The Revolution Is Upon Us -- Guest Post by Ianto Watt
There is little left to be said. Talk is no longer relevant. There are too many speakers, and no real thoughts. But here, let me give you this one. One that is an actual thought. But it is not from me, nor from now. No, like all true wisdom, it comes from the past. A past so dimmed by our own willing ignorance that we have missed it, because it’s 'not modern'. But truth is timeless.
It comes, of course, from a Saint from the East. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn, in the recently released (in English) fifth volume of his Red Wheel opus (Node III, Book 3, p.95).
A revolution can be defined as the moment when there is no punishment for the crime.
That is where we are now. The revolution is upon us. There is no more pretending. No more illusion. The illusion of a government of laws, holding ideals firmly against the clamoring crowd. No more empty talk of a civil society under the goddess of Democracy, a.k.a. the goddess of Reason. Why? Because those two goddesses, one and the same, are also the goddess of Revolution. Just ask Rousseau.
The goddess is now naked, save for her blindfold. She has gained our favor by our lust, as she has hiked her hem ever so slightly, but ever so higher. Again and again. And we, transfixed by the liberties she has granted (but blind to those she revokes), have failed to notice the blindfold she still mockingly wears. Why does she still wear it? Because if she took it off, it would shock us, as she gazes upon us with her one eye. For she is a Cyclops. In all the meanings of that cannibalistic word and race. She is alien to true humanity. Notice, in this video, all those who have willingly joined the one-eyed race. They are Legion. And they are us. See anybody you know?
The goddess we have all been worshiping has also dropped her faux scales and now rules by decree. Revolutionary decree. Her new standard, the bloody red sheet, has been raised. Gone are the concepts of evidence and equality before the law. Gone, in fact, is the law itself. It has been replaced, as Solzhenitsyn understood, by 'Order No. 1'.
We know this new rule today under the name of Executive Orders. All pretense is now gone. The voice of the people, once so sacred to the naive Forefathers who sold us this pottage, now means nothing. And it’s our fault, not theirs. Because we bought it, four score (and many more) years ago. Yes, we are about to reap the whirlwind. We bought the ticket. And now we shall ride.
There is still hope (for that virtue will last till end times). And it is not a baseless hope. I will get to that. But first, understand this: we are now hoping against something, and not for something. Because we are on defense now. Not offense. We have been reduced from action to reaction. Reaction against something. And that something has now been visibly unleashed. Something we haven’t seen before. At least, not up close. It’s been seen in foreign lands before, but not here. The question is, what manner of beast is this? Can it be tamed? Or must it be slain? And who would slay it? There was only one Kyle that showed up when it first appeared. And none since.
This Beast has many forms. It is a shape-shifter. And it has had many names in those far distant lands when it was first seen. But it has only one name today. Democracy. What’s the essence of this Beast? Let me answer that as directly as I can. Democracy is a drug. A drug that calls forth the avatar. And the avatar is a demon, dressed up as a lady. Once you have fallen for her apparent beauty and presumed virtue, she will seduce, and then reduce, all who embrace her. For she is a whore. As such, she will sleep with whoever who has the money (a.k.a. votes) regardless of how they are earned. Only a virtuous man can resist her. A man concerned with ‘things public’ first, and things personal last. A man of the Res Publica. I haven’t seen many (or any) lately.
Don’t get me wrong. Small ‘d’ democracy rests on majority rule. And yes, it can be a worthy tool, when used by virtuous men. A means, but not the ends. But when the tool is elevated to the pantheon, men become her tool. And she uses us. To her purpose, not ours. Wolfgang understands this. Quantity (that is, a democratic majority), speaks nothing about the need for quality (virtue). Democracy, capitalized or not, cannot deliver virtue by itself. And life without virtue is death. Everlasting death.
So, she seduced the man known as The Republic. And what we are seeing now is not some aberration, not some accidental mutation of an ancient ideal. No, today’s world is the natural result of her doctrine. Doctrine? Yes, doctrine. As in religion.
And the doctrine of this new, yet old, religion is Equality. And since you cannot lift everyone to the absolute heights, the only way to achieve Equality is to reduce all to the absolute depth. Curse me if you will, but history proves this.
Am I against America? Against representative government? Against the dignity of Man? Please, don’t make me barf. All straw men.
America the Republic is dead, its national soul taken long ago by The Empire (which despises nations). Representative government? Hahahah! Who’s counting the ballots, Komrade? A democratic majority, regardless of how it is obtained, does not guarantee rectitude. We’ve gone from Rex Lex to Lex Rex, and now we have passed beyond Lex Populi. Which only worked when men were virtuous. Which we are not. And so, we are now entering the age of Lex Magi. I’ve spoken recently of this emergence of Magick.
As for the dignity of Man, that was eliminated in 1973 by the very force (SCOTUS) that pledged to safeguard it. Now no man is safe in his life, let alone liberty or property. ‘You will own nothing, and you will be happy’, as our Overlords tell us. And you will take the jab, and like it too. Or else, Komrade. Try eating air. Tastes great, less filling, eh?
All as a result of the goddess Democracy, who bled our Republic dry. First our virtue, then our money, and finally our blood, with her Endless Wars. So look at yourself in the mirror. You’re naked, having been stripped of all three. It’s not just the Emperor (or goddess) who is naked. We’re all stripped bare. And we now feel the cold wind of Revolution.
And here is the heart of Revolution. There can only be one Party line. There will no longer be any debate allowed. Cats and dogs may fight in the political arenas of the past, and power may ebb and flow betwixt them. But not now. Now, Dogs are presumed to be right, and cats must not only be defeated, they must be exterminated.
Looking back to my previous thoughts on having entered the post-religious, post-scientific world, I now see us entering the post-political world. This brave new world is the world of Ideology. Singular ideology, to be exact. This ideology will define mankind’s near-term fate.
What is this new ideology that some power seeks to impose upon us? Simple, Citizen. It’s nothing short of godhood. And even our new Overlords will soon publicly agree that democracy can no longer be our guiding light. Our new light must be UNITY. And all who disagree therefore stand in the way of mankind’s next step. A small step for a man. A giant leap for mankind. The leap to godhood.
How will this next step be achieved? By submission, of course. Submission to the ideology. Regardless of yesterday’s edition of the ideology, today’s edition is the truth. And you’d better damn well believe it. For your own good, of course, Komrade. For your own sake, submit. Sharia science, sharia religion, sharia politics, all merge into our glorious sharia future, in the ever expanding and always evolving universe. Excelsior!
What is this path to godhood? Simply this: we must transition from mere humanity to mere divinity. Where mere men become mere gods. In other words, the path of Trans-humanism. The passage from one realm to another. I have to ask what the hell’s the difference? And yes, some may die on the way. But fear not. Our glorious leaders, in their white coated robes, will revive us all. At least, those who did not oppose our attempted ascent to the heights of Heaven.
Trans-humanism, by the way, isn’t a new idea, after all. Nikolai Fedorov, the Russian Cosmist, all of this in the late 1800’s. But he’s dead, which is to say, no longer woke. And while he sought to resurrect all men (before the end of time), our new masters have a much smaller passenger list of the elect. Make sure you’re on it! Trans-humanism is not a democratic ideal.
But let’s not totally dismiss democracy, at least the ‘small-d’ kind. The Greeks had a limited form of it, and those limitations were key to its occasional success in various city states in Greece. But the lack of long-term Greek virtue made it vulnerable to Rome, eventually. And Rome was a Republic, not a democracy. Yet it had democratic elements to it.
Apart from these two ancient examples, there is only one other place where democracy worked (and continues to work today). That place is the monastery, where the monks (all of them) elect their own ruler, the Abbot. And he rules for life, generally. That is one of the keys to community stability. Constant elections produce constant acrimony and little else. And America is the greatest proof of that claim.
Let’s be honest, as we approach Advent. America the nation has been beset by a rebellious spirit from her very beginnings. How could we not be, given our parental pedigree of Perfidious Albion? A brief look at the past shows us, as we approach the Puritan Pharisaical festival known as Thanksgiving, that we have had much to be thankful for. But it has been an unrequited love. We have failed to appreciate all we have been spiritually given, as we strove for more material blessings. Blessings from those that saved our forefathers at that first American celebration of brotherly love. The first (Indian) Summer of Love.
It is with great discomfort that most people hear that that first communal meal in this new land was actually an act of mercy on the part of the Indians. This meal of mercy was hosted by Squanto, the Catholic Indian previously enslaved (naturally) by Anglish colonists. Squanto returned this enslavement by catering this first Thanksgiving meal. Why would he do that? In order to save the starving socialist Roundheads. Idiots who couldn’t feed themselves. I’ve said this before in my book. It bears repeating, if only to counter the Anglish propaganda about the equality of the hosts and the guests at this first American soup kitchen. The Puritans were not pure. Period. But Squanto was still merciful.
Squanto? Squanto who? See, I knew that would be the reaction. Typical Anglish Alzheimer’s. We think we know our history, but it is the history written by the winners. It’s a good thing the Indians had no muskets. No one reads the volumes of the vanquished. And so, our ignorance continues to grow, as the myth of the event replaces the math of the meal. In other words, if you don’t know Squanto, you don’t know Squat about our beginnings. And everything that has come down the pike since then.
Let’s fast forward to today, in the midst of our revolutionary turmoil here in the Home of the Brave, Land of the Free. We keep singing ‘God Bless America’, when we should be singing ‘America, Bless God’. And we should be thanking the braves that first fed us, out of Christian charity. Which we never repaid.
Ask yourself then, how is it we have come to this? Well, that’s rather simple, Pilgrim. We got here because we willingly traveled the road that led here. But for most of our history, we have been in the export mode. We have spent centuries now exporting revolution. To almost every nation on the planet. (Where was Trotsky living in Red March, 1917? It wasn’t Petersburg.)
Now we are surprised that the circle has closed? Well, why wouldn’t it? After all, we’re the last market share that hasn’t been served by our own product. Hmmm? You know...Democracy! Remember 1917? No, not over there. Over here. When Woodrow Wilson decided to make the world safe for Democracy? Too bad no one read the label to see if Democracy was safe for the world. Now the chickens have come home to roost. And we’re surprised? Really?
Let’s put on our thinking cap. Let’s ask ourselves what we should really want in this life. I know what I want---more life! But not the Trans-human life promised us by our revolutionary Overlords. Not the life of lockstep allegiance to an endlessly changing Party line. Not a life dictated by medical maniacs. Not a life of continued struggle, against nature and nihilism.
No, I don’t want more human life, nor a Trans-human life. The cost is too high, the reward too little. No, I want a slice of the truly divine. And that’s not on the menu at the Revolutionary Breadline Buffet. The only place you can get this fully divine life is at the Catacomb Café. It’s poorly lit, of course, and the menu is sparse. Just bread and wine. Transformed. Into the fully Divine. That’s what I want.
What good is the Brotherhood of man without the Fatherhood of God? No, not some ghoulish tranny-godfather. I want a real Father! Without a true Father, we’re all just bastards. Anglish bastards, to be precise. Forget that. I want a real family. With no pretenders. Is that too much for a real American to hope for? Well, anyway, that’s my hope for me and mine. And my hope for you.
So, hey, Brother Squanto - thank you! And please pass the gravy!
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