Sick Siegel Says: Bend Over And Take The Experimental Vaccine, Or Be Kicked Out Of Society
Fear is the mindkiller, as it has been rightly said. Add to hersterical (there is no misspelling) minds gripped and wrecked by irrational fear the unquenchable desire to demand and mandate others share that fear and you have, well, you have Ethan Siegel. And many like him.
Sick Siegel writes for the left-wing political tract Scientific American. He says "Opting Out of Vaccines Should Opt You Out of American Society".
He doesn't say if this opting out means being forced into gulags or concentration camps, but, being a scientist, he's probably open to evidence and willing to chose the option that most efficiently removes the unclean from the earth.
Sick Siegel says "Although you have a right to your own body, your choice to willfully be sick ends where another's right to be healthy begins."
The rest of his reasoning is just as effeminacy-drenched as this.
How do we best tell Sick Siegel that people don't willfully choose to be sick by the coronadoom? That it comes upon most quickly, and vanishes just as quickly, that for most the disease is quite mild, even unnoticeable? We cannot tell him. He will not hear. Science has declared finality on this subject (and many other subjects) no new evidence. Dispute belongs only to deniers.
Some do willfully, or at least wantonly, choose to be sick or expose themselves to other illnesses and causes of death. Sick Siegel must condemn these people, too, and for the sake of consistency force them to opt out of society.
True, there will be loud screams of "homophobia" once Sick Siegel bans sodomy, which exposes those who partake in it to HIV and thus AIDS, for which there is no vaccine. Sodomy kills! People who insist on having it must opted out of American society. Bug chasers must be particularly condemned, and with that I am wholly with Siegel.
Sick Siegel says "There is no moral difference between a drunk driver and a willfully unvaccinated person". He errs.
It's not just drunk drivers, but all drivers, who might kill. Driving exposes you to death. You might kill or be killed. If you willfully choose to drive. There is no vaccine against driving, even for sober drivers. Almost 40,000 people every single year are killed by driving in the USA alone, a majority of whom are young and vigorous. The cause is not methylated, but high spirits.
Their lives could be saved if driving is "vaccinated" against in the form of banning it. Drivers who refused to not drive must be opted out of American society.
Flu is deadlier than coroandoom, historically. The doom is beating flu in the body bag count this year, yes, but don't count flu out. It and its tag-team partner pneumonia will battle back and kill, and kill again. More than the coronadoom could ever think of killing.
And it will kill a lot of human beings at the point soon after they made their lucky escape from some quack's vacuum. Which is to say, the newly born and young. The average age of doom deaths is 80, plus or minus.
Flu is worse than the doom. Sick Siegel will surely---this is no slippery slope argument or sarcastic exaggeration---require all get the flu vaccine, as well. He doesn't mention flu, because he is not now terrified of flu. But give him time. He will be.
Everybody must be made to pay Big Pharma whatever fee our most beneficent government determines is fair. Everybody must ignore the actual risk of the diseases Sick Siegel and his merry band of banners lists.
Everybody must suffer whatever side effects the vaccine has. Pfizer says "women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose" of their coronadoom vaccine.
Well women, who talk more than men, and we hear talking, especially with consonants, can spread the doom, so this pregnancy ploy won't work. The desire for a woman to have a child is nothing next to Sick Siegel's fear, which must be assuaged by any means necessary.
What are those means? Sick Siegel says "No public or private school, workplace or other institution should allow a non-exempt, unvaccinated person through their doors".
Death, in other words. For if you cannot work, buy or sell without the mark of vaccination, you cannot eat. If you cannot eat, you die.
The only curiosity is if Brave Siegel will round up the recalcitrant for permanent quarantine himself, or will he bravely let others do it for him?
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