Knew a chick with pronouns getting her PhD in English who told me she studied propaganda ... because her family had been brainwashed by Fox News, of course. No ability to perceive the propaganda that had convinced her that she was a they. On another occasion, she held forth that because testosterone levels were variable through the day (which is true), biological sex didn't exist. That isn't the definition though, I replied. What is? She asked. Sessile vs mobile gametes, I elaborated. I don't know what that means, she said. Well, I started. I don't want to have this conservation anymore, she huffed.
Nailed it! "QAnon was an asinine belief, it’s true, held by beaten people anxious to escape our growing insanity, which itself was caused in large part by academics. Which academics cannot see. They are blind to their own faults."
I know many wonderful people, beaten down by antiwhites, who became addicted to QAnon hopium. What I hadn't realized before is that Academics are similarly addicted to their own "Trust the System" hopium.
My current favorite academic nonsense isn't from the left, it's from the engineering community. There's a new threat to critical infrastructure systems: reputational risk and misinformation. That's right, governments are funding research on how bad thoughts can threaten infrastructure. Have negative opinions about the power grid or train system? You are now a threat.
I'm not joking, there is a ton of grant money floating around for this nonsense. There are real threats to infrastructure systems: sabotage, terrorism, poor maintenance, Braess' paradox, etc. The two biggest ones are actually censored---you can't publish research on them. First, the IQ decline and the replacement of skilled, experienced workers with diversity hires. Second, the impact of mass immigration (which lowers social cohesion) on resilience.
People laugh at the humanities, but the government propaganda is infesting the STEM fields as well.
"We help tell this story by demonstrating how both Christian nationalism and biblical literalism are correlated with increased conspiracy thinking in the United States."
Actually, what they are doing is laying/adding to the groundwork in showing that Christians (especially the bible-clingers) are the bad people responsible for all the problems that right-thinking, compliant people are suffering thru. They are giving the "correct" people a set of subhumans upon which they can focus their anger while feeling righteous about doing so. The goal is to have a vaguely defined group that can eventually be rounded up, put in camps, and exterminated.
They start by stating "misinformation" is rampant and that we need to identify who believes in it. In the second sentence they helpfully identify "Christians" as "especially susceptible" and then they ever-so-gently hint that Christian nationalism and biblical literalism might be the actual problem here folx.
I'm not going to read their screed, but I'm willing to bet that at no point do they define "misinformation" or talk about who actually generates it and to what ends it is generated. Also, I'd be willing to bet there is no discussion of what to do when the "conspiracy theories" turn out to be accurate.
A primary tool of the dictator is to take away a persons individuality by assigning everyone to one arbitrarily defined grouping or another, and then set these groups against each other. They set up a mob and tell the mob what to think. This is what is happening today.
It started with the "politically correct" thinking and then Obama moved things firmly into a racial narrative. The Democrats don't see people as individuals. They assign people into groups based on some physical characteristic that has nothing to do with me as an individual person. To them, I am a "white supremacist", a "climate denier", a "MAGA extremist", an now a "Christian nationalist". These labels serve no purpose other than to reduce and trivialize me as a member of some amorphous grouping of their own defining. By removing me as an individual with my own face and placing me into a group, they dehumanize me which makes it easier to dismiss me. But it also makes it easier to hate me, persecute me, remove me from polite society, imprison me, and eventually, to exterminate me. This is where we are headed and at an increasingly high rate of speed.
For further information, study the tactics of such notables like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc., in how they dealt with people who stepped out of line.
Refusal means people had a choice, and they used it. Even under threats and coercion, which are explicitly illegal, although the most high academics ignore that, people chose to refuse ideological pseudoscience being injected in their body.
I see East Germany mentality in that "refusal" word. Like "how can these low ranking people dare to disobey something that we have ordered them to do? Are they Western infiltration agents? Has the schooling process failed in those refuseniks"
There was and is no evidence of the deleterious effects of disobeying the whims of the murder class of academics. There is, however, plenty of evidence of deleterious effects of obeying the orders of the death cult of communists that run the Universities.
There is no greater conspiracy theory than the Labor theory of value, which is also an article of faith.
Eeeeeek! Get them off me!!! "They're everywhere; they're everywhere!"
Sociology is loaded with THEM. ants
"Educating" (sic) sociologists and reading sociology is unintentionally to study killer ant armies, an academic endeavor more relevant to Freudian group psychology, societal dysfunction, and sociopathy than myrmecology.
Trailer thoughts: I note in their desultory writing that the two killer ants in Briggs' crosshairs deploy important words (is that AI working?): 1) "Fake news." Briggs' two killer ants show a quick flash of human intelligence by quoting (w/o attribution, those plagiarizers!) Trump's phrase, "fake news." We have much to thank Orange Man Bad for, not the least his creation of the phrase "fake news," which has become, in self-defense, our dying culture's most perceptive, perspicacious and powerfully instrumental wording. 2) The two killer ants also tell us that "History tells us" (or at least them.) Since middle school, I've read lots of history, 66 ("Get your kicks on I-66") years of reading, yet I have yet to hear history tell me anything. History does not talk. Perhaps Briggs' 2 killer ants read history as KidLit for Bugs told by human liars, such as the KidLit "The 1619 Project, a New Origin Story," which is "fake history" (there you go again, Donald) and "tells us" only what "liar liar pants on fire" liars want us to believe, all the better to harm us with self-hate. 3) The stilleto use of words, like "Oh and climate change is real.," which the killer ants of sociology believe prove their point by catching us off guard, unawares, and defenseless, thereby rendering us silent. It's as if, e.g., my pointedly saying, "Oh and sociology is fake." might shock the 2 killer ants into admittting the truth of what I said by their silence in the face of my saying it. As we lawyers know, silence in the face of accusation is an implicit if inadmissible admission of guilt.
Finally, a personal eye-witness story about what "history tells us" if, like Tolstoy, we look at it micro-cosmically. (This is a Big Guy-Hunter Biden, "fruit does not fall far from the tree" story.) For a brief while, I HAD a coffee group colleague (a Dumb Dad moron who invited himself into my coffee group) whose Dumb Son started college last September. The Dumb Son told Dumb Dad about Dumb Son's 1st day of college at the University of Maryland, and Dumb Dad told me his kid's story. Dumb Dad and Dumb Son were most proud (indeed, they bragged about it) that on his 1st day of college Dumb Son had signed up for (are you ready?) the University of Maryland's "Atheists Club."
Perhaps, sometimes, "history tells us" what we don't want to hear about ourselves and our offspring.
My advice: keep the shame to yourself; don't brag about it.
Happy for the American Christians being conspiracy theorists. Here in the dark pits of EU most Christians were agenda pushers and full believers of nonsense. Even you got exception not to visit church on Sundays (what a joke)
Civilization is the race against time to persuade our twentysomethings that there is in fact nothing new under the sun. But in every age we think we have become smarter than God, and old people (former twentysomethings) retire to their deaths in that conviction.
Great essay and it shows how people unconsciously abandon the traditional standards of good and evil. They replace cogent thinking with groupthink. This has manifested in totalitarian Communist and uber-socialist states. The “oppressed” justified killing the landowning and capitalist “oppressors.”
I consider it a public service, in response to any article that even mentions Peter Hotez, to offer this 2018 paper he published: "Crafting Your Scientist Brand." That should tell you all you need to know about people like him.
Knew a chick with pronouns getting her PhD in English who told me she studied propaganda ... because her family had been brainwashed by Fox News, of course. No ability to perceive the propaganda that had convinced her that she was a they. On another occasion, she held forth that because testosterone levels were variable through the day (which is true), biological sex didn't exist. That isn't the definition though, I replied. What is? She asked. Sessile vs mobile gametes, I elaborated. I don't know what that means, she said. Well, I started. I don't want to have this conservation anymore, she huffed.
Academics, ladies and bearded ladies. Academics.
Wow. Since their heads are so far up their asses, I hope they take the time to look for polyps.
Nailed it! "QAnon was an asinine belief, it’s true, held by beaten people anxious to escape our growing insanity, which itself was caused in large part by academics. Which academics cannot see. They are blind to their own faults."
I know many wonderful people, beaten down by antiwhites, who became addicted to QAnon hopium. What I hadn't realized before is that Academics are similarly addicted to their own "Trust the System" hopium.
My current favorite academic nonsense isn't from the left, it's from the engineering community. There's a new threat to critical infrastructure systems: reputational risk and misinformation. That's right, governments are funding research on how bad thoughts can threaten infrastructure. Have negative opinions about the power grid or train system? You are now a threat.
I'm not joking, there is a ton of grant money floating around for this nonsense. There are real threats to infrastructure systems: sabotage, terrorism, poor maintenance, Braess' paradox, etc. The two biggest ones are actually censored---you can't publish research on them. First, the IQ decline and the replacement of skilled, experienced workers with diversity hires. Second, the impact of mass immigration (which lowers social cohesion) on resilience.
People laugh at the humanities, but the government propaganda is infesting the STEM fields as well.
If you look up the definition of “punchable face” in the dictionary, that pic is right next to it.
"We help tell this story by demonstrating how both Christian nationalism and biblical literalism are correlated with increased conspiracy thinking in the United States."
Actually, what they are doing is laying/adding to the groundwork in showing that Christians (especially the bible-clingers) are the bad people responsible for all the problems that right-thinking, compliant people are suffering thru. They are giving the "correct" people a set of subhumans upon which they can focus their anger while feeling righteous about doing so. The goal is to have a vaguely defined group that can eventually be rounded up, put in camps, and exterminated.
They start by stating "misinformation" is rampant and that we need to identify who believes in it. In the second sentence they helpfully identify "Christians" as "especially susceptible" and then they ever-so-gently hint that Christian nationalism and biblical literalism might be the actual problem here folx.
I'm not going to read their screed, but I'm willing to bet that at no point do they define "misinformation" or talk about who actually generates it and to what ends it is generated. Also, I'd be willing to bet there is no discussion of what to do when the "conspiracy theories" turn out to be accurate.
A primary tool of the dictator is to take away a persons individuality by assigning everyone to one arbitrarily defined grouping or another, and then set these groups against each other. They set up a mob and tell the mob what to think. This is what is happening today.
It started with the "politically correct" thinking and then Obama moved things firmly into a racial narrative. The Democrats don't see people as individuals. They assign people into groups based on some physical characteristic that has nothing to do with me as an individual person. To them, I am a "white supremacist", a "climate denier", a "MAGA extremist", an now a "Christian nationalist". These labels serve no purpose other than to reduce and trivialize me as a member of some amorphous grouping of their own defining. By removing me as an individual with my own face and placing me into a group, they dehumanize me which makes it easier to dismiss me. But it also makes it easier to hate me, persecute me, remove me from polite society, imprison me, and eventually, to exterminate me. This is where we are headed and at an increasingly high rate of speed.
For further information, study the tactics of such notables like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot, etc., in how they dealt with people who stepped out of line.
Good comment. What's going on is positively horrifying.
"Deleterious" is connected with "refusal."
Refusal means people had a choice, and they used it. Even under threats and coercion, which are explicitly illegal, although the most high academics ignore that, people chose to refuse ideological pseudoscience being injected in their body.
I see East Germany mentality in that "refusal" word. Like "how can these low ranking people dare to disobey something that we have ordered them to do? Are they Western infiltration agents? Has the schooling process failed in those refuseniks"
There was and is no evidence of the deleterious effects of disobeying the whims of the murder class of academics. There is, however, plenty of evidence of deleterious effects of obeying the orders of the death cult of communists that run the Universities.
There is no greater conspiracy theory than the Labor theory of value, which is also an article of faith.
Mass schooling is where it all starts. We seem too far away along the civilizational self-destruction path 😒
🗨 The ever-longer march through school creates a bizarre barrier separating the student from reality.
Eeeeeek! Get them off me!!! "They're everywhere; they're everywhere!"
Sociology is loaded with THEM. ants
"Educating" (sic) sociologists and reading sociology is unintentionally to study killer ant armies, an academic endeavor more relevant to Freudian group psychology, societal dysfunction, and sociopathy than myrmecology.
Trailer thoughts: I note in their desultory writing that the two killer ants in Briggs' crosshairs deploy important words (is that AI working?): 1) "Fake news." Briggs' two killer ants show a quick flash of human intelligence by quoting (w/o attribution, those plagiarizers!) Trump's phrase, "fake news." We have much to thank Orange Man Bad for, not the least his creation of the phrase "fake news," which has become, in self-defense, our dying culture's most perceptive, perspicacious and powerfully instrumental wording. 2) The two killer ants also tell us that "History tells us" (or at least them.) Since middle school, I've read lots of history, 66 ("Get your kicks on I-66") years of reading, yet I have yet to hear history tell me anything. History does not talk. Perhaps Briggs' 2 killer ants read history as KidLit for Bugs told by human liars, such as the KidLit "The 1619 Project, a New Origin Story," which is "fake history" (there you go again, Donald) and "tells us" only what "liar liar pants on fire" liars want us to believe, all the better to harm us with self-hate. 3) The stilleto use of words, like "Oh and climate change is real.," which the killer ants of sociology believe prove their point by catching us off guard, unawares, and defenseless, thereby rendering us silent. It's as if, e.g., my pointedly saying, "Oh and sociology is fake." might shock the 2 killer ants into admittting the truth of what I said by their silence in the face of my saying it. As we lawyers know, silence in the face of accusation is an implicit if inadmissible admission of guilt.
Finally, a personal eye-witness story about what "history tells us" if, like Tolstoy, we look at it micro-cosmically. (This is a Big Guy-Hunter Biden, "fruit does not fall far from the tree" story.) For a brief while, I HAD a coffee group colleague (a Dumb Dad moron who invited himself into my coffee group) whose Dumb Son started college last September. The Dumb Son told Dumb Dad about Dumb Son's 1st day of college at the University of Maryland, and Dumb Dad told me his kid's story. Dumb Dad and Dumb Son were most proud (indeed, they bragged about it) that on his 1st day of college Dumb Son had signed up for (are you ready?) the University of Maryland's "Atheists Club."
Perhaps, sometimes, "history tells us" what we don't want to hear about ourselves and our offspring.
My advice: keep the shame to yourself; don't brag about it.
I see this as a corollary to "Models Only Say What They're Told to Say". Those that control the models control the output hence control the findings.
Peter Hotez, Vaccine Expert™!!!
Happy for the American Christians being conspiracy theorists. Here in the dark pits of EU most Christians were agenda pushers and full believers of nonsense. Even you got exception not to visit church on Sundays (what a joke)
Civilization is the race against time to persuade our twentysomethings that there is in fact nothing new under the sun. But in every age we think we have become smarter than God, and old people (former twentysomethings) retire to their deaths in that conviction.
Great essay and it shows how people unconsciously abandon the traditional standards of good and evil. They replace cogent thinking with groupthink. This has manifested in totalitarian Communist and uber-socialist states. The “oppressed” justified killing the landowning and capitalist “oppressors.”
Bill Gates, Vaccine Expert™!!!
I consider it a public service, in response to any article that even mentions Peter Hotez, to offer this 2018 paper he published: "Crafting Your Scientist Brand." That should tell you all you need to know about people like him.
Lord help us. Thanks.