What Australian Bishops Taught Me During The Pandemic -- Guest Post by Oz Catholic
It has been an incredible last two years as our illusions of stability and normality have been ripped away by a never ending stream of decrees and enforcements in an attempt to destroy the basics of human society. However, the most interesting part of this time has been the modern revelation of the Church’s teaching from the Australian Church. Based on the Bishop’s actions I have learned the following:
1. Sacraments Don’t Matter
The last 2,000 years of Church teachings emphasised the importance of the Sacraments as essential tools helping us reach Heaven. The speed in which our churches were closed and all sacraments stopped did not indicate any hesitancy. I expected a little resistance but any priest that tried to innovate with solutions around the “rules” was shut down by their bishop. There are still parts of Australia where the most important first sacrament of Baptism is being denied to people. Why didn’t we set up a Mass or Eucharistic Procession in Bunnings or Coles? Apparently they were safer than our churches.
2. The End Justifies the Means
We used to believe that “You cannot do evil so that good may come of it”. Basically, it doesn’t matter what the end result is, you cannot do evil. But now it is OK to murder thousands of children, pulling them alive from a mother and cutting out the baby’s liver and kidney to develop and test vaccines. So long as it happened years ago, and the vaccine is forced on everyone, it is OK. Those old fools that prosecuted the Nazi scientists after World War Two in Nuremberg just didn’t understand modern science and morals.
3. The State is More Important than the Church
There used to be a principle of separation of Church and State. I now understand that this was a temporary measure to diminish the role of the Church until only the State mattered. With the willing participation of every Australian bishop in the suppression of the Mass and sacraments and the forcing of any Church related employees to get the jab or be dismissed from duties, the Church is now just an enforcement arm of the State.
A desperate parishioner asked her bishop, “Will you help me when I lose my job if I don’t get the jab?” The Bishop replied, “Sorry, if the jab was mandatory I would back you but as it is a voluntary decision I can’t help.”
4. Truth is Relative
There now is no difference when you hear a politician or bishop speak about this pandemic. They all speak from the same script. We had always understood that the Eighth Commandment “You shall not bear false witness” was a serious prohibition against telling lies or distorting the truth with weaselly words. But now we are told that the jab is not mandatory - even if the full force of the Church State is applied against any dissenters. Is it really a free choice if the consequences are loss of job, community, travel and ability to participate in community life? Some bishops will not allow sacraments or church attendance to those who decide not to get jabbed. But they still tell us, “The jab is not mandatory”.
5. The Physical is More Important than the Spiritual
We know that humans are an amazing mix of matter and spirit. That is why all sacraments are an outer sign of an inner reality as both sides must be fed. Yet now, the spiritual side can be ignored if there is a small physical risk to a portion of the community. The State Church obviously does not really believe in this mix of matter and spirit and act as if Christianity is only a fancy community services division of the State. Even those that have a risk of getting sick from the virus are denied any spiritual support through isolation and denial of sacraments - for their safety.
6. Personal Conscience is Not Important
The primacy of conscience was an important principle in Christian ethics. But now we understand it is subservient to the needs of the State Church. Even supposedly good bishops in Australia are forcing priests, seminarians, lay workers and even volunteers to get the jab or lose their jobs. Those wishing to refuse have excellent reasons for doing so, but the Church State has decreed otherwise and all must submit.
7. Charity is Doing What You Are Told
We have been told that we should go against our conscience and informed non-consent as an act of love for our neighbours. We are told to get a jab which will not stop us getting or transmitting the virus so that our vulnerable neighbours feel safer. One of the strengths of the Church is knowing that love is shown in many different ways. In the past it was understood that we can love our neighbours using each of our individual gifts and talents, tailored to both the giver and receiver of love. Now the only way to show love of neighbour is to get an experimental jab. Or else suffer the consequences. Lovingly.
8. Safety Over-rides Parish and Community Life
In the past it was understood the importance of community life. Communication occurs on many levels with the most effective communication in person, just like St Philip taught the Ethiopian chariot guy. Each time we get further from conversing in person whether through a video chat, telephone call or texting, communication diminishes. Also, when you are with another person you can sense whether they are feeling well or need help. Often you can help others in many ways in person that will be missed when you are remote. In the past, solitary isolation was considered a terrible form of punishment, but now it is recommended for everyone, especially people in retirement homes, isolated from family, friends and community “for their health”.
Now, even when permitted by the State Church to attend Mass, division is still required through the use of masks and “social distancing”. The power of a smile, handshake or hug is discouraged.
Summary Of What I Have Learned
It appears that the Church policy over the years to emphasise the “Sit up, Shut up, Pay up” method of catechesis has worked. The majority of the faithful have done as they are told and gotten the jab. The fact that they still have to wear masks, social distance and isolate if told they are exposed to a positive case does not seem to deter anyone. The old tales from the Martyrs of the Colosseum have been quietly erased from general knowledge and tales of heroism and standing for the Truth against all odds have been relegated to history. Considering all the current bishops of Australia have shown by their actions the above eight new modern principles, has Church teaching changed?
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