The Big Slide: A Short History of the Decline and Fall of the USA -- Guest Post by Uncle Mike
The American Experiment peaked in the two decades following WWII and has been in decline ever since. Here's the story in a nutshell.
When World War II ended, the USA was the lone superpower on Earth. We had the Bomb and had used it. Our military was victorious and unsurpassed. Our economy rose from the Great Depression and began to fire on all cylinders. We fed the world and pulled war-torn countries from oblivion.
Our might and hubris was tested in the ensuing Cold War. The hot wars never really stopped, and by 1965 we got mired in Vietnam. The Greatest Generation who fought and won WWII were succeeded by their children, the Baby Boomers. Those children did not feel the same desperate nationalism as their parents, and resisted the new war. The Generation Gap arose, and a Cultural Revolution ensued. Traditional values were rejected, and post-post-modern nihilism was accepted.
The Old Left, a holdover from the Great Depression, was supplanted by the New Left, radicalized by the Vietnam War. The transition was evident in 1972 with the Chicago riots, and the crushing defeat of George McGovern.
The Old Right also disintegrated with the resignation of Richard Nixon in 1974. Ford and Carter were bumblers, creating a vacuum of leadership. The Bureaucratic State responded, and became capable of running the country without a strong President or Congress. The citizenry became more disaffected, and yet more powerless to control the State. Runaway inflation threatened to crash the economy. The US lone superpower status dissipated with the loss of the Vietnam War to China and Russia and the subsequent collapse of our economic machinery.
Although Carter might be considered the first New Left President, he was weak and feckless. The growing New Left movement simmered in low echelon positions but began to infiltrate the bureaucracy. The USA lost it's position as leader of the global community and various other countries gained leverage. The Cultural Revolution became ingrained, and the traditional moral backbone of the nation atrophied.
In 1980 a backlash of sorts occurred. The New Right gained favor with voters who elected an outsider, a Hollywood actor, Ronald Reagan. Reagan was the first Trump. He lambasted the Bureaucratic State and was scorned by New Left. Despite the inflamed rhetoric on both sides, or perhaps because of it, the Bureaucratic State amassed even more power and grew via deficit spending, mortgaging the future of the country. The economy recovered, but was now more dependent on government than ever before. Reagan's promises were dashed.
Following the miserable failures of Bush I, the New Left got their first significant victory with the election of Clinton, a Baby Boomer and Cultural Revolutionary. Clinton's lack of moral integrity and embrace of New Left policies sped the decline. He appointed deviants and grafters, and the already over amped Bureaucratic State was taken over by New Leftists. Like pigs in the corn patch, they rooted and ripped. Congress, too, was swarmed by New Leftists. Although Clinton ended his Presidency in disgrace, the damage done was permanent. The Cultural Revolution engulfed the Bureaucratic State, and drove the country's moral underpinnings into full retreat. Universities, as well, became fully captured by the New Left.
The Digital Age also began during the Clinton years. This revived the US economy, but trade deficits drained much of America's wealth to foreign powers. A new global oligarchy arose, and US influence as a military and economic power declined. The concentration of wealth into the pockets of a few was matched by the growing impoverishment of large segments of both rural and urban populations. Manufacturing jobs went overseas.
Bush II, who was elected by the thinnest of margins, was a throwback Old Rightist (like his father) and a Bureaucratic State lackey. He embroiled the country in foreign wars, reprising Vietnam. The Bureaucratic State, by then captured by the New Left, grew in power. Bush II did nothing to circumvent or oppose them. He became a caretaker, a fiddler, and an appeaser. The economy was bolstered by deficit spending, but the foundations were crumbling. The US lost another war, and our superpower status diminished even further. As a final injury, Bush II drove the economy into the New Depression.
Then came Obama, our first Black Muslim President. A Communist and an Alinsky-ite, Obama appointed New Left radicals, true anti-American seditionists, to power positions at every level of government. The US teetered and all but collapsed. The decline was in full swing culturally, politically, economically, and militarily. China became the new superpower. Global oligarchs gained unprecedented wealth and power. Schools, jobs, and churches failed nationally. The Bureaucratic State became dictatorial and oppressive -- the Nanny State became a child abuser. Every institution, public and private, was overwhelmed by New Left insanity designed to weaken, degrade, and debase America.
Then Trump was elected, again by the thinnest of margins. Ostensibly a "populist", he was not New Right but a sort of reformed liberal. His one strength was a clear vision of the dangers of the Bureaucratic State. Despite his many efforts and small victories, the now infamous Deep State overthrew him in their third coup attempt, with the aid of the New Left Media and a corrupt Congress.
The New Left has now assumed totalitarian power, using a Made in China "pandemic" to usurp the last remaining human rights (which the country was originally founded to secure). The economy, propped up by runaway deficits, is gasping for air. Large (global) oligarch interests are succeeding while small and medium-sized business are failing. Unemployment has risen to Great Depression levels. The citizenry are mired in shock and anger.
The dissolution of the USA is nearly complete. We have now been transformed into a puppet state of the new superpower, China. Feeble Joe Biden, the illegitimate New Left President, senile and corrupt, is a mandarin. The Deep State is intoxicated with power and has forced the population into house arrest. Schools have become online propaganda centers, and education in the truest sense has been curtailed. A new generation of illiterate serfs is being trained for servitude. Religion, what's left of it, has gone underground, and moral depravity is the new ideal. Oppressions increase daily. Freedoms and rights, once the pride of the USA, are lost.
There is little hope for the USA today. We are going through the motions, enclaves here and there are hanging on to traditional self-rule, self-reliance, and moral life, but the writing is scrawled on the wall. Little can be done to right this ship -- we have gone full Titanic. The future is uncertain, but we will never recover what has been lost. America as founded is over.
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