Jul 15·edited Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

My view is that the state had, through it's media marketing arm, propagated this narrative about hate speech causing violence and "lone wolf terrorism" (interestingly specific term, that) and so these intellectual whores in academia start publishing their "research" that just mysteriously bolsters the narrative of their major funding source, the state.

They know what these signals mean. See also climate change, populism, open borders, diversity, etc. They march in lock-step, with only sufficient lag to set up the curriculum and sign up the suckers.

They can both fuck right off as far as I am concerned. Lone wolf terrorism may indeed occur, but it is far less common than deep state patsy terrorism with a thin lone wolf disguise.

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Great comment. And the lone wolf (maybe, emotionally, the “alone wolf”) always ends up dead.

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“Deep state patsy terrorism with a thin lone wolf disguise”. - very well put. Seems they keep running the same playbook and I guess they will until someone stops them

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“Corriculum”? You playin’ wid dalanguage again?

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I already fixed it. Just fat fingers on a laptop keyboard, I'm afraid.

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How fast do people forget the Covid clotshot campaign of terrorism!

Remember this: today, a kid who turns 18, was only 13 in 2020. Those kids may think the havoc of mass psychosis is part of normal adult life. They have been groomed for warfare, it seems.

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

Even in conservative rural areas, where life was closer to normal, those kids are still having their own struggles. So many teen interactions/"rites of passage" didn't happen when they needed to.

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

Juliette Kayyem, just a glance at her Wikipedia will do to understand that the deep state has been waging a hot, all out war on THE PEOPLE of the United States of America for a long time.

Just look at her background, her spouse, the whole tightly meshed web of evil and treachery -- none of which is hidden, like in the old days. All out in the open these days, no need to hide it.

A highlight: "Until February 2020, Kayyem was a senior advisor to NSO Group, an Israeli technology firm known for its Pegasus spying tool. The company has been reported to provide spying software that has been used in targeted attacks against human rights activists and journalists in various countries, and played a role in the murder of Saudi dissident Jamal Khashoggi."

This the class of people who are never arrested, never prosecuted, never incarcerated. Those who are entirely ABOVE THE LAW. Friends of Epstein.

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We shouldn´t get upset with words and meanings. To IMPOSE a language on a people, is to show you have CONQUERED them. But nowadays it´s not territory that´s conquered; it´s the national budget, the public space and all its apparatus - to control this is to seize all the wealth - apparently SO TREAT THEIR LANGUAGE AS A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. Poke fun at it, but don´t get upset.

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That’s an amazing, amazing observation.

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I occurred to me while listening to Biden: "Wehaveshlusjusttogetthtekjeezallthetime...athing"

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

I rest easier at night knowing William Briggs, our own one-man counter-stochastic-terror task force, is on duty.

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Solid take.

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

I think this was pretty much an inevitable outcome given the last nine years of the deliberate and unrelenting hatred of Trump coupled with the racial/political/social/economic divisiveness that have become the official Platform of the Democrat Party. Since 16 June 2015, Trump has been subjected to nonstop and ever-increasing attacks through the use of politically motivated persecution by the Democrat party, Democrat politicians, and powerful, unaccountable, and corrupt government bureaucrats. They have used every tactic imaginable, from blaming Trump for the riots in 2020, to using corrupt lawyers and judges to prosecute and convict him of an imaginary crime, and by twice using manufactured evidence to impeach him, all while using a compliant and corrupt news media as willing cheerleaders.

Since 16 June 2015, the Democrats have marched in lockstep in broadcasting their nonstop message of divisiveness aimed at Trump all who support him. Over these last nine years, powerful politicians have repeatedly warned the country that Trump is “dangerous” and “a threat”, an “extremist”, and that “he wants to destroy our Democracy”. On 01 Sept 2022, President Biden stood before the entire world and delivered the “Red Speech” in which he raised his fists and furiously proclaimed that “Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic”, that “MAGA Republicans hold a dagger to the throat of our Democracy”, and that “There is no question that the Republican party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans, and that is a threat to this country”.

Did no one see this coming? After nine years of the constant and unrelenting message of fear and hatred for Trump coming from all levels of Government, the Democrat Party, and the news media, was an actual assassination attempt that unexpected?

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

From 6 o'clock news to Democracy now to NPR to .... all our federal and state tax funded poseurs is the phrase "a threat to our democracy". It reminds me of "Hope and Change". It means whatever each hearer imagines it means.

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“Woe to the world for temptations to sin! For it is necessary that temptations come, but woe to the one by whom the temptation comes!" Matthew 18:7

Whole lot o' woe goin' on, and the channels are being identified. Woe to you, channels.

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

Nothing is quite so dehumanizing as blaming the victim. Are there any victims other than Mr. Trump that our society would feel quite so comfortable blaming in such an obvious way? Whatever his other virtues or faults he has the ability to bring out the absolute worst in his opponents in a way that I have never seen before.

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Their behavior upends their supposed beliefs. After decades of claiming to be open-minded, liberal, and peaceful, they've proven themselves to be anything but.

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Whatever was good in the American Left, anti-war, anti-corporate, anti-pharma the Clinton's and Obamas purged to create their political machine. The liberals of principle were orphaned and have made common cause with the conservatives of principle, similarly marooned by the GOPE(although obviously the GOPE is a far less effective machine).

What we call the Left now is really rather like the 'bug' in the first Men in Black running around in an Edgarsuit.

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Agreed. And the Edgarsuit has decomposed!

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Indeed, the ‘suit’ is off, as it were!

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Dr B - notice PJB last night which political violence he notes? - Jan 6, plot against Gov, attempts at congress lawmen, threats or antagonism against election officials, Pelosi, and DJT - where were the recent riots on campus or the antifa riots in 2020. More of same 1984 style mass hypnosis and history rewrite.

All our institutions are captured including our Churches which is most deeply disturbing to me.

Why wouldn't they each continue to play by orders given - what was the price they have paid for their Covid crimes?

Not a penny. And we all know, and they know we know yet cant or won't do a thing to change it.

We are a kennel dog left for dead.

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

"The return to order will not be painful, because it will be natural and because it will be favoured by a secret force whose action is wholly creative. We will see precisely the opposite of what we have seen. Instead of these violent commotions, painful divisions, and perpetual and desperate oscillations, a certain stability, and indefinable peace, a universal well-being will announce the presence of sovereignty. There will be no shocks, no violence, no punishment even, except those which the true nation will approve. Even crime and usurpation will be treated with a measured severity, with a calm justice that belongs to legitimate power only."

-- Joseph de Maistre

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

This was inevitable. The thing that surprises me is that it took so long for someone to take a shot at Trump.

I'm no fan of Trump, but if his speech on the morning of January 6 is considered impeachment-worthy incitement, what about the Left's campaign of the last few years claiming that Donald Trump is literally Satan on earth and an existential threat to democracy?

Ha. Just try telling that to any of your liberal friends. I have tried to gently point it out, and they are genuinely blind to it. The cognitive dissonance is strong in so many people these days.

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

'"Stochastic terrorism: critical reflections on an emerging concept"...broadly, the idea that influential individuals may demonise target groups or individuals, inspiring unknown actors to take up terroristic violence against them...'

As your Archbishop of Canterbury example demonstrates, this is nothing new. Religions have a rich history of literally demonizing their critics. It looks like the only thing new here is slapping a technical term on it and creating a market for academic articles.

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

Nothing justifies an assassination bid [except for the sentence of which I am about to add] ...

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Jul 16Liked by William M Briggs

It strikes me that ‘Stochastic Terrorism’ is as empirically vacuous as the ‘Weather Attribution Studies’ the Expertocracy foists on us. There is nothing new about hurricanes and heatwaves, just as there is nothing new about deranged people assassinating politicians with whom they disagree. What is new is the ideologically-driven attempt to think these phenomena to things the Expertocracy does not like - CO2 and the right - on purely conjectural grounds.

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

Academics would be the ones to coin a descriptor that instantly causes amnesia and brain lock. This inversion and presenting contradictions as complements is beyond tiresome.

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Jul 15Liked by William M Briggs

Excellent piece - it's clear as day but I'm sure this point will go ignored and the threats will start again. It's the only strategy Biden has...

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