I am pleased to announce my prediction came true. On Monday, I said “My prediction is that Unhappiness increases, regardless who wins whatever offices.”
Nailed it.
Maxine Waters won re-election. AOC won, too. So did that stroke guy in Pennsylvania who, at times, was even less aware of the world around him than Joe Biden (this is another prediction verified for Yours Truly, albeit an easy one, his competition being what it was).
But wait! Don’t order yet, because with this election of nitwits, dimwits, and strokewits, I’ll throw in one genuine bona fide nowit! Tony DeLuca.
Yes, nowit. It seems old Tony died back in October, but because he was part of “our democracy” he won with ease. The necrophiliac community is reportedly overjoyed.
Now if you can’t laugh at that, your sense of humor needs surgical alteration.
Incidentally, my favorite part of the Fetterman story is this tweet: “According to CBS News exit polls, women backed Democratic candidate John Fetterman by 15 points, slightly higher than the 11-point margin Biden won women by in the state in 2020.” Sympathy pays.
Gretchen Whitmare (a kind of nightmare) and that broad who runs New York both won re-election. Proving people generally enjoy their servitude.
Chuck Grassley won again, too. He’s 89, and so will shortly, Experts agree, join Tony DeLuca. We might also guess both men will vote the same way in the coming years.
In Montana they put good and evil to vote. Yes, really. They asked voters “Should be embrace a satanic evil, or should we be good?” And, at least the last I looked, the people chose Satan.
I do not jest. On the ballot was “Referendum 131”, which asked Yes or No, “Requires medical care to be provided to infants born alive, including after an attempted abortion.”
The people said No.
The old joke used to be Montana, where men are men, and the sheep are nervous. Add babies to the list. And stay away from doctors.
Oh, before we leave that topic, you did see the part where the babies are born alive, right?
Blake Masters, who I think was the only truly and openly anti-regime candidate, was getting stomped when last I checked.
Incumbents won handily most everywhere. People like what they’re used to, even when what they’re used to is pain, misery, inflation, dissension, and tumult.
Maybe this guy puts it best (click into it if you can’t see the second tweet in the thread):

Well, maybe you have different ideas. Or reason for good cheer. Let’s here ’em.
Buy my new book and learn to argue against the regime: Everything You Believe Is Wrong.
Fake. Completely fake. The tyranny will be genuine, however.
Good coverage.
It looks like there will be another war. Who knows what are they going to invent this time. Maybe they attack the Penguins in Antartica.