Debased Political Rag The Lancet Blames Poor Health On Trump & (You Guessed It) White Supremacy
The debased political magazine The Lancet has released a massive report blaming poor health on Trump and white supremacy. Occult white supremacists have taken the role of unseen counter-revolutionaries in the minds of the debased, and can, and will, be blamed for every ill.
Never forget: the left must needs have an enemy. Nothing that goes wrong can ever be their fault.
The report is "Public policy and health in the Trump era" by a large number of debased authors, headed by "co-chairs" (a love seat?) Steffie Woolhandler and David U Himmelstein. Since "Woolhandler" is a nifty name, I'll call the paper "Himmelstein".
Trump, all regime-leaders, rulers, media elite, and professional academics agree, was pure evil. And therefore capable of doing only bad things. Even Hitler, even Satan himself, was not in the same league. That everything that went wrong did so because of him, at least as base, we can take as read. This is, after all, what the science says.
It's more interesting to examine how ordinary people, if we can call white supremacists that, can be blamed for the regime's failures. For all failures are indeed theirs. The left holds power in every area, in every major organization and entity, and has for quite some time. If you think not, feel free to list all those groups in which the based hold sway. Recall conservative operationally defined means two-steps behind progressive.
On to the paper! It opens:
This report by the Lancet Commission on Public Policy and Health in the Trump Era assesses the repercussions of President Donald Trump’s health-related policies and examines the failures and social schisms that enabled his election. Trump exploited low and middle-income white people’s anger over their deteriorating life prospects to mobilise racial animus and xenophobia and enlist their support for policies that benefit high-income people and corporations and threaten health.
Trump is the embodiment of racism, naturally. But it's rich of the oligarchs (a pun!) to attempt the distraction move of saying only the wealthy benefited under the regime, temporarily somewhat guided by Trump. It is true the wealthy did better. And are doing even better now. That betterness will only continue to grow.
Censure of Trump’s virulent brand of racism is imperative but insufficient. US leaders must embrace emphatically anti-racist politics and programmes to dismantle the centuries-old structures that reproduce racial inequity in health and all other spheres.
NASA renamed its headquarters after a black woman who once worked there, a woman who had the amazing ability of being born black. Clearly, the NIH needs to start naming drugs after George Floyd.
Paper says, "The Commission applauds President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for rejoining WHO and the Paris Climate Agreement, and for other steps they have taken to rescind some of President Trump’s health-harming executive actions."
What does global warming grift have to do with health?
Anyway, they then go on and on about the coronadoom, forgetting it was government "solutions" that made it worse.
The also blamed this health-medicine thing on Trump: "Subverted democracy both nationally and internationally".
What does any of this have to do with the old-fashioned notions of science? Answer: not a damned thing.
This paper is only an excuse to signal to the people above the debased that the authors are on board with whatever the regime wants to do. Not only that, but they stand ready to provide an apologia for all crimes. A lucrative position to get.
Finally to white supremacy, which was caused by Trump, they say (again, all bad things were). They have an entire section of an erstwhile medical paper on the subject. Here's how it begins:
The scar of racial hatred that came from the wounds of genocide and slavery, and extended through the exploitation of immigrant labour, remains a cardinal feature of US society. Centuries of systemic racism have produced obvious racial inequities in premature death.
The intersecting epidemics of COVID-19 and police brutality in 2020 disproportionately killed people of colour...At current rates, 96 of every 100 000 Black male infants will eventually be killed by the police, a rate 2.5 times higher than that for white men...
White supremacist resistance to the emancipation of Black people after the Civil War also laid the foundation for the current racialised mass incarceration...
Medical science after the Civil War was also tainted by white supremacy...
The influential 1965 Moynihan report that blamed Black poverty on the alleged pathologies of Black families provided intellectual justification for the backlash....
This isn't subtle propaganda. It's one level above calls for pitchforks and hunting down enemies. Not a single word why cops are having to shoot blacks. Namely, that Moynihan, a progressive, was right.
It goes on and on and on and on some more---49 pages!---bringing in hoary old euphemisms like "reproductive health" (non-reproductive killing), air pollution "attributed" (models say) deaths, immigration (not letting everybody in who wants in is bad). No leftist trope is left untouched.
The kicker is this, which I'll close with. Except to say that all science at the top is now thoroughly a branch of debased politics.
Trump’s rejection of medical and climate science and his contempt for facts constituted a particularly pernicious aspect of his policies.
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