How We'll Know If The Vax Is Killing Kids -- Coronavirus Update CV
Here is a thread of young men, mostly athletes, who have recently dropped dead from heart attacks and the like (clots, etc.).
Many such cases. Many such threads.
But how many more are to come? How will we be able to tell how much harm the vax is doing? We can look to VAERS, or Open VAERS, and that's a help. But given the inconsistency in reporting, to include self-censorship by confident Expert doctors, we need something else.
One thing that can't be juiced, not easily, is total all-cause deaths by age. And also the deaths by heart disease. But we have to be careful with specific causes, because if, say, the vax killed a kid with a clot, the temptation to put the death down to coronadoom and not heart disease.
Here's what I mean, in two pictures I've been trying, I think without success, to explain.
That's the all-cause death for age groups under 24. A curious dip in 15-24 in January 2020, when it should have been high from flu and other deaths---recall deaths for all groups always peaks in January in the northern hemisphere.
But largely flat lines, except maybe a slight improvement in infants.
Got it? It means for almost two years people 24 and under are dying at expected, i.e. historical rates. Nothing to see here. All is usual.
Just as expected.
Got it?
Now look at this:
This is attributed covid deaths. Suddenly, and supposedly, we see the coronadoom is killing more and more and more 15-24 year olds.
If that is so---accept it---then why aren't these counts showing in the all-cause deaths?
If that is so---accept it---it means these young 'uns must be dying much less of other things so that the missing dead bodies due to other causes are made up for in coroandoom deaths.
What is happening?
All right, now look at the all causes by cause in time:
We see the five attribution peaks of covid in puke green (one very small in spring 2021). But in light green and teal we see heart disease and cancer. The drop off at the end of late counts. This is a big problem. It means we'll have to wait about two months to get solid information. Likely more, since the vax rollout for the young is only now gearing up to panic levels.
Now official attributed covid deaths are declining:
All right, so how can we use all this to tell how many the vax is killing?
We can't, directly, because nobody is interested in publishing deaths with vax status (golly). But we can look for increases in all cause deaths in the young, increases in heart disease in the presence of decreasing covid deaths. All those would require explanations of why it wasn't the vax.
The vax (some of them, I mean) is killing people, though exact numbers are hard to come by.
WSJ headline: Covid-19 Vaccines and Myocarditis Link Probed by Researchers: "One new theory under examination: improper injections of the vaccine directly into a vein, which sends the vaccine to heart muscle." "...most commonly in men under 30 years and adolescent males."
Yet there may be similarities between the spike protein and proteins found in the heart muscle, prompting the body’s immune defenses to mobilize against the heart, according to Biykem Bozkurt, a professor of medicine specializing in cardiology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.
Golly. Now where have we heard this before. Meanwhile the government's evil mandate that you must be vaxxed or be fired and starve to death continues.
This is the official European Parliament site, in which they say:
whereas the EMA states that around 5 000 people have died in the EU as a result of taking the COVID-19 vaccines:
4 198 due to the Pfizer vaccine[2],
1 053 due to the AstraZeneca vaccine,
392 due to the Moderna vaccine,
138 due to the Janssen vaccine;
This isn't normalized by number of jabs, and there is no age breakdown. And it was the end of September.
Anyway, these numbers are more than large enough to be concerned.
Wells is, I believe, the former head of some similar UK group.
Gist is ONS concluded unvaxxed much more likely to die than vaxxed by using a biased sample, choosing data from beginning of pandemic for unvaxxed and summer (always low deaths) for vaxxed.
That kind of time series trick, incidentally, is used all the time in global warming. In the old days you and I dissected many examples.
We saw that the USA's CDC did something similar last week, concluding vax immunity better than acquired, using hospitalizations, forgetting the acquired group wouldn't be in hospital. Sloppy or cheating?
Your rulers lied to you. Openly, brazenly, and repeatedly.
But the lies are in a direction you like. So you excuse them. You trust them because they lied.
You are a fool.
Why would you trust these people, who are willing to lie about biology?
Here's the headline, "Plans to reimpose quarantine and testing for those who have refused third vaccine are currently being drawn up by Ministers to protect UK against spread of new coronavirus variants".
That the persons previously known as Fully Vaxxed, now Unvaxxed, are responsible for spreading those variants is not mentioned.
Vaxxed people spread the bug more easily because they don't know they are infected as early as those unvaxxed. This allows mutations to develop more easily.
I haven't counted, but since this is update 100-something, we must have said at least half as many times that vaccines did not cure flu, a disease that transmits itself in a similar way to coronadoom, and thus there was never any reason to suppose that vaxxines would eliminate coronadoom.
Yet here we are. People already being fired for not taking a medicine governments dictate. Not just here in the United Soviet of America, but in many places.
They say you have the freedom not to take the dictated medicine, but you must suffer the consequences of not being allowed to go out or to work, thus no money, and thus no food or shelter.
So the Expert plan is to starve people into submission. Not so much into taking the dictated medicine, but in acknowledging the genius of Expert solutions.
Which, as all evidence, before and still, shows is no solution at all.
Experts, however, are unable to admit error. By this mark ye shall know them.
Be careful about who is an Expert! It is not just a person with credentials and training. It is that plus an allegiance to rulers. People like Neil Ferguson who, as far as we can tell, has never been right about anything, is an Expert. As I always say, you cannot be fired for being wrong in the right direction. People like Robert Malone, co-inventor of the mRNA gene therapy medicines governments are dictating, is not an Expert. Malone is always on the edge of being canceled.
Many, and as far as we can tell, even the majority of knowledgeable trained in the relevant fields (medicine, etc.), are not Experts.
So, since the vax isn't going to work, and will cause great harm, and Experts will never admit this, what will happen?
Many lawsuits are in progress (example) against the government dictate of forced medication. All expect this will end with a SCOTUS ruling.
It's amusing in discussions of this how this will play out revolve only around Roberts, Barrett, and Kavanaugh, and in some cases Gorsuch. Which of these will cuck? Which simp? Which will screw us?
It's amusing because of the names absent from this list. Two we already know will stand strong, and three we already know will agree with whatever the oligarchs demand.
You have to laugh.
Dictators behind Biden dictate you must take this state-sponsored drug. Or die of starvation.
Dictator > Courts (1)
Equation (1) is one of the simplest true math equations in politics.
No one is coming to save you.
Cult of the vax, too.
Listen to WHO and eschew useless masks:
If you're a lefty, you'll enjoy these comments from a lefty politician on the usefulness of masks.
We're hearing much about new pills from Merck and Pfizer with efficacies against death and serious illness in the high 90s.
Just like I openly predicted when the Pfizer vax stats were first released in December 2020, these numbers will certainly shrink once the pills get out into the wild and the pharmaceuticals no longer control the data.
Look for real-life numbers to fall quickly to 50%, then 40%, then lower.
Anybody want to bet against me?
As predicted, deaths creep back up in the north as people go back inside, and decrease in the south for vice versa. Get ready for this.
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