This will be the last regular coronadoom update. I've already these last three weeks given up on numbering them. Almost two hundred, all tolled---get it?
This will certainly not be our last word on the doom, though, nor of the politicization and corruption of science, of toxic femininity and cult of Safety First!, of scientism, of bad motives, bad medicine, bad statistics. But it will be the last time we do it purposely on a Tuesday.
The original reason for Tuesdays, incidentally, was to catch the bureaucrats at CDC and their data-updating cycle. Weekly numbers always came late Mondays.
Is this the end of the panic?
The mostly peaceful American-regime-sponsored riots did push coronadoom mania to one side for a brief while, only to see the panic resurge with the coming of riot-unfriendly cold weather. We now have the war, which has distracted all the propagandists to bleat their once and eternal love for a country they only heard about two weeks ago.
Still, it must be said the threat of World War III is real enough, and strong enough to have chased most fears of the doom away. It now seems doubtful it will ever come back. Two and a half years of idiot panic is sufficient to sate most drama queens, soy boys, and even tyrants.
I say most. College-based toxic femininity continues its loving death grip. The ladies in several of these strongholds are holding hug-ins, or whatever, to talk about their feelz over losing mask mandates. Some are refusing to give up on masks, because Safety First!
I had links to these stories, but misplaced all but one. You look them up. It's too stupid to waste time on.
Meanwhile, after the New York Times ratted out the CDC for hiding data---which they did because of Expert hubris---several other regime sources took the hint and began admitting what we have been saying since the beginning. The last two weeks saw more conspiracy theories becoming verified than at any other time during the panic.
We list only the funniest ones today.
Many companies dropped their stunningly moronic vaccine mandates for employees. They must have figured out that being unemployed was no guarantee of immunity or inability to spread disease. Even New Zealand, a land suffocating sweetly in a tight matriarchal grip, was forced to loose its hold and abandon its mandate.
Mandates always existed only to assuage the panicked and to punish the people for distrusting the regime and not loving Experts.
The political agency known as the CDC is led by a lady you'd better hope never becomes your doctor. This lady said there were no known adverse events in the vax---on the same day its bureaucrats said, "Yep. There were."
The CDC also retreated---without admitting error---on masks. As I guessed (on Twitter), they didn't say they weren't needed, but their use would be guided by a secret formula only Experts at the agency had access to. This allowed them to save face and say the secret formula agreed with the politicians dropping the mandates.
That same link as above, incidentally, has a wonderful demonstration showing how the CDC cheated, lied, and obfuscated on a mask "study". Same kind of thing as always: rotten, biased sample. (We've done many CDC studies: search for CDC in the search thingee.)
Well, maybe it was a lie. I'm inclined rather to think the CDC was at the forefront of Diversity is Our Strength, and they have already DIEed so hard they don't know how to do science any more.
Here is my favorite mask study picture:

Throughout the whole panic---and, yes, I've pointed this out 348 times---the burden of proof was on the regime to prove their "solutions" worked. Yet they always Appealed To Authority, the Expert's fallacy of choice, and said we have to prove they were wrong. Well, here it is: they were wrong.
Did Nature really come out and say face masks cause harm? Why, yes: yes, they did. "Titanium dioxide particles frequently present in face masks intended for general use require regulatory control".
And did the UK Deputy Chief Medical Office agree? And say face masks “could increase risk of infection”? And also say “For the average member of the public walking down a street, it is not a good idea”? Why, yes. Although, oops, this was in 2020 before it became verboten to admit.
Speaking of rampant maternalism, toxic femininity, the cult of Safety First, and the cult of the Mask, that bad CDC female doctor said, "We want to give people a break from things like mask-wearing when our levels are low, and then have the ability to reach for them again should things get worse in the future.”
Recall, also, when the CDC said you didn't have to pay rent? They were making up "laws" with wild abandon during the panic.
However did she conceive she had the power to do command such obedience? And however did you conceive you had the duty to obey?
Did I already mention the conspiracy theory of how the mRNA vaxxes could change your DNA? No? Well, guess what. This: "Intracellular Reverse Transcription of Pfizer BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 In Vitro in Human Liver Cell Line". Maybe you can kill that foreign DNA by soaking your liver in sufficient quantities of alcohol.
Here's a fun thread of people dying in their sleep after being vaxxed.

Here's the CDC again admitting vaxxes cause harm, so space them out.
And how about that German insurance company that got sick of making payouts on youth becoming sick on unnecessary vaccines? Yes, that happened, too.
Be careful, young ladies, of that weird new kind of heart attack that has---trust us!---nothing to do with the vex!
You young men watch out, too. It seems there is an enormous list of brand new kinds of heart attacks, strokes, and other maladies affecting you---soon after the vaccine. But that's not proof it was the vex.

Anecdote, you say. Okay, how about official confirmation? "Covid-19 Vaccines Were Deadly in Rare Cases. Governments Are Now Weighing Compensation." Wall Street Journal. Deadly. Vax. Rare.
There were some feeble efforts to say the bug came from a wet market, and not from the perfervid imaginations of scientists engaged in gain-of-lethality experiments. But there was also the paper "MSH3 Homology and Potential Recombination Link to SARS-CoV-2 Furin Cleavage Site" which says, nuh uh: the bug was engineered. Here's the simple version: "Now scientists find virus contains tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began".
The UK government thinks this is real.
And, say, didn't the Moderna chief cash out his stock and disappear from Twitter? And didn't that company's officers also cash out?
Why, yes. That happened.
Experts have been our bane. Here is a large and growing list of all the mistakes they have made.

I could have doubled this easily. But that's enough. Not only are we sick of the panic, we're sick of Experts, politicians
Still with me? Good. I left the bad news for the last. "A National Vaccine Pass Has Quietly Rolled Out – And Red States Are Getting On Board". Again, like all things, this "smart pass" is named for its opposite.
The infamous everywhere digital ID, which was---do I need to say it?---a conspiracy theory, has been verified.
Here’s the only number for the week. Daily “cases”. Their last reason for keeping power is rapidly fading.
Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.
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Many thanks for the gazillion regular updates!
Two people I know, fully injected/boosted, recently came down with diabetes AFTER losing 30+ pounds. Neither was pre-diabetic or technically obese. Both were completely baffled at this turn of events.
BIL spoke with wife of non-GMO radiologist who told him that her husband is seeing many unusual vascular issues.
A small Russian nuke here or there might mask some of these issues going forward. And, according to a story by Huffington Post, it might actually be good against climate change! Win-win! ((Removes tinfoil hat...)