Lying About Structural Racism In Medicine
We are used to our elites and rulers lying to us these days. Nobody, even partisans, expects what they hear from on high is the truth. Partisans don't mind the lies, thinking they'll come out ahead, somehow, when it's their side doing the lying.
And since the debased hold sway in almost every single institution, the lies from the left predominate.
One of the bigger lies from our rulers comes from the CDC. No, not about the coronadoom. About "racism". Rochelle Walensky, the agency's new political head, said (or had said in her name), "racism is a serious public health threat that directly affects the well-being of millions of Americans".
She didn't mean the wave of anti-white sentiment and actions coursing through the nation which are not-quite-official policy. No, sir. She meant---well, she meant nothing really. But she's a politician, and therefore knew that to get ahead, or even remain at one's post, one has to praise the Eternal Victim.
This is why she said "racism" is an "epidemic impacting public health". She said "racism" is the cause of "stark health disparities that have mounted over generations."
To which any Realist would say "No, it isn't."
Not if by "racism" she means blacks being given less because of their race. Which nowhere happens. Indeed, the opposite is true.
Proof? Look at this headline: Boston doctors call for racially discriminating against patients in order to promote social justice. This is a bit unfair. The "Boston" means Harvard. Puritan headquarters.
These quacks "slam what they call 'colorblind policies,' or the concept of equality for individuals of all races and ethnicities under the law", meaning they advocate quotas. And since quotas always, absolutely always, bring a lessening of standards, what they want is to treat whites badly, or not at all, so they can concentrate on Victims.
Who should also receive "reparations", a subject on which these quacks, because they have memorize bone names, gave them ample wisdom.
Not that having skills or knowledge is essential any more. What matters, as we have seen, is how much one can be seen to be caring.
Because of the way they use it, reparations is a dead word, our first one today. It used to mean the justice given to a deserving unfortunate. It now means, when used officially, the spoils doled out to official Victims.
This word joins a growing collection of other words, a list of which can be found in any press release or press conference by any elite or ruler.
In the old days before 2020, epidemic had a precise meaning that, even if used metaphorically, would allow its readers to have a fair grasp of what was being said. Epidemic used to define something large, and noticeable. It now doesn't even mean "more rather than fewer", as in "more blacks than whites suffer at the hands of the medical doctors", because the opposite is true when considering the health of individuals. Epidemic, as in "epidemic of racism", is a dead word.
Anyway, this Walensky is promising "health equity", equity being another dead word that means its opposite. It, as everyday experience proves, is defined as the Victim getting more than the Oppressor.
Victim and Oppressor are also dead, and now mean whatever groups the rulers look upon favorable and unfavorably, whether its members have suffered or caused suffering.
Joining Walensky in the racism lie is James L. Madara, MD a CEO and Executive Vice President of something or other, who cares what. He was forced to write for the American Medical Association, on "Speaking out against structural racism at JAMA and across health care".
What happened was that the editor of JAMA, Howard Bauchner, and another doc, Ed Livingston, forgot themselves for a moment during a podcast and told the truth. “No physician is racist, so how can there be structural racism in health care?” they wisely asked each other.
The NYT says the "the response to both was swift and angry, prompting the journal to take down the podcast". Bauchner was semi-fired, i.e. "placed on administrative leave".
Madara, writing about this, lied about folks being "outraged" and having other faux-rage-like emotions. He anxiously asserted that yes!, indeed!, now when the practice of medicine has never been more prominent and available, it is ackshually the worst time ever for Victims.
The NYT quotes another liar named Blackstock, who said Bauchner's and Livingston's true statement "caused an incalculable amount of pain and trauma to Black physicians and patients. And I think it’s going to take a long time for the journal to heal that pain.” We can at least believe Blackstock has trouble calculating. Everything else is a lie.
On and on it goes, everybody lying, everybody knowing everybody is lying, but all doing it just the same, in an effort to gain the most applause for best performance of grief.
When the end comes, no one will lament it.
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