When the science influencers stop batting for the home team, you know change might be in the air. I'm not certain Sabine has truly seen the light, but this is over 1.5M views.


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Highly recommend this video!

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Money talks, bullshit walks.

It's not hard to smell the stench coming off this petition and see clearly which category it fits.

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"From time to time, I open a newspaper. Things seem to be proceeding at a dizzying rate. We are dancing not on the edge of a volcano, but on the wooden seat of a latrine, and it seems to me more than a touch rotten. Soon society will go plummeting down and drown in nineteen centuries of ****. There'll be quite a lot of shouting.”

– Gustave Flaubert, 1850

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You may have hit a nerve...for the first time, your post got shunted to my spam folder.....The Royal Society's relatively recent history has included such gems as Piltdown Man, a hoax so obvious that a smart 10 yo could see the problems, and decrying plate tectonics, though the evidence for it was evident in the 1920s....

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Dear President Smith,

I write to express my dismay at the continued silence and apparent inaction from the Royal Society over my soiled diaper. Please send somebody to change me. Preferably a scientist.

Thank you.

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Elon should probably be removed from any scientific organization for the basic reason that he is not in any meaningful way a scientist. But if we applied that standard universally, I'm not sure how many members these organizations would have left.

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I distrust your credibility as a scientist.

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Thanks for outing these pussies. I especially love this take : “The hubris-filled weak always view disagreement, which they cannot bear, as “physical danger”. So true.

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I miss the days when the Royal Society's values where based on its motto, "Take no one's word for it".

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Thank you for exposing this fraud. And the beat goes on.

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Someone should send him this: https://postimg.cc/WDq9W5yV

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The problem is simple, sheer jealousy. The inept and incompetent will always attack and disparage those who are actually capable.

Science today is concentrated in horrible places like China, Russia, Iran and the rest of the world has gone either to sleep or insane.

With the single exception of Elon Musk. He has single handedly move the USA forward. The only person to make EVs a US reality. The only person to actually move forward on battery technology and the only individual in the west capable of space travel.

When it comes to any form of science, the greater the noise against you, the more likely you are to being right.

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"Science today is concentrated in horrible places like China, Russia, Iran...."

Not sure what the definition of "horrible" is here, but in the list of horrible places on earth, those three are not near the top. Each of them surely has issues that could be improved, but, in their own cultural context, they are not bad at all.

Compare St Petersburg, Shanghai, or Tehran to American hellholes like San Francisco, Detroit, Philadelphia, Baltimore, DC. Horrible becomes quite relative.

Take a stroll through Tehran to see how horrible it is:


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Sarcasm :

A keen, reproachful expression; a satirical remark uttered with some degree of scorn or contempt; a taunt; a gibe; a cutting jest.

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Sarcasm in online conversations can be difficult to communicate.

A useful convention has arisen due to this:


Can be used to indicate sarcasm.

Or not!

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Ah yes, those who can, do; those who can’t, teach and those who can’t teach, consult.

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As a consultant of many years standing, I resemble that remark.

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"The message is: Grow up, Official Victims are no longer accorded special status; start doing real work or get out."

Can we get this on a yard sign that starts out "In this house we believe…"

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This is from a YouTube video on Sabine Hossenfelder's YouTube channel, about the entitlement and elitism and victim mindset with the theoretical physics community (especially particle physicists):

I want to read you an email that I was asked to keep confidential. I've been thinking about this for a long time, but I now believe that reading it to you will go some way to explain why I'm worried about the status of scientific research generally, but especially in the foundations of physics.

In it, I explained how I lost trust in scientific self-correction after I realized how much of what's published in the foundations of physics is nonsense and continues to be nonsense.

[Anonymous Physicist Writer]

"First of all, congratulations on a nice paper. If you wanted to attract attention, you managed to do this. Actually, I'd like to ask you next time think not only about short-term personal benefits but about the community in general."

"What are all these BSM model Builders with exaggerated self-opinion going to do afterwards? What about experimentalists who survive hiding inside big multi-v collaborations? Can you offer them all any decent employment alternatives?"

"If you like, yes, what we created is a bubble, but it has helped thousands of those guys and their families not to die from hunger."

"We all do the same stuff and have some trade secrets. For example, I'm one of the authors of the so-called model; pretty useless stuff, old refurbished with a couple of new blows and whistles, but if people buy this and it helps them to get grants, who cares?"

"They have zero idea that Elementary particles exist they pay us from public funds not from their own and basically pay for something cool some new crazy hype which they need either to include into their spending reports or in case of universities to attract students."

"Your paper made a lot of noise and most likely will affect redistribution of Hep funds towards other areas but I doubt that you'll be able to suggest and Implement any organizational changes also any changes of quality criteria which would demonstrate uselessness of somebody's work will have zero chance of approval."

"My heart is bleeding when I regularly see brightened intelligent persons with independent ways of thinking leaving Academia or getting kicked out whereas obedient idiots remain but there's nothing can do."

(Sabine's commentary):

I don't think that taxpayers are stupid we're not paying physicists for crazy new hype we want to see results and soon taxpayers will start asking some tough questions.

So they told you that this Dune experiment that's being built from some billions dollars of public funds at FERN will tell us why we exist or why the universe didn't disappear I regret to inform you that it won't do any such thing.

The matter-antimatter symmetry that Dune is supposedly shedding light on is a pseudo problem. It's a story that physicists have made up that they're now selling to the public because they think that once they have the money, it doesn't really matter if they deliver what they promised.

It'll measure some properties of neutrinos. What's that good for? It's good for keeping particle physicists employed because some of them have families, and it would be unfair if they had to do something useful for their income, wouldn't it?

Has anyone even noticed that the US government spent another 2 billion dollars or so on a new particle collider at Brookhaven? Its purpose is to improve measurements of the quark and glue and distribution inside of heavy irons. What are they good for? You're not supposed to ask.

That particle physicists have created these bubbles of useless research is not a problem that can be fixed from inside the community. The only way to fix the problem is to stop paying them.

I've read this email dozens of times, and each time I'm stunned by how condescending it is to all the people who do honest work and whose taxes pay for academic jobs.

It makes me sick, and it makes me glad that I no longer have anything to do with this so-called research area that's rotten to the core.

If you are one of the many physicists who know full well what nonsense research I'm talking about but you still keep your mouth shut, if you're one of those who laugh about me because no one believes what I'm saying...

If you're one of those who spread lies about me like that story that I was invited to give a talk at CERN but was afraid to go, did you make that up? I hope it was amusing but Jesus use your brain.

Your problem isn't that I'm making noise your problem is that you're lying to the people who pay you. Your problem is that you're cowards without a shred of scientific Integrity. Your problem is that every bubble eventually bursts.


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I hadn’t know about this. Thanks very much.

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Single-issue Voter.

Very satisfied.


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Allow me to restate my thesis; we should have sold the Germans boats.

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According to my sources, “DIE” as opposed to “DEI” is non-standard, and “DEI” has been standard for a good while, having begun to replace “D&I” in 2015. “EDI” apparently is now preferred by a few corporations, who want to place more emphasis on the so-called “Equity” part.

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DIE has the advantage of being true.

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Re. “Planes & shit” Boeing meme. 🤣

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