To read today’s article, it is helpful to recall that in the context of biology and medicine the prefix trans can always be translated by not a or just not. Try it below.
Keep this helpful tip in mind as we read the peer-reviewed paper “Should Uterus Transplantation for Transwomen and Transmen Be Subsidized?” by Timothy F. Murphy, who tells us he has a “PhD”, and Kelsey Mumford, in the AMA Journal of Ethics.
The title is biological nonsense. This is not to say it is empty of meaning; in woke madness discourse it doubtless carries rich meaning. But in Reality, the real world, it is absurd.
A uterus may, one supposes, be transferred from one female to another, the operation variously successful depending on a host of reasons, some obvious, some not. A uterus might even be cut out of one female and shoehorned to the insides of a man. This operation will not be successful, even if, by some chance, the organ can be kept from rotting away.
The reason some would consider putting a uterus into a man is because of several reasons. One is madness. Pure insanity. Some men pretend to be a woman for the sexual satisfaction it brings them. Others are deluded enough to believe they can be turned into a woman, if only given enough drugs and with sufficient surgery. That goal is impossible—not unlikely, impossible. It is not possible. It will never happen, not matter how “advanced” medical science becomes.
The sexual perversion is easy enough to understand, and from reports these men do not ordinarily seek internal surgeries, and are satisfied with fake breasts and certain cosmetic procedures. Of the kind that when they look in the mirror, and take their glasses off, and squint, and get liquored up, allows them the meager pleasures they seek.
Those men wanting to have a uterus cut out of a woman and superglued to their colon, or wherever, are in a different class. That level of madness has to be cultivated. It must have explicit cooperation from Experts.
Experts convince men that their madness is sanity. Experts have to prescribe the punishing regime of drugs which corrupts the bodies and (further) addles the minds of those who take it. Experts have to sharpen their knives, dig into the gut of a women, cut open the men, and suture the wounded organ into the men.
This is all most lucrative. For Experts.
Since it does not, and cannot, because it is impossible, bring the satisfaction the insane men desire, they often descend into blackness. Many kill themselves.
Which is bad news for Experts. Because they can no longer bill dead men for the lifetime of “treatment” they have chained the men to. Well, let us not feel too bad for them. Experts, I mean. They can always create new victims.
Now I want you to understand. Not all Experts are mere greedy evil cynical creatures who care only about fattening their bank accounts. Some are. Not all. Many are as deluded, divorced from Reality and insane as the men who seek to become women.
These deluded Experts are the real danger.
Which can be seen in the paper. They advocate taking your money, giving it to government, which would hire bureaucrats to pay Experts to conduct Impossible Surgeries on delusional men. Well, we have Impossible Meat, which is not meat, so why not Impossible Surgeries?
These Experts also misunderstand insurance—which is you making a bet you hope you don’t win—but since almost everybody does, we’ll let them slide here. This we won’t:
…private insurers are free to offer coverage largely (but not entirely) as they choose. Some may be expected to resist coverage should UTx become possible for transwomen and transmen, especially employers that use their closely held businesses to express religious views.
This is the Imposing Your Belief Fallacy. They do not like that certain religions remind them of the impossibility of their goals, so they seek to cancel them.
Look, friends: somebody’s belief must be imposed—what in the world do you think laws and regulations are? Impositions of beliefs. It’s us or them. And they are winning.
To prove how lost Experts can become, this their concluding sentence: “there seems to be no fully persuasive argument against gestating a child via [a uterus transplantation].”
Yes, there is. Reality. But Reality is no longer persuasive.
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Obviously, the delusional, especially the "experts", have lost touch with reality, or perhaps they never possessed any in the first place. These "doctors" should be arrested for fraud.
This is nothing more than a continuation of the the age-old evolutionary condition of Predator vs. Prey. There have always been these sexual predators who prey on the easily led, the very impressionable, and the vulnerable among us, the vast majority of whom are children. Children simply do not have the mental skills necessary to make some decisions for themselves. It is for this reason we have laws that try to protect them. It is why there are established age limits below which a child cannot consent to sex acts, cannot vote, cannot consume alcohol, etc. This is for their protection because they largely are simply incapable of protecting themselves.
It baffles the shit out of me that we are ignoring this when it comes to this "Trans" nonsense. Anyone who grooms a child into it, no matter how obliquely, from parents to teachers to medical providers to counselors are, in my view, guilty of one of the most egregious crimes our society recognizes. There is a reason why, even in a prison full of murderers, rapists, thieves, and gang-bangers, they look upon those who predate children to be the worst of the worst and totally beyond redemption.