Take a look at this:
The Mask Mandate, which according to Taiwan's media was assiduously observed, began in late Spring 2021. It is still in place.
Indeed, on 29 June the country's CECC (like our CDC) looked at this same data and pushed masks even harder: "Taiwan announces prolonged mask rules for July 1-31".
Chen said that although daily cases appear to be gradually diminishing, he called on the public to be "patient for a while" and continue to wear their face masks properly. He then announced that the epidemic prevention rules in place for June would be extended through July and asked for "everyone to cooperate" with the rules for this "very important mile."
I would particularly love to hear from mask fans, any mask fan, to argue the efficacy of masks using the publicly available data.
Like in our examination of China last week, where masks have not stopped the spread of the bug, we see from their cousins that picture. Masks did nothing to prevent the infection.
Yet people still believe masks work.
Yes, there are some cynics and those who use masks to control the populace, reveling in the authority granted them by fear. All true.
But there is still a huge contingent of people who believe in masks. They have more faith in masks than in gravity. Masks are like magic, and function as amulets which absorb not only the wearer's positive mask faith, but the negative and positive faith of others the mask wearer can see (those they cannot see do not affect them).
Too much negative energy, and the mask's powers are cancelled! But in a mysterious way nobody understands, because everybody is still wearing their masks.
Here's another, far superior version of the same pic (which I saw after starting writing this last Friday):

Taiwan, a small island, had effective border control, testing all incoming passengers. So they were good at keeping the infection at bay for a while. But all borders leak. After that, it was too late. And, of course, inevitable.
I'm waiting. I'm here. I'm listening. Why do you believe masks work?
I really want to know. I don't want glib or humorous responses, and no sarcasm please. If you believe masks work, why. Show us. Point us to the studies or data or whatever you use to support this belief.
If your basis is only because authorities say "Trust us, masks work", let us know that. But if this your only source, then I must remind you that these authorities also insist that men who say they are women are women (and vice versa), the same authorities who speak of gender being "assigned at birth". These are the same authorities who want to replace meat with cereals (made by the best corporations). And so on.
As we tried to warn you---in vain, alas---the panicked rush to masks would lead to rulers saying masks must be used everywhere, to stop all disease.
Our second headline: "Taiwan's mask law to stay in July to prevent 'other diseases'".
Despite reports indicating that Taiwan could relax its mask mandate in July, the Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) head on Tuesday (June 7) said that the mask mandate would remain in place for the time being because they are effective in preventing "other respiratory diseases."...
Regarding the loosening of mask rules in July, Chen said "for the time being, we will probably not be implementing an overall relaxation of mask (rules) because, in addition to COVID-19, masks have a considerable preventative effect on other respiratory diseases." Chen did not elaborate on what other respiratory diseases the CECC is concerned about.
Of course he did not elaborate. He cannot. There is no evidence which shows masks prevent, not only coronadoom, but these mysterious other diseases.
Or have we, after thousands of years of sad history, finally hit upon the cure for all illness? No more sickness! No more disease! All hospitals shuttered, all doctors employed!
Just wear a mask!
"Briggs, your last two covid articles were on China and Taiwan. These countries have nothing to do with us."
Bonus Another foreign country:

Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.
Visit wmbriggs.com.
Why do people believe masks work? Reminds me of the old joke
“I’ve invented elephant repellent!!”
“How do you know it works?”
“You don’t see any elephants, do you?”
It's been my experience that people are irrationally afraid of threats they cannot see despite knowing for certain that risks are low or non-existent. Viruses, CO2, radiation, sharks under the water - all fall into this category. Now the problem with irrational beliefs is that they aren't based upon evidence or logic, it's simply fear. Hopefully your call to the true-believers to explain why they believe will wake them up (fingers crossed) but my expectations are low.