Kids Don't Need To Be Vaccinated: Proof Using CDC'S Own Numbers
As of this writing, since January 2020, 542 kids have died in the US from Covid. Check this yourself, from the CDC's official numbers.
This from a population of about 73 million.
The rate is thus about 0.000007.
Yet our rulers want to vaccinate kids (and everybody else) with a known-to-be-inefficient vaccine, where being "fully" vaccinated used to be two shots, is now three, and will soon be, I predict below, like flu vaccine, annual.
At this point, a safety-first person will say, "You are heartless. Any number greater than zero is too many. Vaccinate!"
In the same period, i.e. since January 2020, 1,043 kids 0-17 died of pneumonia. Twice as many. There is no good vaccine for pneumonia. But it could be avoided by keeping kids socially distanced from each other---permanently.
If one death is "too many", then you must not allow kids to be within contact of any human being who has a disease that may be passed to them, from which they may acquire pneumonia.
They must also not be allowed in any car.
In one year, just about 3,091 kids 0-17 died in car crashes (435 from 0-4, 847 from 5-14, and 30% of 6,031 from 15-24).
Multiply these 3,000 deaths in cars by about 1.75, since the Covid deaths are over a 21 month period.
That makes about 5,250 kids dying in car crashes in the same period---10 times as many as Covid.
Further, these deaths are entirely preventable. Just don't let any kid inside a car. If one death is too many, you are a potential murderer if you drive a kid anywhere.
Also, since January 2020, 189 kids 0-17 were recorded as dying from flu, for which there is no mania for vaccination.
The vaccine itself will likely kill some kids.
According to VAERS, as of 8 October 2021, 122 people aged 0-24 have died after vaccination. Many deaths were reported for ages older than 24. A further 6,264 deaths were reported with age unknown. The table is here:
The CDC says 204,981 kids less than 12 have had at least one dose. 8,541,754 from 12-15 have had at least one dose. And 4,789,987 16-17 have had at least one dose. And 18,220,377 from 18-24 have had at least one dose. That's 31,757,099.
From which there were at least 122 deaths reported in VAERS.
That's a rate of 0.000004.
That rate is likely higher because, we assume, some of the 6,264 deaths with unreported age were between 0-24.
The death-vaccine rate for kids 0-17 we don't know for sure, because Open VAERS doesn't break out the data for that age group. However, it's likely in the same ballpark as these numbers. There is also uncertainty in the exact causes of death. But that is matched by the uncertainty in VAERS reporting, which at best is slipshod and unprogrammatic. Many events go unreported.
You can be sure, if vaccination is made mandatory, reporting deaths in kids from it will be at least discouraged, if not worse, given how addicted our rulers have become to the Noble Lie.
All this means that about the same number of kids will have deaths tied to the vaccine as die from Covid itself. This does not count other harmful side effects, of course.
If one death is too many, the Covid vaccine cannot be used on kids.
The CDC will now prove to you that most kids who get Covid suffer least. You can check this yourself. Indeed, though you don't see it reported, by far the most common "treatment" for the infected, young and old, is to send them home to wait for their own bodies to cure themselves.
Before we get to this proof, a reminder "cases" is an asinine, wrong metric, one guaranteed to generate fear. "Cases" are a function of testing: more tests means even the most minor infections are registered. "Cases" are also a function of test sensitivity: the greater this is, the more the most minor infections are registered. "Cases" are also a function of disease prevalence.
"Cases", lastly, are not cases, which are severely ill people requiring treatment, which the majority who get Covid do not need---and do not get. (This used to be standard medical reporting until 2020.)
Here, then, are the "case" rates (the drop off at the end in gray indicates late reporting, an artifact of data collection):
If you allow the false metric "cases" to guide your decisions, you might panic seeing the rise in "cases" in the young. But we don't know how many of these are marginal infections, how many asymptomatic, how many not worrisome, how many serious from this picture.
For that, we can look at attributed deaths:
So small you can scarcely see them on the chart. The "cases" have almost no relationship to deaths at all.
I repeat: "cases" are, and always have been, a false and misleading metric.
Deaths in those under 17 have never been large, have never surged, and will not. And that is without vaccination for most.
The last argument some use for mandatory vaccination in kids is that kids contract the disease and then spread it. Which is true. But it is also true adults contract the disease and spread it. Including, increasingly, among vaccinated adults. The vaccines used for Covid are like flu in this sense: they are at best only 50% efficient at preventing death. They cannot, as we see next, prevent infection. Vaccines for diseases like this are not a panacea.
Three errors are common. The first is monstrous, given our worship of Science. The official word is that vaccination prevents infection. How? By the vaccine projecting an electrified aura around your body that zaps approaching viruses?
Vaccines do not prevent infection. At best, they prevent serious illness or death after infection. If you never become infected, the vaccine has done nothing for you. How could it?
That our Experts, scientists and doctors allow this idiotic falsehood about preventing infection to spread shows how much you can trust them---and again, how addicted to the Noble Lie they are.
It would be best, since Covid will be with us forever, to vaccinate only the most at-risk kids, those who have severe disease (comorbidities) already, as was true in the few who died so far. The remaining kids would do better to acquire immunity through having the disease.
The second error, also purposely spread, is that acquired immunity is not as strong as vaccine-generated immunity. There is no possible way this is true. The mRNA vaccines only reproduce part of the viron, and so cannot provide the same level of protection as having had and recovered from the "full" virus.
That rulers still insist on vaccination even in the presence of acquired immunity proves this is an irrational moral panic.
The last error is related. It is the vaccine provides lifetime, or long-lasting protection. We saw already this is false. "Fully" used to mean two doses, and now means three. And soon will mean even more, given the observation the vaccine provides only limited benefits. This is even now being admitted.
There exists no justification based on any available evidence for mandatory vaccines for kids.
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