The US Office of Personal Management reported in 2017, the latest date I could find, that there were, summed across all territories, types, and geographic areas, 1,869,986 Federal civilian employees.
None of these people were elected.
These unelected employees had, and have, access to your data. Employees at the IRS, for instance, know how much money you made, from whom, when, and how much in taxes you paid—or didn’t pay.
The good people at the FBI, CIA, and especially NSA, were also not elected. These agencies spy on citizens routinely, and more vigorously after the poorly named Patriot Act. The wealth of data they have collected is inspiring.
Who’s Calling?
It’s not just the government. As I mentioned before, if you carry a cellphone, your carrier knows everywhere you’ve been, when you were there, for how long. They know who you called or messaged, where the person was that you called, and for how long. They have the contents of your messages. They know what apps you are using, and can access which sites you have visited, when, and so forth. To say that your carrier can paint a vivid portrait of you is a charming understatement.
No employee or official at your cellphone company was elected. Neither were any of the people at the various medical, insurance, or any other private establishments with which you have had data dealings.
Choosing Teams
Elon Musk heads DOGE, the Department of Government Efficiency. Musk, as we now hear almost daily, was not elected, nor were the vigorously effective people under him.
Crying Wolf
Naomi Wolf failed to understand this in a recent popular article in which she called Musk running DOGE a “digital coup”. She thinks Musk following Trump’s orders will make him “more powerful than any nation-state, more powerful than the WEF and the WHO, more powerful than any prime minister, and more powerful than any other CEO or leader of any other set of corporations.”
Dude. That’s a lot of power. …
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Why is Naomi Wolf not happy about this? I find myself cheering Elon on, while at the same time being leery. What is happening is probably the great reset, or all this is some kind of elite behind the scene secret war between the Tory types and Patriot types.
There is late-breaking news that if they achieve their target savings of $2T, they are considering giving every citizen $5K, the individual's share of the savings. Sounds good to me--if you feel strongly that your money should be used to support things like transgender opera in South America, by all means endorse your $5K check and send it along...