The Looming Decarbocalypse -- Guest Post by Uncle Mike
It goes without saying, but must be said anyway, that Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the fundamental building block of all life. Every atom of carbon in your body (we are all carbon-based lifeforms) was once atmospheric CO2. Every molecule of Oxygen (O2) that you breathe (without which we would rapidly expire) was once atmospheric CO2. The way life works is this: green plants (and algae) take in atmospheric CO2 and via photosynthesis turn it into plant sugars and free O2. Sunlight and water are also required for photosynthesis. Complex proteins including RuBisCO (see here) catalyze the reactions that capture CO2 and fix it into plant food. Green plants are the foundational base, the first link in the Food Chain. All animals ultimately rely on green plants for food. That includes fish and people. Even carnivores that never eat plants must consume animals that do eat plants. Thus CO2 is the fundamental, essential, indispensable, crucial, all important substance for Life. Without CO2 there would be no life. Planet Earth would be a dead planet. Everybody with just a minuscule education knows this. Every scientist, whom we must assume has more than a minuscule education, knows this. It's a fact if ever a fact there was. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has declared CO2 a "pollutant". Ditto the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPPC). Scads of politicians, lobbyists, Big Media morons, and general idiots are bugged out of their minds about CO2. They want to eliminate it, despite the FACT that life depends utterly on CO2. How's that for crazy? It's worse than crazy, however. It's deadly stupid. These ignorant savages want to eliminate Life Itself. That's ABSOLUTE EVIL with all caps. The normal amount of CO2 in the atmosphere has been between 1,000 and 4,000 parts per million (ppm) for more than 500 million years -- the entire Phanerozoic Eon, the Eon of Life, from the first emergence of complex plants and animals until and including now. Today the CO2 concentration is ~400 ppm, one tenth of former levels. During the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) 26,500-19,000 years ago, the CO2 concentration dipped to ~180 ppm. Life Itself was threatened by such a low level. Plants were stressed to absorb enough CO2 to live and grow. The entire Pleistocene Epoch (the last 2.6 million years) has been one of diminished CO2 and concurrently mass extinctions. Life Itself has been stressed. CO2 is necessary for life to exist. Robbing the atmosphere of CO2 is tantamount to ending life on this planet, which is so far as we know is the only planet in the Universe which contains abundant, complex life. Maybe there is life elsewhere---we have never detected it---but if there is it must certainly depend on CO2 and photosynthesis. That's the only kind of life we have ever known. Yet terribly misguided people want to eliminate CO2. Zero Carbon is the mantra. Major research agencies, universities, and corporations seek funding to "scrub" the atmosphere of CO2. Haughty and hubristic government leaders around the world use public treasuries to pay for this research. They openly desire to implement these Final Solutions. The world has truly gone mad. The EPA, IPCC, and other authoritarians rely on (quacky and bogus) climate models that predict rising global temperatures due to CO2. It is, they say, a Green House Gas (GHG), and the more CO2 there is in the atmosphere the warmer the Earth is supposed to become. One sorry degree of global warmth increase is allegedly (by AOC, Gore, and others) going to destroy Earth. Fear the Hotpocalypse! We only have hours to panic before Thermageddon strikes! This alarmism is incredibly ignorant. We live in the Pleistocene Epoch, a.k.a. the Ice Ages. There have been at least 18 major glacial stadials in the Pleistocene, times when continental ice sheets have covered much of the Northern Hemisphere. Not since the Permian Epoch of 240 million years ago has Planet Earth been this cold. During all the Epochs following the Permian, save our own, Planet Earth has been 5 to 12 C warmer. The normative temperature for this planet is much warmer than today. Life prefers warmth. Warmer is Better for living things. The most abundant life, with the greatest productivity and diversity of plants and animals, is near the Equator. The least is near the poles, and in the case of Antarctica an entire continent is entirely lifeless. A warmer planet would have longer growing seasons, more rain, more bio-productivity, and more agricultural productivity. Deserts would bloom. Life would burgeon, as it did in prior Epochs when the Earth was warmer. The warmest period in geologic history was the Paleocene from 66 to 56 million years ago. It is speculated that the globe was 12C warmer than today. Instead of living things burning up and the seas boiling into outer space, the Paleocene was the Dawn of the Mammals. There were polar forests. The tropics were rich with new plant and animal genera, the forebears of today's species. The Angiosperms (flowering plants) displaced the conifers and became dominant. Insects that pollinated the flowers also diversified. Birds, evolved from the extinct dinosaurs, flourished. The warmest Epoch in geologic history was the most life-abundant. The CO2 Will Warm Us To Death Theory is total crackpottery. All of geologic history refutes it. The CO2 fear mongers have ulterior motives. They promote irrational, a-historical, unscientific fears for a reason. They are authoritarians and totalitarians. They reject the notion of human freedom. They seek control of speech, thought, and action (climate alarmism is not their only political weapon, but total control is their sole goal). They are power-mad thieves. They want to tax you to death. This is not a new phenomenon. Authoritarians have inflicted major damage to humanity throughout history and especially over the last 100+ years, which included two World Wars, hundreds of millions murdered, and the enslavement of billions of people. The misery, suffering, and death caused by this ilk is writ large in recent history. Nowhere and never have authoritarians and totalitarians benefited humanity. Just the opposite -- their record is horrific and catastrophic beyond belief. Authoritarians need lackeys and minions. Caesar and Napoleon did not stand alone. Hitler and Stalin had loyal soldiers, too. Modern authoritarians of the Great CO2 Hoax have armies of willing servants who desire riches and security. We live in a Golden Age and wealth is the most sought after life goal. The lackeys of today's authoritarians do it for the money and eagerly sell their integrity. They want a piece of the scam action. Others are brainwashed and have succumbed to the climate propaganda -- which is deliberately fashioned for simpletons. The power-mad have the upper hand. Freedom and clear thinking are rare commodities today. The climate authoritarians and totalitarians seek to deprive the planet of CO2, the single most important substance of Life. They claim they will thereby prevent global warming. But Warmer Is Better. It's better for food, clothing, and shelter. Almost all our food crops and livestock are tropical in origin. Clothing is cheap in warm climes, and shelter is, too. Only in cold climates are thick clothes and insulated structures necessary for human survival. And all of us, people, plants, and animals, need CO2 for our very existence everywhere on Planet Earth. If increasing CO2 would warm the planet (extremely doubtful), then we should do it. If Life Itself is desirable, and it self-obviously is, then increasing CO2 is the best way to ensure and sustain the survival of plants, animals, and humans. In their quest for power and money the authoritarians and totalitarians seek to eliminate CO2 from our atmosphere. It may be a scam to justify world domination and mass enslavement, but if their plans are acceded to, they will generate the Decarbocalypse: the End of Life on Planet Earth. Their madness has escalated beyond genocide and total war to the death of our planet. Instead of "saving the environment", they will kill us all and the rest of nature to boot. The climate Caesars must be stopped. There is no coming back from the Total Global Bio Extinction the authoritarians and totalitarians are forcing upon us. The situation is dire, more dire than ever in human history. Planet Earth and Life Itself are endangered. We must act now to overthrow the insane CO2 tyrants before it is too late. Resistance is vital and essential. Acquiescence will lead to global biocide.
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