Casting an obese black lady as Mother Nature is a microaggression. It implies that black women are "earthy" and "grounded", leaning hard into stereotypes about black people being more in touch with their animal natures than the more intellectual whites and Asians. Apple should be ashamed of itself.

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I'm quite sure you're being sarcastic, but I actually do agree with this (absent the new faggled language about being offended)

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We owe you a debt of gratitude, Briggs! Talk about taking one for the team in watching that gibberish.

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I would agree, but the lack of a warning—"to not eat or drink before reading this text"—would have saved me from chocking up with laughter while reading about these clowns.

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What monstrous gibbering turdosity did I just watch?

And why did everyone look like they'd consumed the entire buffet at Apple HQ?

The extra flatulence alone will have more of a greenhouse effect than any illusory "carbon reduction" they claim.

And what in the name of a wet weekend walk in Wiltshire were they using 63 *billion* gallons of water for anyway?

I can only hope this is Apple's attempt at some kind of parody or satire. But I fear not. Did they really just say they wanted to remove all carbon from the atmosphere without comment from mother unnatural blob? I think she really *does* need a lesson on photosynthesis - and fast.

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Did you just fatshame everyone!? Mother nature will come for you!

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Yeah, I couldn't finish watching it. Sanctimonious ignorance at its finest. These morons are a menace to the earth. Sorry, Mother Nature, who I'm sure I don't need to explain, isn't a fat ugly scolding black woman, and is quite insulted by that characterization. Expect some hellish revenge, everyone, thanks to that pussy Tim Cook and his cohort.

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I'll not bother watching, having read your much more entertaining recounting of the film. But I must wonder: how does such a grade school idea make its way to reality within a (supposed) top corporate entity in the world?

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Forgive shameless self-promotion. A partial answer is therein, though.


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A projectile vomit of Progressive tropes and the associated smuggery and Saviour Complex.


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I would never buy an apple product, ever. Both my sisters have apple phones but they're both influenced by 'status', fools.

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Thank you, hmmmm, maybe?

Amazing, amusing, depressing...imagine what demographic that was propagandized to attract.

Perhaps it was all done by AI? Asinine Ignorance?

Get free, stay safe.

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we go to a school now which is not the right school for us.

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Home Schooling works for lots of families and social activities among home schooled children are not unheard of.

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that was category 5 gale force Woke Ideology.

My stomach is still hurting from laughing.

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Sillyzog valley went from super autismo dorks willing the digital revolution into existence through strength of will from their garages to a sclerotic catamite worshipping the earth mammy. Bay Area delenda est.

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Mr. Briggs, I must register my disgust with your reference to the scurrilous trope that black people from darkest Africa are cannibals. "Will she eat Pumpkin Spice," etcetera.

Firstly, people of every color and no color have eaten people of any color including their own color, in order to absorb their powers; it's not an African thing, unless it is because we need to center Africans because that's where the first hominids evolved to walk the earth.

Secondly, Mother Nature has no need to absorb the power of Pumpkin Spice. Do you deny Her omnipotence? You shall burn in Hell for that. Or rather, be buried underground so as not to release your despicable carbon into Her atmosphere as you decompose into Her bosom and the planet is healed.

On a serious note,

Unbekoming had a nice summary of Berry's e-book, in which it is pointed out that the plot of the staged play, "Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming" has a hole in it: Human CO2 does not stick in the atmosphere. It flows out of the atmosphere as Natural CO2 flows out of the atmosphere.

Human and Natural CO2 will behave the same because their CO2 molecules are the same. If Natural CO2 sticks in the atmosphere for thousands of years, then the CO2 level would be over a million ppm.

Since that has not happened, no CO2 sticks in the atmosphere for thousands of years. ?

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I don't know. Mother Nature looked awful hungry.

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It's also on youtube. Please downvote if you can.

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I don't know which is sadder: the morons who created this or the damn fools who will believe it.

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