Why, Yes, The Regime Did Manipulate Coronadoom News & Had Critics Canceled
Have you been following the Twitter Files? About how the FBI, DHS, CIA and others worked with, and even ordered, Big Tech companies to kill, stomp on, crush ban shadowban and silence people who were telling unwanted truths about the election and the coronadoom?
And how those same Regime agencies supplied Official Truths for Big Tech to push?
Which Big Tech did, willingly?
Just as, and in the manner, we have been telling you all along?
Matt Taibbi has been reporting on the Big Tech—it wasn’t just Twitter, but all of them, as predicted—and its ties to (don’t laugh) intelligence agencies. Here’s a post on what’s been revealed to this date.
For, did you know, in order for their to be Official Disinformation, there must necessarily be Official Truths, and an agency or agencies in charge of creating, promulgating, and policing these?
And do you recall where you heard this before?
Well, yesterday was the Regime-Big Tech coronadoom connection. I’m delighted to tell you our worst fears were confirmed. Which you can read for yourself in this thread (or at this site):

Yes, I was one of those suppressed “ordinary users, including some sharing the CDC’s *own data*”. The CDC’s own data was often unwelcome. Especially when it contradicted the CDC’s public pronouncements.
Here’s a few of the juicier highlights.
“…both the Trump and Biden administrations directly pressed Twitter executives to moderate the platform’s pandemic content according to their wishes.”
“It wasn’t just Twitter. The meetings with the Trump White House were also attended by Google, Facebook, Microsoft and others.”
“When the Biden admin took over, one of their first meeting requests with Twitter executives was on Covid. The focus was on ‘anti-vaxxer accounts.'”
This was around the time, thanks to blog supporter Ann Cherry, I switched to spelling vaccine as “vex”, a useful word. And it helped, to some extent, in avoiding censors.
Not at YouTube, though. I had two videos there quashed.
…the Biden team was “very angry” that Twitter had not been more aggressive in deplatforming multiple accounts. They wanted Twitter to do more…
There were three serious problems with Twitter’s process:
First, much of the content moderation was conducted by bots, trained on machine learning and AI – impressive in their engineering, yet still too crude for such nuanced work.
Regular readers will recall I had guessed the use of bots—models!—to purge content and do “appeals.”
Even funnier: “Second, contractors, in places like the Philippines, also moderated content.”
Inevitably, dissident yet legitimate content was labeled as misinformation, and the accounts of doctors and others were suspended both for tweeting opinions and demonstrably true information….
But Kulldorff’s statement was an expert’s opinion—one which also happened to be in line with vaccine policies in numerous other countries. Yet it was deemed “false information” by Twitter moderators merely because it differed from CDC guidelines…
In my review of internal files, I found countless instances of tweets labeled as “misleading” or taken down entirely, sometimes triggering account suspensions, simply because they veered from CDC guidance or differed from establishment views.
Later we learn that rats ratting out truth posters were called “tattlers”. Which you have to laugh.

Ah, yes, this happened to me when I’d post about kids not needing the vex—using the CDC’s own data.
So. To all the nervous fretters, doubters, detractors, enemies, liars and other haters of truth: WE TOLD YOU SO.

Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.