I was interviewed by the Manipulation Check channel on YouTube the other day on, more or less, the philosophy of models. And how models are being used and abused these days.
Here's their page description: "Daniel Smilek and Jeffrey Spence, two academics with PhDs in psychology, discuss how psychological principles can be applied to real life problems."
The video is below. Owing to Hagfish's razzing, this time I remembered to wear a tie. But I have to do a serious, serious, very most serious upgrade to my cheesy laptop cam. I look like a pasty undertaker who was just let out of the crypt for his monthly constitutional -- at night -- in the rain.
I turned out orange. Doubtless because of my support of the Orange Man Bad. Who knew it would be catchy?
The harangue ain't too bad, though. Stick around for at least the discussions of the precautionary principle and scientism.
If you won't follow my advice about watching the video, follow this guy's. And make your damn beds.

Eyes, front!
I'm putting the donations received from the other day to use on some sort of camera that can take what it sees when it peers at me, and turns it into something that doesn't.
Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.
Visit me at wmbriggs.com.
It's not the webcam, it's your lighting. Overhead lighting casts shadows, you want to light the front of your face so you'll look good.