Vaccine "Hesitancy" Is Caused By Hersterics, Tyrants & Midwits
We're going to suppose, you and I dear reader, for the duration of this post, that the mRNA coronadoom vaccines work, just as hersterics, tyrants, and midwits say.
By work I mean they have about the same, or slightly greater, efficacy as the traditional flu vaccines at preventing severe illness and death. That the side effect profiles of the shots are real and about the same as with flu vaccines. That the vaccine, while still allowing infection (as all vaccines do), does not allow mutations to spread more quickly because the people with the vaccines do not realize they are infected as easily.
There are, for this post, no other medical objections to the vaccine that are valid. There are also no corporate objections. The pharmaceuticals that push their vaccines are no greedier than when they push any of their meds. Scientists who create them are no more or less altruistic than before. The vaccines work.
You must keep this securely in mind: the vaccines work. We all believe that, for this post.
There is still an excellent, indeed unassailable, reason not to take the vaccine. And this is the spittle-flecked foaming-at-the-mouth bug-eyed bug-minded bug people pushing it.
Which of us that still retains any hold on sanity and Reality would trust, for even a moment, a screeching-storming blubbery effeminate who giggles as he describes how he would hunt down and blow dart the hesitant, adding their skins to some registry, as this FDA official said?
Even though we know, and believe, that vaccines work, this repellent creature produces in us a disgust that overwhelms the trust we have in our own knowledge. We see him and ask ourselves, Is there something I don't know that shows the vaccine doesn't work? Why else would this profoundly disgusting man say this?
Not just him, but there are many such cases.
Take our very own Vice President, a person, it is clear, who proves the truism about racial quotas, who said, "We must protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated."
Why, we ask ourselves. After all, the vaccines work, so the only people that need protecting are the unvaccinated. What does she know (from her betters) that she is not telling us?
Big Tech censors and cancels those who discuss side effects. Why? Are drug side effects not real? Are these somehow worse than what we have been told? What else explains the censoring? And not just for side effects, but for discussion of possibly helpful drugs, like ivermectin and even vitamins! Why worry about these if the vaccine works? After all, no vaccine is perfect, and maybe these drugs will help those in which the vaccine in ineffective. Right?
Then there is midwit "Dr" Wen, the woman who formerly made a living killing the lives inside would-be mothers. She would forbid the unvaccinated work and lock them into their homes until they die of slow starvation and loneliness. That will teach them not to listen to Experts.
The people who control Biden agree with Wen. They made him say that all sizable companies must mandate the vaccine, or harass the unvaccinated with endless, and quite useless, testing, seemingly forever.. Some in our government would forcefully vaccinate all, eliminating even the testing.
The testing is useless, dear reader, because what happens after a positive test? Nothing. If the person survives, which he almost certainly will, he will have acquired immunity. But some Experts say acquired immunity doesn't exist, a noble lie they tell to encourage vaccinations. Why would they need to lie if the vaccines work? No, really. I'm asking: why lie? Doesn't lying produce distrust?
Other rulers, like in France, say that no man may buy or sell without the mark. They insist that people must carry, forever and ever, for their rest of their lives, and the entire lives of their children and their children's children, a "passport" which proves the vaccination.
Why? And why this disease and no other? Why not for flu or yellow fever, which is orders of magnitude deadlier? What is so special with this vaccination it requires an eternity of paperwork?
If the vaccines work, which we all agree they do, why do any of this? The only people at risk, with few exceptions, are the elderly unvaccinated. Further, they know the risk they take. It is their choice. Without exception the same people pushing mandatory vaccination also support assisted suicide and other bodily "choice". What is going on?
Some say the unvaccinated cause mutations to spread more easily. Grant this. Still, the only reason mutations could be worrisome is if the vaccines don't work against mutations. But we agree above they do work. Were we wrong?
Others say the unvaccinated are causing the "health system" to collapse, But this is false. Deaths are dropping. Anyway, doctors are always complaining they have it hard, and more and more people are becoming sick and obese from more than just a bug.
In Australia, the rulers are beating the ever-living crap out of citizens who question government policy. Why? Is there something about this vaccine that needs brutality and extortion to get people to take it? Again we ask, were we wrong about the vaccines working?
Why are people who are vaccinated still wearing masks, even when they don't have to? Do they know something we don't?
Then we recall the same people pushing mandatory vaccination are those who pushed mask mandates and lockdowns. We know that masks mandates don't work and lockdowns help spread viruses, which is why deaths peak every winter when we all go inside to spread bugs. Can we really trust people who are this often and so egregiously wrong?
On and on it goes, from every direction. A Catholic church, no less, bans communion with our Lord Himself for the unvaccinated. This is very strange behavior for a vaccine that works.
Why all the unnecessary hysteria from hersterics, tyrants and Expert midwits? Why the shrill insistence that nobody dare question authority?
Do you have to force men to drink beer? Do you have to coerce women to shop? Why this terrible squeeze for a vaccine that is so wonderful? Were we wrong about it working?
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