOT "everyone's equal." This is "Normal Americans are scum which must be erased. The opposites of Normal are holy, sacred goals to be attained by whatever means necessary."

The belief system of "Woke" (which is a horrible term for this pure hatred--much more descriptive and explanatory is Politically Correct Progressivism--PC-Prog) is captured in 6 points of the belief system:

PC-Progs believe that:

America is racist.

America is sexist.

America is homophobic.

America is xenophobic.

America is a capitalist hellhole.

America is imperialistic.

And America must be changed.

Each of these points is reduced to a good/bad dichotomy:

White bad--non-white good (black blessed and holy).

Men bad--women good.

Straights bad--homos (and all the other related perversions) good.

American citizens bad--non-citizens good (illegal non-citizens best).

Capitalism (emitting CO2) bad--socialism good (green version best).

American activities in foreign lands for American interests bad--American activities in foreign lands for anti-American purposes good.

And the final tenet is the action corollary: Bad America must be changed.

And that's it.

No "egalitarianism" in that belief system whatsoever. No deep philosophical and historical considerations. Just hatred and a dedication to "change," that is destruction of Normal.

Just because PC-Progs babble about "equality" or "equity" or "egalitarianism" doesn't mean that's what they believe. Look at what they've done, not what they say.

EVERY PC-Prog issue can be reduced to, and understood by, these 6 tenets. No need to over-complicate.

This hatred, and the 6 tenets of the PC-Prog belief system are not some sort of organic, cyclical, return to an "Awakening." Far from it. These anti-Normal beliefs were inserted deliberately by a massive covert influence operation.


Normal America was built by WASPs--White Anglo-Saxon Protestant men and their families, normally sexed, using capitalism, restrained international relations, with acceptance of outsiders who assimilated to American culture. Perversions were illegal.

From 1619 to 1918, that was America's secret sauce. That built the foundation on which modern America grew.

After the Comintern was installed by Bolsheviks, that foundation was slowly, but surely, eroded. Until we arrived at where we are today.

An interesting note: the only one of the tenets of PC-Prog that has any resemblance to a valid criticism is "America is imperialist." Ironically, America was the least imperialist of the large nations, up until WW1. Since then, as PC-Progs have seized control, America IS imperialist--a perverted form of imperialism, but imperialist, nonetheless. America now ventures forth across the globe, not in pursuit of limited American interests, but rather under the rainbow flag of the PC-Prog globohomo movement--determined to force PC-Prog beliefs and practices in all lands.

Nothing "egalitarian" about the PC-Prog beliefs. Misunderstanding PC-Progs and their beliefs makes us that much more vulnerable to their continued dismantling of Normal America.

All that said, don't give up on fighting the PC-Prog behemoth. It is anti-reality. It is pure hatred. It is perverted. It is anti-Normal. We are the opposites of all that.

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Seriously serious. Those spiteful inept and unable mutants are in the positions they are in because of egalitarianism. That desire for Equality is what drives them. All those things you mention are the direct result of egalitarian impulses, married to secularism and utilitarianism.

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Cart before the horse!

They do NOT believe in equality.

PC-Prog beliefs have created a culture of belief in the INFERIORITY of white, heterosexual, capitalist, God-fearing Americans.

It's NOT "equality" or "equity" or "egalitarianism."

In the PC-Prog culture, wherever it has been in power:

Black is more equal than white.

Woman is more equal than man.

Queer is more equal than straight.

Foreigner is more equal than citizen.

Socialist is more equal than capitalist.

Where's the "egalitarianism" in that power structure? There is none. It's just a perversion of reality, but nothing to do with equality.

Egalitarianism and equality are just clubs to beat Normals over the head with.

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That's true, but it's all done for the sake of equality. Traditionally dominant values and identities must be pushed down, traditionally marginalized values and identities pulled up. The desired outcome is pure value and identity relativism -- a flat plane of equality (which is really imagined as a kind of religious apocalypse to those in this cult)

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"That's true, but it's all done for the sake of equality."

Equality may be on their lips, but reversal--up becomes down, white becomes black, straight becomes queer--is in their hearts and their hidden agenda, and their beliefs.

Look at any organization that PC-Progs control.

Is there "equality"? Are straight white men equal to black lesbians? Are white lives given equal consideration at BLM rallies? Is the nuclear family celebrated equally at homo pride parades?

It's NOT equality they want or produce. They want only to pull down and destroy the hated Normals, replacing them with the twisted, perverted opposites of Normal.

Not equality, but inversion, is their goal and it's what they produce.

Imputing high-sounding motives, like "egalitarianism", to the PC-Progs leads to faulty understanding of their goals, and misjudging the danger of their beliefs. Once you realize that their beliefs are 100% hatred and loathing, and their goals are destruction and degradation, only then can you deal with them effectively.

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Well, "equality" to me at least signifies death and destruction. But I can understand why you don't like the word. It does have a positive connotation to most people.

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I like that!

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Sorry, still not buying into the ‘peak woke’ or ‘vibe shift’ nonsense being peddled about; many selling this conceptual framing are not good actors.

If anything, wokeness has become normalized—which has devitalized the reaction to it. Wokeness is now baked into the system. Pointing out the odd exception doesn’t defeat the rule.

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That "normalization" is the point of emphasizing egalitarianism isn't going away, and that it's the law of the land, etc. etc. etc.

The acceleration has slowed. That's it.

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As woke falls, what rises? Shite, because as you noted, the cultural zeitgeist soup hasn't changed, it's just the current batch has a little less tofu in it.

The Western mind was poisoned by the Enlightenment. The freemasonic/liberal unholy trinity is the deity of the West, and the reality is the West has been collapsing since the late 1400's (when the Western mind gave up on Authority) and took a hard turn in the 1700's and we just had so much cultural capital stocked up that we didn't notice the fumes until the 1960's.

Asking the West to give up on the Enlightenment is like asking your average "conservative" to give up pr0n. The conservative mindset still defaults to "classical liberalism" not integralism or some pre-Lockean philosophy of society and governance. As such, it want's ala carte liberalism where it picks what vices stay and which are to be rejected but can't explain why since liberalism places it's three core values above all else without restriction.

We still have 2032 to reach that 250 year civilization ending road mark (I'm using the Constitution rather than the war). Historically, the overwhelming majority of them collapse. What can possibly convince Faustian man to turn away and repent from their course other than a miracle? What event could possibly unharden such minds and hearts? At this point, our elites would open gates to hell not just to see "how far can man go" but also out of spite.

And the real system, the bankers, the IMF/WB/BIS are still in charge and there has been zero challengers since the end of WW2. I have yet to see any leader speak out against them and their plan for CBDCs.

Can't always be doom and gloom, Hope is a virtue we should strive for, but it does feel like many in Gondor are celebrating a victory while Sauron and his orcs regather behind the black wall. Fire up the grills and celebrate the small wins, but don't beat your swords into plowshares just yet.

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Two steps forward, one step backward has always been the communist way of perverting the opponent's mindset. And look where we are now...

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