What Sound Does A Duck Make, Doc, When It Calls Men Women?
The story is that a still-sane med student conducted an anonymous interview about how gender madness, a.k.a. gender fiction, a.k.a. emasculated masculinity, a.k.a. funked-up femininity, and so on, has cucked classes and has created a sniveling mass of physician instructors to lick the dirty scalpels of students.
The physicians, training this fresh crop of students, cower and apologize for non-crimes lest they be yelled at by their ignorant mind-addled charges. The brats' ignorance is certain. These demented ideologues would not be in school if they already memorized the names of all the bones.
The sane med student said, "I have been told multiple times in several classes that biological sex is a social construct -- not just gender."
Those telling him this falsity are licensed physicians. A doctor who says sex is social construct is a quack, by definition. The students of these doctors, if they believe this falsity, and pass the rest of their training, become quacks in turn.
They will, however, be licensed quacks. If you are unlucky, one of them will do you a disservice someday. And charge you for it.
Robert Woolley @RandomlyBob asks: “Do any of the required textbooks also avoid using those words? If not, might you ask those professors if they think the books are either inaccurate or offensive?”
Our curriculum is constantly subject to revision. Around two-thirds of our written materials have been updated with this new language. For the one-third that has remained out-of-date, our class has received multiple apologetic, itemized emails from course instructors in which they provide corrections, beg for forgiveness and patience, and avow to “do better”. In class, we have been given multiple histories in which the patient’s sex has been deleted, even for cases involving disorders which can manifest differently between the sexes. The words “female” and “male” are being erased and replaced...
A vocal minority of students are loudly in favor of the most extreme aspects of gender ideology, while the majority seem to be vaguely supportive in a nonspecific way. I think that this comes from a mixture of naive goodwill and fear -- they are trying to be good allies, and this is the only way they know how. Additionally, it is heavily implied that to ask critical questions, even in a way which is ultimately patient-centered and supportive, is perpetuating bigotry, so they just nod along. A silent minority seems to be secretly skeptical...
The still-sane student later mentions what we already know, that many medical procedures and medicine doses depend on knowing the sex of the patient, information that is deemed "false".
Can you spell iatrogenic?
We have had petitions circulated (drafted by few, signed by many) to name, shame, and “hold accountable” various lecturers who used the “wrong” language, to the point of humiliation. One professor broke down crying after a genetics lecture which relied heavily on the use of “male” and “female” by necessity....Another professor referred to “pregnant women” rather than “pregnant people” and spent a very uncomfortable few minutes after class abjectly apologizing for having caused offense “by implying that only women can get pregnant”.
That these students have had one too many objects inserted in their rectums, which they self-identify or mistook as their craniums, is not the point. Nor is it really important to us today how similar these cretins are to Mao's Red Guard, forcing professors to wear dunce caps and the like.
What concerns me is that utter cowardice of the professors themselves.
Undoubtedly, if these groveling blobs were to tell the truth, and do so lightly with a quaver in their voices, the inverted rectums would run crying to the Dean, or Diversity officer, or some such authority. And these figures, who rose to their positions by being even yellower and vastly more craven than the professors, would sacrifice the professors, and thus Truth, Reality and Sanity, to save their own skins.
Doctors, now quacks, had a chance to stop this. Those still holding with Reality certainly outnumber the zealots, should tell the brats to stuff it. It won't happen.
Those in authority---the Deans, professors, and working docs, not the Diversity zampolit, whose souls are lost---are almost all cowards. If they were not, they'd speak out, publicly and loudly, about the spreading madness.
Because they cannot, the zealots will take power over all institutions. They might not ever outnumber Reality-based docs. But quackery will be the law.
Addendum It's not only med schools. I received an email from a senior figure in the hard sciences, what we considered the old-fashioned STEM, who said the organizers of a conference were focused on everybody announcing their pronouns.
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