On Demonic Knowledge
Here is a thread worth discussing:
The main points the gentleman makes are these:
"All technology comes from demonic super-Intelligences, taught to humans to facilitate our destruction."
"This knowledge is relayed in many ways but the main one is through dreams. Trances are also common. In these states the mind opens up to the other side and information is passed along..."
"There is a long standing myth/legend that humans in search of great knowledge turn to wise entities for guidance or wisdom, or even wealth. The classic “deal with the devil” of western folklore."
"This goes back to the garden of Eden where the serpent promises Eve divine knowledge in exchange for her immortal soul. Of course Eve didn’t know her soul was on the table, only that she would 'be as god(s) knowing good and evil'."
"This is the demonic intent. To weaken us on civilizational level, to deracinated us and desensitize us to the utter darkness and depravity we subject ourselves to. I call this the Technological Cycle' everything comes in gradual waves, all you have to do is passively accept it.."
"Technology strips us of autonomy if we let it. This is what makes it so sinister. It preys on all our biological and evolutionary weaknesses, perfectly designed to drain us of all humanity, of all divinity until man becomes nothing more than a mindless slave."
"The technological cycle is a way to accomplish two of their desires. To corrupt our bodies until they no longer resemble the divine creation and to build for them what they cannot create themselves; digital and mechanical bodies that they can use to rule this world."
"And the people behind these advancements, the wireheads in Silicon Valley are notorious for their utilization of trance techniques to 'discover new ideas' namely microdosing. So where are these ideas really coming from?"
There is more to this, but these are the essence of the argument.
For a start, all truth begins in God. Our knowledge of the highest truths also comes from God, as do all truths ultimately. All the infinite universals we know by induction, the moral truths we grasp by intuition, the revelations given directly; all are from God.
How God chooses to reveal any truth is, of course, a matter of curiosity. Direct communication is one surefire way, but would seem to be rare, given what we know from scripture. Why not have an angel bear the good tidings of truth, or a whole string of angels playing telephone, starting from God's lips (that's a metaphor, son) along the angelic chain, to your ears.
Guardian angels, archangels and other Heavenly beings have been known to do this. Something like this would seem to be ideal and accounts for intuitions and so on, though I can't prove it.
If good angels can whisper into our intellects, why not bad ones? Indeed, there is good reason to suppose the imparting of forbidden knowledge, which is to say forbidden truths, does happen via demons.
Of course, all truths must begin with God, the source of all truth. And demons, like all angels, need permission from God before interacting with people. The Hollywood version of demons sneaking around without God's awareness is false. Therefore, if a demon is saying "Make the splice in the DNA here", this whisper must have got the God go ahead first.
Why does God allow "forbidden" knowledge to be known? Well, why does God allow free will? I answer, I have no idea. That is just the Way Things Are. We never have to know how to know that. Confusion in this leads to scientism and the love of models.
There is wisdom in the old saying be careful what you wish for. Scientists, Mary Shelley tried to warn us, ignore it, and view it as a limitation of their "freedom". Gain-of-lethality experiments came about as exercises in freedom. Chimeras do, too. Biological, chemical, and nuclear weapons, same thing. Abortions, gender "confirming" surgery, and so on and so forth.
Of course, we do gain benefits, such as electric can openers and self-paid government tracking devices, to go with the shakier elements. Would you turn down the wonder drug that would cure your child? Certainly not, even though the costs of such creations are hidden or obscured.
There must be a reason why---read the first three essays in David Stove's On Enlightenment here---it took so long for people to desire, let alone construct, all these "labor saving" devices we now cannot live without. This desire is not ancient, but recent. It was only in the last, say century or century-and-a-half, that the promise of the desire was met.
This reason must involve the metaphysics and religion in the minds of those with and without the desire. One side asks, "What is the purpose of life? Why are we here? What is good?" And the other side says, "Ignore them, let's pleasure ourselves and make our lives easy."
Well, there was the dark side to the old ways, too. The demonic lie that spiritual gains could be had if blood were spilled and other similar horrors. The difference, besides in the goal, spiritual versus material, is that what was believed were lies, and what we believe now about the material world is true (at least, we hope so). A demonic lie is not equivalent to a demonic truth.
Now just like with "equality", the way how the more equal things become the more painful and glaring the minute inequalities that remain are felt, the more inventions we create to ease our burdens, the more painful and glaring are the physical duties left to us (suffering ill health is in this). Thus the larger the desire to accelerate our race to...what, exactly. Scientific utopia?
I believe strong AI is impossible (I mean this word in its strong sense). We will not upload our "minds", which are not our selves, to computers. Many think it can be done, however, and in a sense this is a final goal, a utopia. To "live" forever as a computer game.
To others who do not maintain a belief in strong AI, the goal is similar, to live forever, perhaps aided by mechanical means. This has definite realizable possibilities, at least to extending life. Yet because our intellect and wills require the cooperation with God, the forever part is again impossible.
Still, the thread writer is right. As we increase our knowledge, we increase our sorrow, to coin a phrase. We become stronger, or at least more durable, physically, but we whither spiritually. We lose our souls in proportion to the gains we make in our physical bodies. At least, this seems to be so during accelerations of knowledge gains.
This, if you will allow me the sidetrack, explains the mania for lockdowns. "Punitive restrictions are good if we save just one life", said various governments, sometimes literally, and most citizens agreed. Life for the sake of nothing else but extending it slightly became the reason to do everything, and damn the spiritual damages.
As far as hallucinogens and forbidden knowledge, see inter alia Owen Cyclops.
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