Vatican Nixes Gay Unions: The Usual Meltdown Ensues
In a surprise move, the Vatican, with Francis's approval, answered "negative" to the question "Does the Church have the power to give the blessing to unions of persons of the same sex?"
First, the official reasons for this commonsense answer, and then some of the reactions.
Consequently, in order to conform with the nature of sacramentals, when a blessing is invoked on particular human relationships, in addition to the right intention of those who participate, it is necessary that what is blessed be objectively and positively ordered to receive and express grace, according to the designs of God inscribed in creation, and fully revealed by Christ the Lord. Therefore, only those realities which are in themselves ordered to serve those ends are congruent with the essence of the blessing imparted by the Church.
For this reason, it is not licit to impart a blessing on relationships, or partnerships, even stable, that involve sexual activity outside of marriage (i.e., outside the indissoluble union of a man and a woman open in itself to the transmission of life), as is the case of the unions between persons of the same sex[6]...
Furthermore, since blessings on persons are in relationship with the sacraments, the blessing of homosexual unions cannot be considered licit. This is because they would constitute a certain imitation or analogue of the nuptial blessing...
For the above mentioned reasons, the Church does not have, and cannot have, the power to bless unions of persons of the same sex in the sense intended above.
The kicker was this: "[God] does not and cannot bless sin". Which, though obvious, caused shrieks of horror.
This changes no understanding or teaching of the Church. It shocks the sensibilities of those men in the Church who are "oriented" towards men and boys who are always looking for loopholes into which to insert their sodomy. But this official answer is, after all, on the order of "sun rises in the east".
Which means the reactions to the news were more about the expectations of those receiving it than the Church's perpetual teaching.
Now the reporting of the news, if you can believe it, was mostly straight, with very little hyperbole. There is no pun: because there are no such things as "straights", no, nor "gays". You are not your sexual desire. Which is why there cannot be same-sex "marriages".
One headline will suffice: In setback for gay Catholics, Vatican says church cannot bless same-sex unions
In some countries, such as the United States and Germany, parishes and ministers have begun blessing same-sex unions in lieu of marriage, and there have been calls for bishops to de facto institutionalise these...
Francis DeBernardo, executive director of the gay Catholics group New Ways Ministry, said “It is not surprising, but still disappointing, that the Vatican has responded ‘no’.”
Marianne Duddy-Burke, executive director of DignityUSA, which also supports gays in the Church, said the denial “will exacerbate the pain and anger of LGBTQI Catholics and our families” and hurt “couples who live deeply loving and committed relationships”...
Churches in Africa and Asia also strongly oppose gay marriage. Conservatives have warned that debates on homosexuality have spawned debilitating divisions in other Christian Churches, such as the Anglican communion.
The heresies of the faithless are noted. The obligatory quotes from the "oriented" crowd are there, showing they are still oblivious to God's word on the subject. There even details from those in uncriticizable demographics in far off lands. Couldn't really hope for a better report from today's media.
Good questions were asked about the Vatican move, like this one from Elton John.
The answer is The Lavender Mafia, those "oriented" men spoken of earlier, whose latest hopes have been dashed.
Putting morality, including such things as defining matrimony, to vote is one of the most frightening things about democracies.
For when they go mad, Reality becomes illegal. For instance:
Bestiality, incidentally, is also legal in several countries.
Not surprisingly, some tied the Vatican's decision as caused by, yes, "white supremacy". Which shows you the debased still acknowledge demons, though they've identified the wrong ones.
Many people tried comedy, wondering about the altar boys diddled by the priests "oriented" that way. These jokes all died aborning, because they imply these critics would therefore be for these practices if same-sex blessings were allowed.
The other thrust was to insist Buddy Jesus is for sodomy, because he never said he was against it. Old Testament angry God the Father was against it, they admit. But He was against it before the Current Year.
These people never seem to remember the Trinity, that Father-Son-Holy Ghost is God, and that what one says, God says. And it's clear God says no.
I originally thought Fr James Martin, who loves all forms of sodomy, was taking the news well. No public tears or hysteria, words about change is still possible, etc. But when I tweeted what's below to him, he blocked me on Twitter. The poor dear.
"Lavender Tours has announced that because of this recent Vatican announcement, the Holy Land tour of the Sodom & Gomorrah sites has been canceled.
Full refunds will be issued."
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