The Nature Of Civil Authority (Government) & Treason -- Guest Post by Oldavid
The premises of this discourse are:
that it is the nature of Man (humanity) to live in society;
a functional society requires order.
I will define civil order as an harmonious relationship of variables directed to a proper end; in this case, to benefit the members of a society that make up a Nation.
A great thinker, (Thomas Aquinas, C13) developing the written down cogitations of Aristotle and his antecedents, proposed that: “civil law is an edict, based on reason, promulgated by he (or the instrument) that is charged with the care of the community for the good of the community”.
He and I are proposing that a “civil authority” has no reasonable justification (proper purpose) for its existence other than the preservation of order for the “good of the community” (i.e. the commonwealth of the people). As such a civil authority is part of the Natural Order of human life.
As is evident from history, not all Men are disposed to a voluntary order based on a desire for the common good for all; that is, that some seek their own advantage and aggrandisement to the expense and detriment of others. Therefore, a civil authority, for the maintenance of order and the prosperity of the society, must have some coercive or compulsive powers to protect the society from the depredations of malicious elements, domestic and foreign. That is a civil authority (governmental) system whatever its structure, according to custom and circumstance, might be. All good so far.
Contemporarily, treason is defined to suit tyrants and despots as: “A crime that undermines the offender's government”. Without any reference to the nature and purpose of “government” it implies that any despotic regime with instruments to impose itself is a “legitimate government”, and that any opposition to it is treason.
According to the definition of (civil) law above, the whole purpose of government is to preserve order for the commonwealth of the people. However, if the civil authority imposes “laws” to protect itself from “the community” and/or to subject the commonwealth to its own occult ambitions and by aiding and abetting foreign interests (like secret societies, supranational corporations, banks) and other ideological instruments of economic and cultural depredation that is an act of tyranny, and it is against the commonwealth, which is an act of treason. i.e. a government can betray its purpose and act against the people it should protect.
In that case, resistance or rebellion against a tyrannical perversion of the nature and purpose of “government” (for the good of the community) could not be “treason” but is an act of patriotism against “high level” traitors.
Resistance and rebellion is not anarchy
It is apparent that anarchy is no kind of “new, improved” order. In fact, historically and contemporarily, anarchy is produced by hostile and mercenary brigands who subvert right order for their own ambition, avarice, or covert ideology. That often leads to a kind of desperation amongst ordinary people (who just want to get on with their ordinary business) to accept another despotism in the hope that some kind of benevolent order be restored. Enslavement is a kind of order but not that of the Natural Order described by The Philosopher, above.
The anarchy of physical revolution is a “cure” that is worse than the disease. What is needed is a fundamental definition of treason (subverting the common good) that can apply to anyone of any political, judicial, economic or social status so that they can be surely identified and quietly disposed of with a firing squad. That should be a robust, reasonable and efficient way to discourage treason against the commonwealth.
But how can a traitor be fairly “surely identified” except by a court system? And how can a court truly represent “the good of the community” if it is stacked from top to bottom with ideologues purposely ignorant of the concepts of Natural Order and the fundamental principles of Logic?
I contend that anyone who is foolish enough to bind themselves to a “blank contract” with putrid oaths should be, ipso facto, ineligible for any kind of public office. But, of course, that would require some appropriate enforcement agent. That Agent can be no other than a properly constituted government.
You can, and should, demand to know what are the covert and ideological loyalties of whomever is trying to cadge your vote and select them according to their patriotism and not the ephemeral “Party Politics” and ideologies they will sycophantically support even to your detriment and the enslavement of the whole Nation.
The foreign corporation's “government” has, apparently, recently granted other foreign interests (via the APRA Bill) an increased arbitrary control (ownership) of your/our financial and real assets. There's much more and it's much worse. A litany of successive “governments” have become increasingly bold at subverting and betraying this Nation with perverse laws and with “treaties” or agreements with foreign powers and other entities that crucially undermine the sovereignty and commonwealth of the Nation.
If anyone has been masochistic enough to listen to Parliamentary “debates” they would realise why it is useless to write to or telephone “your” representative with anything but an insignificant gripe that does not challenge anything of the unilateral “Party politics” that is subservient to arcane foreign interests. The “debaters” almost invariably restrict themselves to verbose and pretentious twaddle that never approaches the real issues of the commonwealth of citizens, National security and sovereignty.
With the “system” as it is there is no practical use or effect in submitting anything like this to “your representative” as they have been “preselected” to be impervious to anything inconvenient to secretive “Party policy formulators” and ideologues. That is, that they are psychologically incapable of making any assessment or judgement that is “inconvenient” to the foreign and occult establishment that they traitorously serve.
I suggest that we should quietly chuck them all out and replace them with people of integrity who have the moral backing of the real people who make up the bulk of the Nation. We need to have the courage to defy the noisy minority pressure groups who have considerable financial and publicity (media) support, and covert “legal” protection. The moral support and backing of candidates of integrity is a challenge crucial to the success of the mission. There have been many instances of fairly “good guys” who have been elected then left to be “boiled alive” in the pressure cooker of the oligarchy and its abject, sycophantic tools.
The “Upper House”, or Senate, is Constitutionally intended to be aloof from subversive “party politics” and is the most powerful influence if morally and intellectually functional people are elected to it and are vigorously supported.
An “Australian Patriot's Cooperative” has been proposed as the grassiest of grass roots organisation that does not have a “policy formulating” elite “at the top” but it is the commonest of common people proposing their own representatives who are directly answerable to them and vigorously supported by them. It's not a call for “workers of the World unite to destroy the pillars of civilisation” but a call for ordinary people to an orderly defence of their own culture, livelihood, prosperity and even survival.
It's a quiet resistance to career traitors which can be effected by ordinary people in their ordinary life and within their ordinary social circles without disturbances of the public order or the compliance of career deceivers in the media and public service. If we want it we've got to be prepared to do what it takes. Sackcloth and ashes is often recommended.
The Australian Constitution's blueprint for a form of government that retains the principle of ultimate temporal responsibility (the buck stops at the top i.e. a Monarch with defined obligations to God and Man) while, at the same time, allowing the people an input of their concerns and desires. It is an impressive safeguard against the tyranny of the manipulable ignorant (as Aristotle described democracy) and against the tyranny of an ambitious, megalomaniac autocracy. The Constitution threatened to be so successful that the supranational secretocracy and plutocracy with arcane ambitions immediately set about subverting it leading up to the utterly perverse and traitorous institutions we have now masquerading as government, judiciary, public service, media, academia, who consider themselves a chosen elite destined to dominate and manipulate the “profane” as mere chattels in their arcane “New Order”.
The main problem is that if a people are so degraded that they'll accept a kind of slavery as long as they're indulged with hedonism, bread and circuses; well, if it's what we want it's what we'll get. Decadence naturally begets social collapse most often accompanied with invasions and other disasters.
If its our nation we're obliged to keep it in good moral and social order or we'll lose it...fair dinkum! It's happened many times before!
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