The New England Journal of Medicine isn't exactly what its name indicates. It does tend to concentrate on publishing articles on various aspects of medicine. But it also engages in politics.
Which is not unusual, or even suspect. Any major class of people, such as physicians, have political interests, and it is expected they would discuss these among themselves in their major organs.
But like many of our leading institutions, including our National Academies of Science, to be discussed in a moment, the NEJM has been infiltrated by Experts. Some of these are woke and some not, but all are in league with other Experts.
Proof of this is had easily. The journal has an entire section devoted to "Climate Change". Which they lead off with these words: "Climate change is a major public health crisis."
The most interesting thing about those words are that they are false. They are not true. They are at variance with Reality. They are empty of verifiable observation. They are wrong.
If they were true, we would not be seeing the annual winter migration from Points North to Florida and Arizona. Because "climate change" means global warming. And that means slight increases in globally averaged temperatures.
Which by ridiculous statistical manipulation, and forgetting to multiply uncertainties, leads to the superstition that "climate change" produces only evil. Of every kind. And, of course, hurts Victims hardest. "Children from communities of color and low-income communities are disproportionately harmed," one headline from that page states. That crusty joke is the woke influence.
Woke spreads, outside colleges and other schools, largely by cowardice. Inside schools, propaganda and ideological enforcement are adequate explanations. But that doesn't account for how seemingly sober heads of major cultural institutions, who are long out of school, suddenly begin signalling woke. Cowardice does.
Experts fear not signaling woke, especially as they see other institutions signaling woke. They reason that if they do not signal woke, they rabble will assume they are not woke, and so come after them. But they also suspect the Experts at other institutes might be genuinely woke, and Experts fear being left out among their class more than any other thing.
Which accounts for this otherwise inexplicable joint statement by the Experts who rule our National Academy of Sciences and National Academy of Medicine: "Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade Could Worsen Reproductive Health in U.S., Exacerbate Health Inequities".
Incidentally, the Expert who rules the third academy, the National Academy of Engineering, is not a signer. Maybe because they couldn't figure a way to tie engineering to abortion, or maybe because engineers are still beholden to Reality.
Anyway, the statement says "The U.S. Supreme Court’s ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade will likely make it even more difficult for women* to access high-quality health care in this country".
This evinces the standard Orwellian language that calls "health care" the killing of the lives inside women. And if that were all the statement said, it would be yet another dull repetition of scientism---the false belief scientists have something important to say on the morality of killing the unborn.
No, it's that asterisk. Did you see it? Look again if not. It leads to the following at the bottom of the statement, in small print:
*The term 'women' is used for the purposes of this statement; however, the National Academies recognize and understand that the term 'pregnant women' or 'woman' may not reflect how some pregnant individuals or others seeking reproductive health care may identify.
There's The Science for you. Woke. How you "identify" trumps Reality.
Which proves, with no uncertainty, that the National Academies (excepting perhaps Engineering) are willing to lie about science. The natural question then becomes, What else are they lying about?
Or do these rulers really do this kind of nonsense? Which is worse, because those who tell lies for merely political reasons can always be bought off. Believers who speak in ideological terms can't be reasoned with.
It's good to end this with the same joke World Ends, Etc joke, which is also found from the National Academies. The statement says, "The risks are especially acute for women of color, women from low-income backgrounds, and women living in rural areas."
Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.
*The rerm 'rural' is used for purposes of this statement; however, the National Academies recognize and understand that the term 'rural' may not reflect how some areas may identify.
Good article!
I agree and would add:
Wokeism is driven by the cowardice inherent in the mass/group psychology of mobs, (see Freud and Hofer,) the malice of envy fueled by self-seeking and careerism (especially in pursuit of federal dollars and academic promotion,) politics (woke is pure political ideology, and, despite an abiding misperception, culture in the postmodern era is downstream of politics,) pernicious scapegoating of the unwoke or "other" ( a psychological device to thwart the individual's fear of death, which is a salient feature of wokeism,) the profit-seeking of entrenched greed (Wall Street,) and by appalling historical, religious, literary, moral, political and scientific ignorance, the latter even among scientists, one of whom I quote:
Victor J. Dzau
President, National Academy of Medicine
*The term ‘women’ is used for the purposes of this statement; however, the National Academies recognize and understand that the term ‘pregnant women’ or ‘woman’ may not reflect how some pregnant individuals or others seeking reproductive health care may identify.