Well that gave me a chuckle over my coffee. It's like an Agatha Christie murder mystery - everyone's a suspect. The one thing we can be sure of is that they all lie and we don't know the truth.

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He was murdered because of money printing, instead of borrowing from the moneychangers. That alone got him k!lled.

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It was the CIA in the study with the lead pipe.

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This makes no sense. If Bobby has figured it out, why would he play ball with those who killed his dad and uncle? And who says his other issues are being legitimatized? Do you think the cabal or Joe is smart enough to put him up to this to defeat Trump? But again, why would he play ball with these people? Have you heard his speeches? Read any of his books? He is not a sellout.

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That mike moore green doco sure shows him supporting the climate change and green delusion tho. Funny how its so little viewed these days especially by the left.

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Do you think the International Banking Cabal/ CIA gives people choices? They may but they make the choices the persons can choose. Get it? Interesting they switched out his campaign manager recently to his daughter in law ( that is weird ) who is " ex" ( never ex) cai ( not weird ).

Keeping a close eye on things most would likely say.

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Highly recommended James Ellroy's novel on this topic, "American Tabloid".

Actually, everything I have read by the man has been superb.

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Like 9/11, they used a False Dilemma propaganda strategy for JFK. We were given two choices:

A. Lone gunman did it

B. Cabal did it

when it was really C. The assassination was staged.

(For 9/11 A. Terrrrrorists B. US Govt when it was really C. US Govt but death and injury were staged https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/911-the-false-dilemma-propaganda)

As with all their psyops they tell us clearly using Revelation of the Method. http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/revelation-method-predictive-programming-and-prime-directive

We can see the killing was staged for both JFK and Lee Harvey Oswald. For Oswald, we can see that no still from the "live" shooting matches the famous photo indicating multiple takes (multiple takes being a popular feature of psyops). https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/lho-shot-tvphoto-comparison.html

In the case of JFK there are lots of anomalies, a few listed below:

— Too few people lining the streets to watch the motorcade

— The people lining the street are motionless as JFK’s vehicle passes them, they don’t wave excitedly or show any kind of response

— Zapruder film is missing frames which were obviously cut

— Witness positions don't line up shot-wise

— Shadows don’t correspond and the long shadows we see would not be expected at 12:30pm, the time of the alleged assassination

— You really think they’re going to target a president in such a situation and rely on everything going smoothly?

— Does Jackie behave as you might expect?

— John Connally's too obvious complicity

If we look for the most logical giveaway to my mind it's the magic bullet "theory". Of course, we're not expected to believe the theory but if we don't accept the theory then we must also surely reject the injuries allegedly suffered by John Connally. Allegedly, Connally suffered a fracture of the fifth rib, a punctured lung, a shattered wrist, and had a bullet lodged in his leg. This is preposterous no? So if he didn't suffer those injuries why would he act as if he did? We can only infer he was in on the event but surely if he was in on it he wouldn't have agreed to - nor be asked to - sit in front of JFK and risk being shot himself.

Analyses by various people, my favourite probably being that by the Unexpected Cosmology:

Part 1: Agent Zapruder: The John F Kennedy assassination was a hoax - https://theunexpectedcosmology.com/agent-zapruder-the-john-f-kennedy-assassination-was-a-hoax/

Part 2: The JFK Assassination Was a Hoax: Frame 313 Exposed - https://theunexpectedcosmology.com/frame-313-the-jfk-assassination-was-a-hoax/

Frame-by-frame analysis of the Zapruder film by Alwaes Surius - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prGNxjJXog0

JFKTV - The Kennedy Assassination as Television Programming (10-part series) by Tyrone McCloskey - https://pieceofmindful.com/2017/03/05/jfktv/

The JFK Assassination - A Manufactured (non) Event by Miles W. Mathis - https://www.academia.edu/14445007/The_JFK_Assassination_A_Manufactured_non_Event_by_Miles_W_Mathis

Perhaps they wanted rid of him for some of the reasons mentioned in the article but the Israeli nuclear thing is misdirection as nuclear bombs are a fake too but perhaps also he wanted out himself. Perhaps he wanted to divorce Jackie and set up a new life and as a strong Catholic and President at that time that possibility would have been completely off the table. But really I have no idea why.


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I did not read/view all above but is this the story where they take him to Onassis's Greek Island after the fake shooting and then Jacki moves over there to be with him while Onassis takes care of them.

If that's the case he may not be as hesitant.

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Yeah that's the one! Wanna see the photos?

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Pretty good article. Also harder to get away with rubbing someone out these days with omnipresent video cameras and DNA evidence. Especially a sitting president. So constant character assassination is the preferred method.

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Hey William, even way back in my 4th-grade days, the memory of Kennedy's assassination is crystal clear. The shock was profound. Kennedy was a beloved figure, and no one saw it coming.

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Except Alan Dulles and friends

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Long live!

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Great article, thank you.

They ( Hollywood ) are certainly getting him ready. He recently ( just before announcing ) had his jaw line, which was skimpy at best , filled in as well as a few other touch ups/ implants.

Quick, check all the old photos while they are still around and before they get AI'd. They are doing wonders with enhancing the now older actresses and actors in real time video taping. Look at Tom Cruise in real life now and look at him on the beach scene in that latest Top Gun 2 ( goes by another name ). Totally different people.

Well RFKjr just admitted because Jesse ( Fox ) already knew the answer that he was on the Lolita Express ( Epstein's Pedo Plane ) TWICE. Sometimes the players have trouble keeping the count right. And his drug addition and sex addictions are well known. And just like AA and Drug Addicts Anonymous state, ( not to mention sex addition rehab ) once it's a problem, it is always a problem.

Even if you no longer partake ( very difficult in Hollywood - and he says he does like to go out on the town ) you are still an alcoholic or drug abuser or a sexual addict.

There is going to be a lot of back stepping, definition changing and memory holing going on in the next year to get this guy elected, he even has a significant dead body trail. One of which was his wife, who refused to divorce him, found hanging in the barn with her hands trying to pry the rope away from around her neck. She was very Catholic and did not believe in divorce or suicide.

Even though he already lived with his newest girlfriend, he was there when she "was found."

Well, that took care of that big, long drawn out public saga of marital woes.

Hopefully somebody is keeping track of the dead body count because Kathleen Townsend Kennedy just died a couple years ago in a typical nonsense way....set out in a canoe on a very large body of water that gets rough and windy fast, the Chesapeake Bay where she lived and knows this. Nobody goes out canoeing , with a young boy also, without a life jacket on, nobody, no matter how good a swimmer you are. Thinks happen and people who have boats and live on the water know this.

Check out how they enhance his face and make his eyes sparkle. This 70 year old is getting the Hollywood Royal treatment curtesy of his vax loving ( for other people ) Hollywood Actress wife. Yes, he lives in LA. OJ's Brentwood and Malibu?

He looked more scared and cautious when they ( his bosses ) announced he was running.

Don't blame him. It is going to be rough.

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Keep your eyes open people! Even then...



Lots more evidence like this on uncensored sites. Yes, FJB died of a stroke and had brown eyes and lobed ears for his 49 years of Congress and Senate.


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Alex Jones interview by Tucker Carlson 12/2023.

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"Everything Is A Rich Mans Trick," Francis Richard Connoly. On YouTube.

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Yes, that film woke me up and it's a definite must-watch but there are two very important things wrong and one important thing missing:

--- Missing: The technique of Revelation of the Method where they give us the clues and tell the truth underneath the propaganda - very helpful to know this technique http://soundofheart.org/galacticfreepress/content/revelation-method-predictive-programming-and-prime-directive

--- Wrong: JFK's assassination was completely staged - the shots from the drain is pure propaganda - I mean really. https://occamsrazorterrorevents.weebly.com/jfk---fake-assassination.html

--- Wrong: In demolitions the buildings are always evacuated before they're brought down, aren't they? But most people who recognise demolition accept that somehow the buildings were only partially evacuated ... but this would require demolition crews to completely throw their professional standards and ethos in the trash and I don't see how that could have been effected especially when you consider that 9/11 was the biggest demolition job of all time where all seven (plus a couple of other) buildings were demolished if not on the day then later and people were only reported to die in three of those buildings - 1, 2 and 3. But it's the evidence that counts: no injured or dead taken to hospital, images of injured look like "drill" injured, ludicrous miracle survivor stories, unconvincing stories from loved ones. In fact, there is not a skerrick of convincing evidence for real death and injury anywhere you turn. https://petraliverani.substack.com/p/911-the-false-dilemma-propaganda

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Read Gerald Posner's Case Closed. Oswald was a nut who acted alone. Ruby was a hothead who acted on the spur of the moment. The only coverups were government agencies trying to explain why the guy they were watching actually pulled something off. All the second shooter and magic bullet stuff is utter nonsense:


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james files from the grassy knoll....with Charles Nicoletti, and 2 others part of a 4 man team .

Dal Tech


Man hole cover

Grassy Knoll.

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These five reasons for the assassination of JFK are all connected to the Rothschild Banking Cabal. Read "The Secrets of the Federal Reserve" by Eustace Mullins to understand how they are connected.

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Be safe RFK jr. You are a good person and deserve a chance. The fact that the establishment Republican and Democrat parties are hand in hand working against him tell the tell.

You have my Democrat vote, and many many other Democrat votes. Go Bobby go.

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Do your homework.

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