Try To Be Less White, You Racists
May as well start with theology. Who, exactly, is disrespected or respected in this image, and why?
With that warm-up exercise out of the way, let's discuss the plague of "white supremacy" we are said to be experiencing.
So. Just what is a "white supremacist"? Surely we can answer that simple question, since "white supremacists" are supposed to be endemic, the biggest threat to humanity there is, says our own government, and even, as we'll see, says the UN.
Near as I can figure, since there is no official definition, a white supremacist is a white not in the ruling elite. If that's right, and there's every indication it is, there are, as they tell us, a huge number of white supremacists wandering the streets.
What are they up to?
A black guy, as blacks are at least eight times more wont to do than other races, killed an Asian guy in Frisco. The usual malcontents took to the streets in California and New York, to protest this murder.
In NYC, the march was called "Unite Against White Nationalism".
In California, fliers were issued saying "BIPOC"---bi-sexual pieces of chit maybe?---"solidarity is the only way we can target the root cause of these attacks: WHITE SUPREMACY."
It's not clear how white supremacists make blacks kill so many people, but it must be admitted it is a pretty cool super power. Just wait until white supremacists learn how to make blacks kill those in the ruling elite.
We also see that a large rock from space will come very near earth, and possibly even hit it. This is surely due to white supremacists, or possibly global warming. But since white supremacy causes global warming, it's the same.
It's plain to even those who think Joe Biden is a good man that if white supremacists can cause giant rocks to crash to the earth, then something must be done about these dangerous creatures.
Suspicions about white supremacist occult power is likely why white supremacy was condemned as a "transnational threat" "which grows more dangerous by the day" said UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.
The UN's boss appears to be white himself, but since he is in the ruling elite, he's not, by our definition, a white supremacist.
Guterres said white supremacists are "extremist" and "represent the number one internal security threat in several countries".
Again, this is true if blacks can be trained, via white supremacy magic, to kill in a non-random manner, and rocks can be made to crash to earth.
Others are condemning "black" and "Jewish nationalism", saying groups which demand their own countries and the right to rule themselves, like Zimbabwe and Israel, are a "virus".
Wait. No. White nationalism.
Well, close enough. Nationalism based on race and religion of any kind is just wrong and must be condemned by all right-thinking people, right?
Coke, the sugar-beverage maker, came out against whites the other day. It was their training materials that supplied the post image.
Seems they bought some expensive "educational" package to tell workers to "Try to be less white." Why? Because of the theological point posed at the top of this post.
There's only one way whites can be less white, which I'm sure you know: dig themselves a grave and hop into it. Which is fine and all, but it would deprive Coke of their profits. So maybe a government mandate to fill said graves with pop. Stuff rots bodies pretty fast, so no embalming will be needed.
We've already seen the guy they installed in the White House say he'll go after "white supremacy". Merrick Garland will be installed as the regime's Attorney General. He came out against "white supremacists". Says he'll prosecute them. We can only suppose the evidence against them will be a color chart: any person lighter than a certain shade of brown equates to guilt.
Well, we could go on, but you have the point. Our ruling elite is going to make life tough to non-existent for "white supremacists."
Which is not a bad thing, if you, like the ruling elite, are against white things. Like Shakespeare. A group of teachers want the best writer that ever lived to be dumped, because of his "whiteness."
We saw earlier that the ability to prove mathematical theorems was also reviled as "white supremacist." Coke said the same thing about being objective and showing up to work on time.
Stay away from accomplishments if you don't want to be a white supremacist.
Also, if you are not white, to avoid cultural appropriation, please do not use a cellphone or computer. These were invented by white supremacists.
Bonus The song we'll be learning in the camps.
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