Ignore The Rules & Restrictions Like They Do: Coronavirus Update XLV
Ignore the bad rules just like they do. Birx was the latest one caught flaunting the rules she knew were useless, and even harmful. You flaunt them, too. If anybody asks, say this is why you're doing it.
They know, and you know. If we don't start disobeying in significant numbers, this will carry on throughout all 2021.
Have a Merry Christmas. Don't let them take it from you. Join the Christmas Day Uprising!
As Catholics and Americans, we have the canonical and constitutional right to freely worship.
But freedom comes with requirements...
We are calling on all Christians to fill our churches once again on Christmas Day.
We will worship the Savior of the World on His birth by disobeying civil and Church authorities who would contest our freedom to do so. Our simple protest mirrors the simplicity of our Savior.
If you are in Michigan, you can attend the Grech who stole Christmas rally in Lansing. (My dad says "Grech the wretch.)
Award winning acting, there.
Incidentally, how much of the $900 billion printed by the government to pay for their mistakes will end up more or less immediately in the hands of oligarchs? Maybe were thrown out of work, lost their business, their lives. But the $600 will make up for this.
Since it be spent, most of it right away, at Walmarts, Amazon, and the like, it's a great deal for our elites.
A friend sent this clip from No Agenda, from a WHO representative saying lockdowns only make people poor and should not be used.
[audio m4a="https://www.wmbriggs.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/overcast-clip.m4a"][/audio]
The book is STILL sold out! The Price of Panic.
E-book and audio book versions are still available. Last week I said "New books will be in stock in about a week." Wrong!
Website of similar name: price of panic. fpnaic
Sources: daily tests, CDC official toll number one, number two (the old weekly file, now suspect). Deaths by age. Covid & flu. WHO flu tracker. All current as of Monday night.
Here's the CDC weekly ALL CAUSE death counts, or the Perspective Plot. The late drop off is late counting, which takes up to eight weeks to get all, but most are in by three. We need to look at all cause deaths because we can't trust the COVID numbers.
The black line is all deaths, including COVID. The dashed is all deaths minus attributed COVID, and the red, for perspective, is COVID. (Again, the drop off is late counts.) The blue line, about the same order as the doom, is flu+pneumonia (it's the pneumonia that kills most flu patients).
Do you see the January peak every year? It is caused when we enter our voluntary lockdowns in winter, spreading bugs. This is also the "solution" governments hit upon to stop the spread of bugs. Lockdowns kill.
Be ready for this! It will peak again in winter, and subside again in spring. This year's totals will be higher than next year's, and there always be fluctuation, just like with flu.
The CDC (important!) stopped reporting separate flu and pneumonia deaths midway through 2020, but I estimate them after by subtracting deaths "involving" COVID from those "involving" (their word) pneumonia or flu or COVID. That's the dashed blue line.
We'll get to the suspicious disappearance of flu in the US, and globally, in a moment. First, here is another way to look at the same all cause death data, week of the year all cause deaths, along with a model (black line) of what deaths would look like without COVID.
CDC has their own "excess" death model with which I do not agree. I've explained that in other posts; briefly, the black line is my model, based only on extrapolating population increase. Ignore the last three points or so, which are due to late counts. We're at about 250,000 excess deaths for the year. Which is about the proportionally as we saw in the '57-'58 Asian flu.
Understand: these "excess" are not just COVID, but all the deaths caused by the "solution" to COVID, caused by the lockdowns, missed diagnoses, suicides, iatrogenic deaths, and on and on. Panic kills. Link: Follow 'the Science'! COVID Lockdowns KILL: Suicides exceed COVID deaths; Drug Overdoses Spike; Delayed surgeries; Delayed cancer/heart treatments = more DEATH
I believe my own "excess" death model is a bit off at the end, being too low. Regardless, it is clear we are not in any crisis.
I repeat: we are not in any crisis. Deaths are peaking in winter just as expect them to.
Flu has gone missing. Flu + pneumonia kill about 200,000 each and every year in the US. Not anymore. That is, we don't know any more, because nobody is bothering to check. Flu and pneumonia deaths have either vanished, or are being mistaken for COVID. The CDC classifies these deaths all in one group.
Here is the WHO's global flu tracker:
These, like the CDC does, are not deaths or illnesses, but counts of tests made. Testing has disappeared, because all tests are COVID tests now. And all deaths that "involve" COVID, flu, or pneumonia are though by our rulers to be COVID only. Panic destroys thought.
Here is the CDC official population mortality rates for the all causes other than COVID, and "involving" COVID (with and of).
Here are the same population fatality rates in tabular form:
Age COVID OtherCause
1 Under 1 year 0.0000079 0.00410
2 1–4 years 0.0000011 0.00018
3 5–14 years 0.0000011 0.00011
4 15–24 years 0.0000110 0.00069
5 25–34 years 0.0000430 0.00130
6 35–44 years 0.0001200 0.00200
7 45–54 years 0.0003300 0.00350
8 55–64 years 0.0007900 0.00770
9 65–74 years 0.0019000 0.01600
10 75–84 years 0.0047000 0.03700
11 85 years and over 0.0130000 0.11000
No matter what age, there is at least about a 10 times or larger chance of dying from something else then COVID. If you are young and healthy, there is no real risk.
About masks in depth, see this article and this one.
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