How Will Experts End The Panic They Created? -- Coronavirus Update XC
I can't do a better job than this article---Why COVID-19 Is Here to Stay, and Why You Shouldn’t Worry About It by Philip Lemoine---on showing you why coronadoom is here to stay and is, as the title says, nothing to worry about. In the sense of being unusual.
So I beg you will read it. It may require some of you to do some skimming, but it is well worth it. It ends with these wise words:
"The hardest part of what lays ahead may be to convince people who have been traumatized by the pandemic that it’s over and that restrictions are no longer necessary."
Don't forget Experts not only created the bug, but the panic caused by the bug. Experts also assure us they have the solutions to the problem they created.
As we have said for a very long time (as above), the coronadoom will be with us forever. The "solutions" implemented by Experts are failing and will continue to fail. This means the "solutions" can't last forever. New Zealand---the whole country!---now locks down after even one positive test. Either the country destroys itself in its effeminate quest for Safety, or it comes to its senses.
Our question is: how does shift change happen in an Expertocracy? Moving past Expert failures rarely happens by admitting failure. Instead, new "solutions" or new distractions are presented, in the (well justified) hopes the old "solutions" are forgotten. Or they take recourse to telling direct lies. "The solutions worked," they will say, "If you look at them using this new metric penetrable only by Experts." This, sadly enough, works, too.
But you have to remember, Experts are selling their solution to the great middle, led in the press and lower bureaucracies by midwits, folks chosen and trained to take the word of Experts at the top. How many times have we seen those compilation videos of journalists all repeating the precise exact same duplicate words, with all of them giving the appearance of complete and utter sincerity? The media can sell anything to the great middle.
Yet which will it be, distraction, new solution, or new metric? Of course, it can be a combination of all three. Localized distraction seems least likely. We've had several attempts at it, and none have stuck. The mostly peaceful shopping sprees of last summer and Afghanistan come to mind. Neither were sufficient to kill the panic. Besides, these were local events, and the panic is global. But so is our Expertocracy.
Perhaps new "solutions" and metrics, then. For a while, and now still, the third shot "booster" was the New & Improved! solution. They hoped it would, or will, allow them to pivot to admitting coronadoom is endemic. I was, I admit, hoping the initial announcements of the vexxines would do this. We all know how that turned out. And will almost certainly turn out for boosters.
I'm not sure what other "solutions" can be tried. There are new, old-fashioned style vexxines in the pipeline. But now vexxine skepticism is so high it will be tough to push these as the sole, final "solution".
The Cult of the Mask goes on, but only true believers hold with it, especially for kids. Below in the numbers I say more about this. Experts still push it because of the fear of admitting failure. They still also love the authority it gives them, especially over parents and brutes who have the temerity to devalue Expert opinion. Lockdowns can be tried again, and again, and again. But seriously. Not forever.
In the old days of flu, we saw (somebody look this up for me) headlines at the rate of about once every four or five years of hospitals being overwhelmed, of raging surges and surging rages. They can't keep doing that, not now. They're still pushing the "cases" noble lie. The Dreaded Delta really is like a cold to most. But they can't stop the media beast they created from yelling "cases!" Allowing these headlines gives blood to the panic.
Incidentally, that Experts can't stop the media monster it created shows this is not a global conspiracy, but a cluster-you-know-what.
They can't really admit to palliatives, like ivermectin or vitamin D. That's having to say sorry. Whereas before they banned them in the noble lie to increase vexxination, they will now increasing quietly allow these to be used.
Quarantines for travelers to island nations can and do work, to some extent, for the obvious reasons. But they can't work everywhere, and they can't work forever, as they will kill the countries using them. These nations---Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan, to name three---will soon be desperate. To give only one picture that sums up their situation:
Australia, being the biggest of the three listed, has, for the obvious reason of being more porous, reported the largest number of "cases".
Zero Covid, a favorite of island nations, is perhaps the dumbest, most punishing and painfull of all Expert "solutions". Being the dumbest means it will be hardest to switch from.
Unless they come up some new "solution" none of us have thought of before, it has to be a new metric. Or some huge, worldwide distraction.
As to new metrics, these are easy enough to create. All models, and metrics are models, only say what they're told to say, and any Expert worth his weight in certifications and degrees can conjure new metrics all day long.
I have a difficult time imaging how, worldwide, any fancy new metric, especially given there are rival groups of Experts, will be it.
That leaves only global distraction. Which can't be a new plague. Too much is too much. That leaves only war. Or something unexpected, like giant rocks from space.
War would work with certainty, but it's not so easy to start one. And, even if it was, it takes some time to do so. At least months. Or maybe not. Maybe the Vietnamese get sick of Chinese maritime incursions and start a fight, which in the confusion allows some bold Chinese general to pick on Taiwan, which would rile Japan and our dress-wearing generals to, et cetera, et cetera.
The very last possibility, and perhaps the likeliest, is the slow fade. That's the combo approach mentioned above. Little "solutions", additional vexxines and prophylactics, tweaks in metrics, more regional distractions, deaths or oustings of certain leaders, all on cacophonous concert allow the coronadoom to detumesce into the background.
If so, that means that we'll be doing these wretched updates for at least another year.
Website of similar name: price of panic.
Sources: CDC State data (source), CDC official toll number one, number two (the old weekly file, now suspect). Causes of death (source). Deaths by age. Covid & flu. WHO flu tracker. All current as of Monday.
Daily tests (from here from Johns Hopkins) have spiked again. Now over 2 million a day. How depressing.
Select state data.
You can see the Dreaded Delta blip for Texas and Florida. It's there for the top three states, too. But smaller. Last week some readers suggested it was the heat-lockdowns that accounted for the virus spread down in the hot hot south. This is plausible, even likely. I have to check other states next week to verify.
All cause weekly deaths:
The green dots are still under where we'd expect them, suggesting something other than just the coronadoom is killing folks. Here's the weekly causes of death, which also suggest that. The cause beating the coronadoom is "unknown" or "unacknowledged".
"Symptoms, signs and abnormal clinical and laboratory findings, not elsewhere classified." I.e. "unknown." What could this "unknown" be? It's a mystery, all right.
Here's another shot of this mystery, separated by disease type.
Timing is interesting, no?
Weekly coronadoom deaths?
The DD blip is there, as last week. Last week I predicted "It will grow a bit, I'm guessing, the next two weeks." Well, it went down a tad (not the late drop off, but before). Nobody's perfect.
Deaths by age:
The DD, like all the other variants, is killing the old. Not kids. The TOTAL number of 0-17 year olds killed by the coronadoom, since January 2020----2020---is 361.
It hasn't budged hardly at all in MONTHS.
The evil schoolboards, who seek only to signal to other rulers and elites, ignore this. They know it but ignore it. Masks on kids are evil. Our rulers are evil. As is not moral. It is insane, they know it, and choose to ignore the facts. This is the definition of evil.
This tweet dies in a week.
How 'bout that flu? Still gone (I won't bother with the picture this week, but it's the same).
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