Plus, the very worst people on earth despise him. Good enough for me.

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True enough, except many of the very worst of the worst will be very happy if he is elected. In fact, their "trust" in him is so great that his election might be assured. But we shall see.

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Yeah, there's no voting our way out of a full-blown civilizational collapse of principle, belief, and morality.

Nonetheless individuals make a difference and Trump's hated because the difference he's already made is both of huge significance and hated by our mutual enemies:

He made it acceptable to discuss governing in the national interest, deporting aliens, invaders, and criminals, and leaving the global satrapies to their own defense.

It's not nearly enough but his shattering the left-liberal globohomo's Overton Window is far from nothing and far more than anyone expected.

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I agree with much of what you say. I grew up in New York City, so he was in your face constantly back in the 80s and 90s I guess it was. When he was a young man about town. On a personal level, I could not stand him then and that has not changed.

Nevertheless, if we start voting for candidates on the basis of whether they would be fun to invite to a barbecue, we’re in trouble. But that is still the mentality of many Americans. Though that seems to have changed since the battle lines of the culture wars were drawn.

He’s an awful person, but he was far from a bad president. Better than his predecessors going back maybe as far as Reagan. But I’m not the guy for analysis of presidential politics. My problem with Trump are simple as can be, only two points: He stands solidly behind Israel, and now he wants to treat abortion just like a Democrat would. So for me, he is a done deal. Supporting murder of the unborn to bolster the election strategy and gain votes is one step too far for me. Sooner let the world burn.

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He also opened the door for fast-tracking everything COVID. It’s all theater, though. Nothing will get conserved. Once the west lost faith in God, we signed our own death warrant because we have no higher purpose. Zombie apocalypses have nothing on the walking dead of western civilization.

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What he did was to accelerate it hard into a brick wall. And it worked because the majority are no longer so willing to accept snake oil injectable products. The spell has been broken.

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What is this with the claim of women having the right/wanting/being eager to kill their newborn children? This is murder and has no place in bodily autonomy and is deliberately steel-manning the anti-abortion agenda. This is EXACTLY like “Defund the police”, a slogan to look like a good goal to a few but in reality to be rejected as stupid and unfortunate by the vast majority of people.

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All of them.

Also, abortion is murder. That's all one needs to know.

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You can't vote out of The Book Of Revelation.

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One thing many Christians miss is that the bible doesn't describe a conflict between the faithful and the unbelievers, the atheist or pagan.

No, it describes conflict inside the church, between the true faithful and those who honour Him with their lips but their hearts are far from Him. The anti-Christ is not an open enemy of God but a false follower of God, A wolf, yes, but tricked out like a lamb. The devil appearing as an angel of light (light represents truth, in scripture). Not open enemies of the Gospel but preachers of a false Gospel.

Let no man deceive you.

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Not enough likes to show how absolutely true that is.

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Why vote Trump? 3 words:

Consider the alternative.

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Thinking back on my own youth in the 1960s and 1970s... how was I EVER a Leftist??? Peer pressure had a lot to do with it. Elder now, can think for myself. Not a Republican or Democrat, I remain an Independent voter. I support DJT.

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When I don't have an answer of my own that I can live with peaceably, I have learned to turn to the book of all answers:

"Either make the tree good and its fruit good: or make the tree evil, and its fruit evil. For by the fruit the tree is known." Matthew 12:33

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I have two contradictory truths in my head. Ed Feser is not an idiot. Ed Feser thinks the GOP can be saved.

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Yes, it is curious to find oneself even more conservative than the GOP now, mostly based on abortion and same-sex marriage issues. GOP seems to operates sometimes on the motto of “if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em.” If that happens on other issues like the border, or transgenderism, we’re all definitely screwed as a nation.

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Who was it recently said that our choices are either the Evil Party or the Stupid Party...

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You're already screwed as a nation. The USA hasn't been a nation since 1965.

Never will be again.

But if you can acknowledge that truth and prepare for its inevitable consequences, you may yet be part of one of the new nations that equally inevitably arise from the collapse of multicultural empires.

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Joseph Conrad: 'You shall judge a man by his foes as well as by his friends.'

Very true, especially when subjects are deep and complex, this provides easy insights.

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No more voting for me. Such an action implies consent for their continuing tyranny and acknowledges the authority of a completely corrupted system. Do not comply. I will not comply.

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I also had thoughts along the lines of this blog post’s theme. Issac Asimov said “Any book worth censoring is a book worth reading.” In this upside-down world, similar logic now might be applied to certain political figures, in that the unreasoning virulence of the opposition is such that they are worth considering on that basis alone.

It is said that if you are taking flak, you know you’re over the target, and anyone who inspires such irrational hardcore reaction from a chattering class that is on most occasions very fractious must be circling very important targets indeed.

Remember all those people in 2017 running around with “Resist” buttons and tee shirts? We don’t see much of that any more from them, do we? However, they ARE working on trying to bring down The Supreme Court, one of the last institutions of note that hasn’t yet knuckled under. One of our peerless California senators just recently emailed a long screed about "cleaning up the unethical and corrupt Supreme Court" or some such thing. I responded by asking him when we were going to stop congress-critters and senators from being able to trade the stocks of companies whose legislation they influence.

I’m surprised that Trump hasn’t promised that he will not only deport the illegal hordes, but that Mexico will pay for the plane and bus tickets. Still waiting for Mexico to pay up for that wall we were promised 8 or 9 years ago.

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It’s fascinating just how crazy they are. We used to institutionalize people like that. They couldn’t function in a rational society. Luckily for them, we’re obviously no longer rational.

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The Left behaves like a murmuration. A mindless blob of birds that dip and dance with seemingly no one directing traffic. It is more than conceivable that they’d drive right off a cliff like Gadarene Swine.

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... and for the same reason.

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I believe I will steal "the annual ventilation of their crotchet."

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"There is only the uniparty with a handful of the right embedded in the GOP. We could try to create a new party from that remnant, and make its platform into something resembling Reality. Maybe call it the Tea Party.


Yes, and it was other Republicans who killed the Tea Party movement. For decades, the GOP and conservative leadership have been purging everyone who represents a revival of ideas from the pre-WWII right. The suppression of those ideas is achieved through destruction of the persons who hold them. An objective look at the history of the postwar conservative movement furnishes abundant proof of that.

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I made it up to the point of IVFs. I think abortion is different because that embryo if not disturbed would become a human being but embryos outside of a mother's body is not a viable embryo. If we just leave it somewhere it would be destroyed. So to me seems a bit radical thinking. And also blocking IVF when many people struggle to have kids seems idiotic to me.

People should agree that absence from 'voting' would mean that the same amount of seats get vacated in senate/parliament while keeping the same percentages to advance laws. For example 35% of population doesn't vote we would vacate 35% of seats. Then to pass any legislation you need 50%+1 vote of total seats so the remaining (65%) representatives should have ~77% agreement on anything to pass it. Good luck with that and this way general population could show their dissatisfaction with politicians.

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I had thoughts about the fact that women will not give up abortion and men will not give up sodomy but will not write them here.

Feser's final conclusion is "the least bad result would be one where Trump wins, but only narrowly." He goes on to suggest,

"there are nevertheless some general considerations to guide socially conservative voters here. One of them is that those who reside in states that Trump will definitely not win anyway should not vote for him, but either abstain or vote for some other conservative candidate as a protest."

I live in a blue state, with mail-in voting so the numbers may or may not real. However, I choose to vote and I vote in such a way to send a message. Within my blue state, it's important for the vote-counters to know exactly how unpopular their policies are, e.g. making us a sanctuary state for abortions.

The "popular vote" is monitored in each state, even if we in Oregon can't come close to moving the state to purple to put it in play for electoral college vote-counting.

Like it or not, the popular vote is tallied and is held up against the electoral college vote to "prove" that, for instance, the nation greatly desired Hillary Clinton and not Donald Trump in 2016.

Back to Feser's conclusion, it seems fantastical to rely on pro-life GOTV efforts in swing states after what happened in 2020 in counties where counting was stopped and ballots added to bring Biden's totals up. Narrowly. I can't imagine trying to fine-tune the pro-life GOTV efforts to give Trump a narrow margin for victory. Trump beat the margin of cheating in 2020... so they stopped counting votes and still made him lose. Lose by 1%, lose by 2%? Who knows. How high should his margin of victory be that it would reveal efforts to cheat that could not be covered up by our controlled media? Win by 10%, win by 20%? We found out in 2020 that SCOTUS will not take up questions about the conduct of the vote in a presidential election because it is always too late; the day after election day is too close to inauguration day. Like "too big to fail".

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