Zero Covid Holocaust; Delta Waning; Guilt As A Weapon; More! -- Coronavirus Update XCII
THEY ARE DOING THIS AFTER THE DREADED DELTA IS STOPPING ITSELF. We must publicize this as widely as possible so that they know we know any "solution" is useless.
Here are this morning's "cases"----please see below what "cases" means!
They may only be wanting to take credit for what is happening anyway. This is fine. Let them boast and brag.
But if we can do anything to mitigate their "solutions" now is the time to do it.
Please forward to this everybody you know.
Got that Bangladesh mask study, thanks to many. One word summary: lol. Will critique it (and other new mask papers) in separate post.
Mask mandates don't work. Do government officials who order them have stock in mask manufacturing? Don't laugh: see this.
We start with the numbers this week to make a crucially important point: the Dreaded Delta is waning, as we predicted. But before, unfortunately, hersterics began to implement new "solutions" (the same tired old ones, masks etc.). Meaning they will take credit where credit is not due.
All numbers today are from this CDC official source: link. We can't do the normal numbers because Monday was a holiday and the ruling class minions did not update the usual data.
First "cases", a word you must always use with the scare quotes. "Cases" is a mixture of disease prevalence, testing level and testing sensitivity, and has ZERO indication of illness severity. The number by itself tells you nothing of importance.
It has use as propaganda only, or is used by weak minds like horror films, to frighten oneself. Yet we must use it here because it is the Experts' tool:
It is clear the peak has been passed. Whether this is because the disease is becoming less prevalent, testing has decreased, or testing has become less sensitive we cannot tell from this one number.
But we might try and use this measure of social activity to guess when bottom comes. You see the other peaks were followed by less rapid falls than rises. Same likely true here. Perhaps sometime in mid to late October, then. Assuming behavior remains as it has before.
The bottom will come just as the next rise will begin.
This point cannot be over-emphasized. The coroandoom has not been cured. The vexxine will not eliminate coronadoom. It is endemic. That's a word Experts forget. It means coronadoom will be with us forever. Therefore, "solutions" to bring us to Zero Covid will fail. Forever. And the countries that implement them, like Australia and others, if they cannot release their grip on fear and Expert hubris, will die.
Here are attributed deaths:
Looks like we've hit the peak, though it might come later this week. Some reports might be delayed because of the holiday, and so might some deaths, given people don't like dying on them. (Laugh if you like, but this is a well-observed phenomenon.)
Let's examine this attributed deaths plot closely, and see what we can learn from it.
The 5th (Dreaded Delta) wave of Covid is waning. The initial 1st peak came late in the 2020 season, because of its novelty. The 2nd peak arose because of deaths in the south, as people sought air conditioning. The 3rd peak rose when people in the north sought heat. The 4th (the usual late-winter secondary surge) matched the year before, as did this summer's 5th wave.
Get ready for 6th in November-December. Like we see each and every damned year. Here, look:
That's last week's plot, but it's the winter peaks we're highlighting. We'll get another this winter. Even if the military, as they were once upon a time going to do (remember?), goes house to house vexxinated everybody. The vexxine is not going to cure the doom. Did it cure flu?
Now the size of the fifth is important. About the same as last summer's. Last summer there was no vexxine. This summer there was. Interesting. Especially when we examined the plot below, which gives deaths per capita. Hold this in your mind.
Who is dying? Let's look at deaths by age:
Old people. That's who are dying. Coronadoom is a disease of the elderly, not the young. That includes the Dreaded Delta.
People under 40 are not dying of the doom. There are scarcely any deaths in those under 17. MORE THAN TWICE AS MANY KIDS DIED OF PNEUMONIA THAN COROANDOOM THESE LAST 18 MONTHS. MORE KIDS ARE DYING OF CAR CRASHES THAN THE CORONADOOM. Kids are under no relevant threat. None. At all. All those screaming "What about the children!" are therefore raving maniacs.
It takes no effort to get this data. Experts can even do it. Presumably some have. Why haven't we heard from them?
No, I'm asking. Why?
Now the per capita attributed deaths are lower this summer than last, for ever age group. Yet the total number of attributed deaths is about the same, and perhaps a tad higher. This is curious.
One explanation is the total number is over-attributed. Too many people dying with and no dying of. Whereas in the deaths-by-age, we're getting dying of. I can't make out the CDC's descriptions to know if this is true.
But we can see the total all-cause deaths. If those don't soar like the total number of attributed doom deaths, then we know we have bad counting. That might be the case. We'll have to wait for next week to see, when the government comes back to work.
I want you to read the essay "Vaccine Failure and the Way Out" by a friend of ours, eugyppius. Much gold. Like this:
The Corona vaccines don’t work very well. Ubiquitous statistics showing that the vaccinated enjoy substantial protection against serious illness and death seem wrong. In some cases they are probably manipulated. They are certainly confounded by the different testing regimes to which the vaccinated and the unvaccinated are subjected. Once you forget the specifics of efficacy and look at the broader picture, it is easy to see where we are. The vaccines have not reduced Corona mortality compared to the same time last year in any jurisdiction that I know of. Countries with high vaccination rates are now seeing the same number of deaths, or more, as they had at the beginning of September 2020. Time is a flat circle...
Governments are both more powerful and more paralysed than they have been at any other point in history. Powers have diffused throughout the realms of bureaucracy. By distributing power in this way, occupational classes ensure loyalty and unanimity across the whole of the civil service, academia and the press. The consequence is that states have become profoundly and permanently demobilised, incapable of acting according to coherent strategies. Over and over in Corona, we see clear hints of strategic thinking in certain quarters -- the exit ramps are among the clearest signs – but these are always overridden by the broader momentum of countless thousands of nameless, faceless optimisers and hystericists who sit on hundreds of boring pointless committees performing the same iterative destructive acts of governance over and over.
He describes the Expertocracy, the diffusion of power from the older, parliamentary systems, to the bureaucracy, which exists both in and out of the legacy government. We'll have occasion to discuss this in more depth soon.
Interesting thing about this story of how the vexxine gave this woman a disease is how she, even as she lay suffering or even dying, bought with complete faith the Experts line "You're protecting others".
Not herself. Others.
Same with masks, lockdowns, etc. for all of us.
Guilt. Very effective propaganda because it preys on the soft spot in women. And women are the social rule makers---they enforce the day-to-day rules of social interaction. We now believe the now all-too-common notion that it is not our behavior that puts us at risk, it is the behavior of others. You in your mind can be clean, virtuous. It is the other guy who made you ill. Therefore fear and hate your neighbor.
This applies to everything, not just the coronadoom.
Everything is somebody else's fault. What a cheering message! How we welcome it! And how destructive of peace it is!
Am I sexist?Don't believe me?
Effeminate men, too:
Forced injections is now a civil "right". Liberty is quarantine. Masks are breath. Lockdowns are freedom.
You have to laugh. Long-time readers will recall we did a calculation, now ages ago, showing that number of people infected had to be much higher than "case" reports and so forth. This turned out right.
Maybe you're also old enough to recall that magic number was 70% vexxinated and the panic would be declared over. Now we have 83% or so of the entire population having anitbodies. After this winter's surge, this will be close to 100%. Will they---in every country---end the panic then?
Or will they continue to pretend vexxination will bring us to Zero Covid? Some don't pretend, of course. Experts love their models with all the ardency of a teenage girl fawning over a pop singer. They will go on believing their models even after every single human being is forcibly vexxed, yet the coronadoom still survives.
Doubt me? The put your peepers on this headline: Israel is planning to administer FOURTH Covid shot which could be adjusted to fight new variants as country battles wave of infections despite hugely successful vaccine roll-out. If there is a fourth, there must be a fifth. And so on. Until something distracts us from this panic and puts us onto the next.
Or how 'bout this headline: Despite 95% vaccination rate, Cornell today has five times more COVID cases than it did this time last year. Duke is at 98%, and they are re-panicking.
Yet again the media has been caught playing with its own stool. We have seen from beginning quacks, nurses, health "professionals" of all kinds with no scruples and with a desperate need to be part of the story lie, lie, and lie some more. The media eats this crap up.
The story here is Rolling Stone, a serial liar, quoted some quack saying emergency rooms were being overwhelmed (are they ever not?) with people overdosing on ivermectin. The media loved this lie, and broadcast it.
Along with the lie that the drug is only for horses. Ignoring that the Noble prize in medicine (I know, I know) was awarded for this drug's discovery and use in humans. They are still trying this massive gaslighting as I write this.
Speaking on lying. How many times have we seen this propaganda bots used in the panic? Who is paying for them?
No, I'm asking. Who?
Speaking of lying liars, how 'bout that CDC director?
I believe this Walensky was, once, a "doctor" herself. Jerusalem Post said yesterday, "This Jewish woman has become the face of America's fight against COVID".
They're right! She has.
Go here for resources on declaring a religious exemption to forced vexxination. Another one here.
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