Visual Proof Our Coronadoom Rulers Are Idiots
Restaurants in New York City are forbidden to have guests. That is, guests who wish to sit. Restaurants are allowed to have any number of guests stand in line, cheek by jowl, for take out.
Bureaucrats and scientists back this regulation because of THE science of the coronadoom. These eminences have decided restaurants---only in NYC! not elsewhere!---will kill any who range inside one.
I emphasize inside because while restaurants are barred from serving sitting customers inside, they are allowed to have outside seating. The outsidedness of the seating, THE science assures us, makes it impossible for anybody to catch the coronadoom.
Now New Yorkers know what I show you below, and I had thought people outside the metropolis knew this, too. But I have been led to gather this is not so. Thus, today you receive your education on city life.
I took a short stroll on the Upper East Side taking pictures of outside seating. Since these are all outside, and not the dreaded inside, they are allowed. And safe and healthy!
A word of caution: Professional photographers have classed my picture-taking skill as "Almost Dismal", so you will have to squint to see that many of these outside structures are packed with happy diners.
Have a look. I'll see you below.
I could have shown many, many, many more, but I grew bored of the task and only took these few pictures, all within a few blocks of one another. Some areas of the city look like army encampments with structures taking up most of the street.
Nobody thinks anything of this anymore. When seated in one of these outside non-restaurants, there is no fear.
I mean this quite seriously. I walk around without a mask, and have been yelled at, called a monster and murderer (yes, really), but mostly I am met with angry or fearful eyes. People back away from me, and any not wearing a mask.
Unless the maskless person is smoking. Or drinking something. Then the fear people have in the maskless evaporates. You can see it happen in real time.
The same frightened class, who step into the street to avoid the maskless, will happily sit outside and eat with strangers, though.
So it is not just experts, but people too. I know of no other way to describe this except to say this is the Time Of Great Insanity.
Here, for fun, is one final picture, the attributed coronadoom deaths in NYC, according to the CDC.
Incidentally, mask compliance since about June for walkers---not outside sitters----is about 98%.
Some say people masking up accounts for why the deaths dropped in summer. But then they have no explanation for why deaths increased, as they always do, in winter. And while they'll certainly decrease again with the coming warmth.
Oh, incidentally, restaurants were open in the summer (part of it).
QED: Our coronadoom rulers are idiots.
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