SCOTUS CAVES: Only Alito & Thomas Held Fast
SCOTUS cucked. There is no other word for it. Their entire argument for rejecting the suit brought by Texas and joined by almost half the States was Nyah nyah nyah!
Think I'm joking? Here it the Order in its entirety:
The State of Texas's motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution. Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.
Statement of Justice Alito, with whom Justice Thomas joins: In my view, we do not have discretion to deny the filing of a bill of complaint in a case that falls within our original jurisdiction. See Arizona v. California, 589 U. S. ___ (Feb. 24, 2020) (Thomas, J., dissenting) [the dashes are sic]. I would therefore grant the motion to file the bill of complaint but would not grant other relief, and I express no view on any other issue.
No argument. Just "Nyah nyah nyah." With the cringe word cognizable. Plus, Article III? The one that says "Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort"? The one that applies to Biden selling the office of the Vice Presidency to the Chinese?
Nah, not that Article III.
Roberts aligned with Breyer, Gorsuch was lost after discovering the right for men to be women hidden in the interstices of the Constitution, Kavanaugh was still assembling his all-female staff, and you were warned about Barrett. The other non-entities voted exactly how they were either told or expected to. Only Alito and Thomas stayed strong.
Don't bother disagreeing. Everybody reading knows with moral certainty that if this was Pennsylvania suing Texas on behalf of Tony Bobulinksi---excuse me, Joe Biden---the vote would have been in favor of taking the case, probably unanimously.
"Conservative" justices like Gorsuch and Roberts are more than willing to make law when it aligns with the interests of our ruling elite. But they quail when they have chances to strike return blows.
The left ignores the law and does what it wants. When the right follows their example, the left screams "You must follow the law!" And the right cowers and mews and surrenders. The right uses the term, but never understood the war part of Culture War.
One of the rumors before yesterday's order was that so many states joined with Texas, so that when SCOTUS finally ruled against Texas, the right would be left with no weapons. The media would say "IT'S OVER." Well, they're still saying that. But now the court is doesn't have to deal with having all the evidence about the elections bruited from a non-ignorable source. How much better to pretend it never happened.
It will come as no surprise that the retreat from the Big Con began before the ENTER key popped back up after Roberts submitted his joke. Get ready for a host of "it's not that bad being losers" articles from the usual sources.
Finally, when I heard about the latest surrender, I instantly went to the SCOTUS site----only to find this a the top of the Recent Cases:
And so I end today's post.
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