If You Can't Say It's Bad, Then Those Who Say It's Good Win
A choir in---where else?---San Francisco has released (but then pulled?) a song singing "we're coming for your children". Some lyrics (quoting from the source):
We'll convert your children -- happens bit by bit, quietly and subtly and you will barely notice it... We'll convert your children: we'll make them tolerant and fair.
We'll convert your children -- Yes we will! -- reaching one and all, there's really no escaping it, cause even grandma likes RuPaul. We'll convert your children: someone's gotta teach them not to hate!
We're coming for them, we're coming for your children! We're coming for them, we're coming for them, WE'RE COMING FOR YOUR CHILDREN!!!
Your children will care about fairness and justice for others! Your children will work to convert all their sisters and brothers! Then soon we're almost certain, your kids will start converting you! The gay agenda is coming home!
First, we must commend honesty wherever we find it, as we do here. People who enjoy sodomy are now admitting their preferred recruiting technique. They used to scream "Homophobe!" when reminded of how they go after children. Now they celebrate it. This is progress.
Second, the group's desires are, society says, fine. If we say, as most do say, that sodomy is acceptable, then there is nothing wrong with telling our children this. You can say to a kid, "You should, when you come of age, give sodomy a chance. You might like it. Even take Pride in it."
There is no more reason to forbid or criticize this than to forbid a married couple admitting to children they are expecting a baby. With all that that implies. Having a man who enjoys sodomy tell the kiddies how he got oral herpes is not only reasonable, but rational for the obvious reasons. Accepting the premise that sodomy is a good, that is.
The inability to say, aloud and in public, that sodomy is bad means that we must be ruled by those that say it is good.
This applies everywhere.
Seven years ago, I brought you the news that "Denmark already has a handful of animal brothels which, according to Ice News, a site specialized in Nordic reporting, charge between $85 and $170 depending on the animal of choice."
I said (and have often repeated), "It's little known, but bestiality is legal is several countries, mostly in Europe." And I asked, "What to call these folks? Zoophilia is the technical term for the desire, but 'zoophiliacs' is unwieldy. How about woofies? That has a pleasant, nonjudgemental, evocative tone."
Woofieism is, therefore, yet another sexual "orientation." Today, in mid 2021, I believe the majority would still aloud and in public say buggering goats is evil. But I allow I might be wrong about this, especially given this headline: "Disgusting perverts or just misunderstood? Meet the zoophiles who have sex with animals and want to be embraced by Pride".
Zoophiles believe it's acceptable to be intimate with an animal, and want the LGTBQ+ movement to add a Z to its name. RT spoke to one about their secret world, and with members of the 'furry' and 'therian' communities.
Perhaps furry is superior to woofie, as is "zoopride": I admit defeat. It leads to things like this:
This is only one of many, a set that is only increasing. Because, as should now be clear, the inability of our Experts and rulers to say that goatsects is wrong, immoral, and evil. They read things like the following, and their minds, saturated in Equality, succumb:
People think our relationships with animals are exclusively sexual, but just like heterosexuality and homosexuality, our relationships are multifaceted. Sex is a very small part of our interactions with animals, and in fact, there are many zoophiles who don’t have sex with animals at all. I think a defining part of our existence is a profound respect for non-human people, and a desire to make the world a better place for them.
This is why many zoophiles spend time engaged in animal rights activism and orient their lives around working with animals. We love them, and we want to enrich their lives.
It's the same with those who enjoy sodomy. It's not like they are at it at all hours of the day. Indeed, only minutes, a small and insignificant proportion of their lives. Why fixate on so trivial a pursuit?
Of course, the murderer could say it only took a second to pull the trigger, and, after all, this is the only person he killed, so why make a thing about it?
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