Thieving Elites And The Fall Of The Republic
You've already heard about the so-called COIVD "relief" bill, which surely must be the longest bill in history, coming in at just under 5,600 pages.
Foreigners benefited most. Like those foreigners who came to this country illegally, for which our Congress would reward them up to $1,800.
Egypt gets "no less than"---a phrase repeated everywhere in the bill---$1.3 billion, which is, surprisingly, more than the $500 million Israel gets. That "no less than" means the final tally would likely be larger.
The Smithsonian gets a billion. The National Art Gallery and Art & Humanities $321 million. Ten million for "gender programs" in Pakistan. Money to investigate the "1908 Springfield Race Riot." Money to regulate performance enhancing drugs in horses. Almost $200 million for AIDS workers to buy cars. My favorite: "The Covid relief bill outlays funds to address gender inequality amongst statues".
It goes on and on and on, shoveling moola to elites the world over, the actual people in foreign lands being downstream of elites, just like here.
The kickbacks from this bill would be enormous. This is because the monies all would go to friends of our Congressbeings, and the friends would of course reciprocate in the form of donations to ensure the money doesn't stop coming.
What's that? You don't think Congressbeings do kickbacks?
How about this? "Also riding on the larger package is a separate bill to promote renewable energy by directing about $35 billion in existing government spending toward the development of wind, solar and other clean energy sources over the next five years." Tom Steyer will be forced to buy a bigger safe.
And, of course, you get $600.
Sure, through lockdowns that helped spread disease you lost your business or job, and you're in deep pain. Since there's no sign of our experts admitting they were wrong, and the terror level is still high, juiced by a homicidal and criminal media, you will go on being poor and getting poorer.
But this $600 will tide you over.
The best relief would be if the government ended all its harmful, deadly "solutions" to prevent harm and death. Won't happen.
Technically, the $900 billion COVID bill is its own, part of a conglomeration of bills coming to $2.3 trillion. But since the vote was up or down on the lot, it's the same as if it were one bill. How can anybody not vote yes? Those few who said no will be called soulless and be told they want to harm people. Emotional blackmail. And damned effective.
We have reached the open thieving portion of the fall of the republic. Yes, it's been happening for decades, but it is now naked and open.
Besides a remnant, there are no Congressbeings or Senators who have any patriotism left. They have no love of country, of culture, of our people. They are all out for themselves, grabbing as much as they can for themselves and their own while the getting is still good.
There's no reason to explain that this level of open contempt for the people by its rulers is diagnostic of our disease. The system cannot survive. The money will flow faster to the rich, the poor will become poorer, the government growing more tyrannical.
Then came Trump, who did the manly thing:
Lin Wood tweeted, "In 5,593 page Stimulus Bill is a provision that would nullify President Trump's power to invoke the Insurrection Act."
"When the Communists/Globalists/DeepState try to sneak provision in funding bill nullifying @realDonaldTrump power to invoke the Insurrection Act, you know they are planning an insurrection. Steady. Be prepared. Pray."
Knowing what the enemy fears most is a supreme advantage.
The word about the brazen attempt at mugging must have been getting around among the more sober of the would-be thieves before Trump's speech---which, word has it, his mewling effeminate aides warned him not to make.
It appears that some elites thought they wouldn't get away with it.
I say this because the ultra-left NYT tweeted right after Trump's speech, "Tucked away in the 5,593-page coronavirus relief and spending bill that Congress rushed through on Monday night is a provision that some tax experts call a $200 billion giveaway to the rich."
If that isn't convincing enough, this: "'Members of Congress have not read this bill. It;s over 5000 pages, arrived at 2pm today, and we are told to expect a vote on it in 2 hours,' Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Democrat of New York, tweeted on Monday. 'This isn't governance. It's hostage-taking.'"
Nancy Pelosi has survived many previous blunders, so the odds are in her favor she'll survive this, too, and stay to enrich herself even more. She'd better enjoy it---before things really get hot for her.
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