Question: where are all the Experts shouting about why Canada needs to keep its lockdowns to save lives?
Only a dedicated television watcher or CBC/NPR listener, and therefore unfortunate victim of relentless and diabolically effective propaganda, still believes this is about controlling a disease. Unless that "disease" is called liberty. For crying out loud, even Ontario is giving up on the panic.
Yet I don't want to bury the lede, which is this: a solution to Trudeau tyranny. Truckers should announce "We have made our point. We are going home. And when we get there, we're not leaving."
Trucker strike. Hell, a general strike. Everybody walk off.
It would accomplish the same goal of hitting the oligarchs in their only soft spot, their wallets. It is not "illegal." Though neither are peaceful protests, but the "law" is whatever the Trudeau regime says it is.
A strike would nobble propaganda efforts to a great degree. A completely different thing for a propagandist to broadcast pictures of massed "potentially violent" (their word) protesters, and of cops dragging a trucker from his house and forcing him into his rig to drive for the regime.
I may be wrong about this, and hope I am, but I don't see how the Trudeau regime loses this fight. They have all the courts, all state propagandists, all infrastructure, all the police.
The regime has a monopoly on violence. Only the regime police are allowed to be violent. Only they can harm or kill. Protesters cannot use violence even to defend themselves. Any whispering hint of the mere possibility of violence from the protesters will used as justification for the regime to use violence to far greater degree.
Propagandists are aching to call these protests "deadly", like they did on January 6th. And, you'll have noticed, the only thing deadly about that was an incompetent bloodlusting regime cop shooting an unarmed woman.
A strike is superior because while the regime can still use violence to break it, it has to do so piecemeal. House by house, trucker by trucker. Word about each instance would leak out. We would know.
This protest puts the effeminate Trudeau on the spot (a pure instance of the bugman who cries out in pain as he beats you). If he ends the needless, nobody-cares-about-or-wants mandates, he loses. The mandates can't go on forever. So he must resign. And so must the regime cronies who announced the bank thefts, a.k.a. seizures. Not only would this regime lose face, but so would ours, and so would every "democracy."
This is why you don't hear diddly squat from our regime leaders, and why you don't hear anything from any "elected" leader who expresses "the will" of their people. If the trucker protest works in Canada, it can work anywhere. Which would put all rulers in the spot of having to relinquish power.
In a strike, negotiations can be somewhat secret. Mandates can be quietly dismantled, to some extent. This Trudeau can still warble into the microphone, make threats and try to sound like a man. He would still look weak. But a strike allows his party to move behind the scenes to kick him out (by forcing a vote, say).
Not that a strike would be perfect. It would sting. It might still fail, and likely would because energy would fade. It's hard to stick together far apart. If it dissolved because of lack of will, it would only embolden the regime.
Plus, Canada has declared martial law. Trudeau has, in effect, suspended Parliament and thus barred debate. They are stealing citizens' money. They have all the guns, and are the only side allowed to use them. Even in a strike, they have enormous powers. And would use them.
A true test of regime cruelty will be if they announce the money they stole from citizens will be donated to some LGBTQWERTY cause or vaccine "Science" fund or whatever. Something to rub salt into the wounds.

Again, I hope I'm wrong, but I don't see how this ends well. I don't see Trudeau falling---not in the near term. For that is the only possible victory for the truckers, and for us. The removal of a tyrant.
We'll see.
I suppose the good news in all this is that we on the Realist right have been warning you about this, and for quite some time. It's nice to see one's predictions come true, because it gives strong evidence the theories that led to the predictions are themselves true.
That's how we might win new converts to Reality: by showing how we were right, and the Fantasists wrong.
One thing we were right about is the nature of the regime that rules over us.
For instance, the differences between this protest and the Black Lunatic Marauder-slash-Auntyfag (the "g" is silent) mostly peaceful protests is that the truckers forgot to bring matches. Nothing was burned down. Or looted. Of course, tennis shoes are not a premium in the snowy cold winter in the north. And nobody was murdered by the truckers. You need the expertise of BLM to draw real blood.
The other difference is fundamental. The government and their propagandists supported the Black Larcenous Murderers-slash-Anarchist riots. Even "private" companies went along with them, classifying the looting as a kind of loss-leading Super Sale.
None of the bank accounts of the marauders was confiscated. Politicians rushed to the microphone to say "We must do better." It's hard to know how the looting could have went better. Maybe the government could have handed out free crowbars. Yet even without them, shelves were stripped as bare as a San Francisco Walgreens.
We were right about crypto, too.
Don't be too concerned. You can keep your bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies hidden. But only if you don't use them or keep them in any publicly available wallet. Especially don't try to convert them to fiat currencies (i.e. money), because that's when they'll nail you.
The best way is still cash. Which is, of course, why governments are moving to eliminate it. Only criminals rely on cash, you know. And a criminal is anybody who disagrees with the regime loudly enough to be heard.
The regimes are going to tighten their grip. The woke will grow. The gay will grow. Don't count on the law to save you. The American Bar Association is saying DIE should be required to pass the bar. Don't count on medicine. Medical school students are forcing professors to not teach them about sex. Don't count on science. Even STEM Academics have to swear to DIE loyalty oaths. Don't count on the police. Even if many individuals in the force are on the Realist side, the brass are not: everywhere they have sided with the regime. Don't count on the military. They are woke and gay and issuing special shirts to chest-feeding combat soldiers.
(The exception to the police are elected based Sheriffs. Work on this.)
We can only count on ourselves. On our brothers and our families. Grow local, entirely off-line connections. And never, not even once, speak about them on-line or on your "phone".
We need to continue to discuss "opsec", or operations security. Everywhere you go with your cellphone, the government goes with you. Every electronic communication is monitored. Even if they don't always have the actual content---but we all saw the recent revelations of the CIA spying on all of us, right?---they have the time, place, and all other details. Which means they know everything. This can be used to your example.
Every electronic transaction you make, both you and the government, and when they desire it, their propagandists, know about. All the donors in Canada were doxxed. Innocence will not get you off.
No, it's not that bad in most places over most things. Right now, as long as you go along with the regime, and don't offer loud criticism, you're fine.
Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.
Visit me at my place,
Excellent essay. That should have been the way forward for the truckers. Maybe it still could be.
White people have no rights in Western Civilization now, as should be abundantly clear to everyone. It's a tribute to the effectiveness of propaganda that some of the most ardent haters of whites are white students and white millennials.
BTW, did you see the video of Bill Gates (the gates of hell the old, non-lavender RCC used to ramble on and on about?) being disappointed that Omicron put a wrench in his plans? "SADLY the virus itself...Omicron is a type of vaccine...and it's done a better job of getting out to the world population than we have with vaccines."
Don't worry, in a different interview last week, he promised that another pandemic is coming.