QWERTY Propaganda Works: Almost 18% of Gen Z Have Fallen Into Sexual Fantasy
Gallup has its 2020 poll on what sexual fantasies people most identify "as"---our desires now make us what we believe.
The lesson to be learned from this is that QWERTY propaganda works. With increasing vigor and even ferocity the young are told to be their desire. That wish can remake Reality. And they believe.
The figure touted by most of the media is the dramatic change in those who have replaced Reality with Fantasy. Some 3.5% in 2012 to 5.6% last year identified "as" QWERTY people---those admitting it, anyway. The trend is up, and appears to be accelerating. I make it about 2030 or so when we hit 10%.
The real proof of propaganda's effectiveness is in this chart:
There is always a base of insanity running through any culture, which is easy to see in the so-called Traditionalists and Boomers, with rates being about the same. The inflection point came, as we all know, in the 1960s, the Sexual Revolution. Like all revolutions, this one was destructive.
The change to the very young, the Gen Z kids, from Boomer-Traddies, who say they are "bisexual" is 38 times. Which is to say, thirty-eight fold.
There is no such thing as "bisexual", or course, nor are any of the other Fantasy terms anything but behavioral descriptions. Bisexual, unlike the others, is more of a catchall, a vague indication that people are open to indulging themselves if the opportunity presents itself. It is an anemic, meaningless identity.
The real changes are in "Gay", unhappy people who enjoy sodomy, "Lesbians", ugly women or those unhappy with men, and "Transgender", the hottest assault against Reality, a term applied to people who hate themselves and are mad at the world.
Gays and Lesbians, as labels, represent people who accept a well-laid-out definite mind set. The culture tells them exactly what the Fantasy is, and what roles to play. Bisexual is perversity for the lazy. Trangender is those who have energy and are determined to do something. And not just that. It is perversity for those with the largest egos.
All this is relevant in the changes. Bisexual label use we saw was up 38 times in the young. Gay labels are up 7 times, Lesbians 4, and Transgender 6 times. Whatever "Other" is, and it is largely collegiate LARPing, is up 4 times.
Adopting a Fantasy label in the young (Gen Z) overall is 17.2%. Versus 1.2 in the Traddies.
Well, quod erat demonstrandum as far as proving propaganda works.
The only possible counter-argument is that people were "really" desiring to adopt these labels all along, only society prevented them from doing so. Now, barring certain impediments from white supremacists and other boogey men, they are free to pick whichever label they like.
This is absurd. Because no one is really these things; they are only labels people pick to match their desire and behavior.
Anyway, given the next step down in age, the Millennials, have a 9.5% Fantasy rate, the huge jump in Gen Z can only be caused by the relentless propaganda.
And what an astonishing jump it is! Almost double. I would tend to doubt the same doubling rate for whatever they call those born after 2002, but I wouldn't even bet against myself on this. I'd say at least a quarter of the kids, a number which will only head north.
I wonder what it was in Sodom and Gomarrah.
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