Kyle Rittenhouse Verdict Open Discussion
This is a hastily compiled post, woefully deficient in coverage. However, on the idea that people might like to discuss it, we go with what we can.
Of all the hot takes, this is the hottest.
The ADL subtweeting the NAACP openly welcoming violence because blacks commit too much crime and therefore draw too much police attention, and the ADL saying only extremists celebrate this, is hilarious.
Bill de Blasio is for state's rights.
The South shall rise again!
I can just picture Biden leading a mob to lynch Rittenhouse. But dropping his torch and accidentally setting fire to one of his aides.
Why celebrate? Well, this, for one.
Any evil ruler yet say they will bring civil right's charges against Rittenhouse, the classic regime ploy to avoid double jeopardy?
As soon as I wrote that sentence, I say this:
What's your take?
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