Sadly, Coronadoom Is Not The 2020 Leading Cause Of Death
It came as a surprise to many that people in 2020 died of other diseases than the coroandoom. Can you believe it? Not only that, but more of them died from heart disease than coronadoom. And not only that, but more died from cancer than coronadoom, too.
Stick around for an hilarious joke about masks below.
Accidents was close, but it has to be admitted coronadoom was said to have caused more death than "unintentional injuries." The other category is intentional injuries, including the kind where a quack slips you a life-ending mickey. And charges you for it. But he gets away with it only because the insurance forms have "euthanasia" printed on them.
We get all these stats from a new JAMA paper---which even though it presents the exact same statistics using the exact same sources as this blog has been doing for over a year, is an official peer reviewed elite source, and therefore unassailable---by Farida B. Ahmad and Robert N. Anderson: The Leading Causes of Death in the US for 2020.
Put your peepers on this:
Cancer was about the same from last year. Beat the doom by a lot, like I said, but I won't go on about it, because most have an unshakable belief that there isn't a damned thing you can do about cancer. Which, likely, is partly true. Not wholly true. Read PD Mangan and others about seed oils and see if you change your mind. But that's a subject for another day.
Heart disease deaths went up by a lot in 2020. Probably more than we'd have expected because of population increase (you'll recall deaths have been going up year by year as we age and grow). It killed about twice as many people as they say the doom did. Twice as many.
Now "twice as many" is what we mathematicians call "times 2". Meaning it was "times 2" deadlier than the doom.
There was no panic about these deaths. There were no lockdowns. There was no social distancing. There was no minute-by-minute, second-by-second announcements of new "cases" of obesity, which could be had by monitoring fast food feederies or doughnut shops.
The coronadoom will fade into the background, like flu, peaking up here and there and killing for years to come. But on a much smaller level.
Heart disease, however, will keep on killing in vast numbers. Probably increasing as the boomers make their exit. If it isn't the leading cause, then cancer will be. You can never eliminate the leading cause of death, incidentally.
Anyway, why no panic over MIs? Even though heart disease is a much more efficient killer. And not just of the very old, like coronadoom, but of the middle-aged, too.
It's true many thought the doom was the only, or largest by far, cause of death, and that all others were too small to mention. That's just ignorance, of the kind the media excels at.
It's also true many thought the doom was going to kill everybody unless "something" was done. It was enough for most that lockdowns, the purposeful jamming together the sick and healthy to more efficiently spread disease, and mask mandates were issued. The government was doing "something", and "something" was all that was needed in people's minds.
They still thought everybody was going to die, until they got a vaccine, which wasn't really enough to protect them. Like with masks, your vaccination protected others, not yourself.
But forget all that. The simple reason people didn't get into a panic over a times 2 killer was the media and the government didn't ask them to panic over it.
People accept heart disease deaths because they're used to them. So they don't count. We never had glaring hourly headlines announcing the number of new heart attacks. If we did, then we'd surely panic.
Here's the big joke. You can't, as all data suggests, prevent an airborne respiratory disease from killing people. But you can prevent a lot of heart disease. How?
With masks!
Either you lock them over your nacho hole, or you put it over your eyes when you read the government's official nutrition advice, which was crafted by experts. The same kind of experts who suggested lockdowns.
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